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The Media Wizard

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Posts posted by The Media Wizard

  1. Scicle sits within the confines of his home when he hears a pecking at his window. He looks up to see Monte without a note. He smiles slightly, hoping this means that Rilath was found and not a White Rose. He stands, opening the window to let Monte in before the cold of Holmes freezes him. Monte walks in slowly, taking in the heat and warmth of the Temple. Scicle sits quietly at his desk once more, awaiting for word from Rilath or Oren.

  2. Scicle sits atop the Salvus Palace, alone. He wears his hood down, his hair all gone and replaced by a single, long ponytail held together with a gold ring and thread. His sword lays by his side, stained with blood. His bow rests on his back with 1 bloody arrow in his quiver with 20 clean ones. He stares at the horizon and Cityscape of Solace.

    "What have I done?" He thinks. "I've taken everything and wasted it on false hope and salvation... Why do I do this...?"

    Scicle's hears perk as he hears a sound behind him, slowly approaching. He quickly grabs his Adriatic blade, turning to kill his approacher, only to find Monte the Falcon standing behind him with a note. Scicle puts his sword back down, slowly taking the note from Monte's beak. He looks at it, sighing as he notices it is a flier. It reads:

    "The Heretic known as Scicle is thought to be alive again, as his body and head have vanished. The Monks have also said they recently cured a Kha who had been decapitated by a sharp tool."

    Scicle crumples the paper angrily before tossing it off the roof. He looks to Monte who stares at him with understanding. Scicle slowly raises a paw to his neck, where hundreds of stiches slowly heal his outwards appearance, although never the inside. He quickly writes on a piece.of paper ands it to Monte, waving his hand to all of Asulon. Monte takes flight with a message to all, but mainly one;

    "Rilath, I am Scicle Cer'ut, and I seek your teachings. If you are not Rilath and read this, send the bird away with no response. If you know where to find him, direct the Falcon. *paw"

    Scicle watches Monte leave, retrieving his equipment from the roof.

    "I will not give up; not now, not ever."

    Scicle swiftly runs and vaults from the roof into the deep river below.

  3. The Beginning of the End

    "Sometimes, seeing the dark is good..."

    Scicle's eyes slowly open to be met with ths down brightness of a sunny Arethor morning. He looks around in his blurred vision to see people watching him as he walked.

    "My feet aren't moving..."

    He looks down to see his feet being dragged down the road. He looks to his right to see a White Rose member dragging him along. Then his eyes shut yet again.

    "Welcome, friend, I missed you. I do not wish to see outside of your Dark..."

    Scicle's eyes open again, but he is no longer moving. His head rests on a slab of wood. He looks around to recognize his surroundings.

    "I wonder who is getting executed today..."

    He looks around, trying to discover who it may be from the large crowd.

    "Kyral! Why is she here? Jess! No, not him..."

    Scicle looks up to see Lion bringing his sword up. Suddenly everything rushed back to Scicle.

    "Rilath. Shades. Rose. Druid. Death... Wither..."

    "Withur!" Scicle screams," I luv y -"

    "Welcome back, friend. I suspect I shall not be returning back. I can finally rest, rest, rest..."

    4 Weeks Later

    Scicle sits ontop of a chest in the Elysian Temple. He is no longer Adriat, nor is he certain of the Elysian's condition. He sits on the chest, dressed in his black robes with his hood up.

    "I've lost everything..."

    Scicle stands, packing only what he needs into his new knapsack. He goes to leave, but stops and walks back. He grabs a large, metal mask from his chest. He looks at it, then places it around his face. He walks out of the Temple, a single thought present:

    "Rilath, wherever you are, I will find you and prove worthy of your teachings..."

  4. *sees the note, immediately clutching The Erkely Philosophy; the only original copy left. He quickly writes a quick note on his gauntlet's note pad

    "Hello, I am Scicle, and I hold with me a very intellectual book by Kylar Lars, the philosopher. Before I offer this, could only a copy be made, as this book is very... dear to me."

    *his Falcon, Monte, sits on his shoulder, watching him write the note. Scicle rips it off the pad, offering it to Monte, who takes the note and flies away in the cold night air of Holmes...

  5. I had a weird idea, but alright, I guess:

    Since Salvus left Asulon quite poorly, we should create a large, narrow and compact city with factories of a sort, trying to help the economy. Large towers, pressed against eachother would call for some cool RP parkour and wars. This would also accidently create a large haven for bandits and criminals. Perhaps even physically seperate the rich from the poor with districts. Also, if possible (by us or the builders) a small Elysian Temple, like we own currently.

    Thank you for reading and (hopefully) considering my suggestion.

    - Zilldude, Elysian Adriat Scicle

  6. *smiles at Abdul

    "Sorry, I thought he led, as I never saw others helping, sir. Also, we are not simply servants of the Hightowers, but protectors when needed. For example, we help all who need help. Also, we tell nobody of our inner-workings, not even Godfrey himself. But, if need ever arises, I have an Elysian ready to assist."

    *smiles, walking off to the Elysian Temple

  7. (Yes, Scicle's been very busy organizing the Elysians.)

    *posts a note beneath the notice:

    "Lancel, if you see this, I'd like to offer my services to have my Okeas lead The Shield. Or better yet, the Elysians could guard until you are sure The Shield will be able to stand on its own." - Elysian Adriat Scicle

  8. I'm not sure if +1ing this will help, but here I go anyways;

    I truthfully believe that FireHeart can fully live of to the ways of the Kha and roleplay as one of us to the best of his ability. I also think that he would never use this as an excuse to anything. He does not Powergame, nor Meta at all. I hope he is accepted ten items over.

    ~ Zilldude, D'Scicle

    + 1

  9. Scicle wakes with a start, his heart pounding and his breath heavy. He looks around, not realizing where he is at first. He then realizes he is in his Den in the Kha's city. He sighs, sitting up. He looks around at his surroundings, treating them like parts of his life. He puts one paw on his cut leg and another on his wound directly over his heart. He then looks at the paws themselves, declawed nubs from his time in the Orc's torture chambers. He then holds his tail, his eyes red and angry.

    He thinks back to when he was a kitten in the city growing up. He remembers his Mother, his Father, their big house in the jungle, and his siblings. Then he remembers his Father leaving.


    "Yus, ssun?"

    "Whur ar yu guing? Itss stil nyt tym."

    "Im... guing wit sum frunds sumwhur. Itss uk."

    Scicle grips the bed as he remembers seeing his dad walk off with a group of armored Kha, never to be seen again. He remembers the ridicule he and his siblings were always subject to from the other Kha. His Mother had to sell their home and move to the city. He then remembers his Brothers and Sisters, all running away one at a time until it was only him and his mother left.

    Scicle stands, gathering supplies from his chests for the short trip. He grabs something deep in the chest and pulls it out slowly. The object finally emerges from the darkness of the chest, and Scicle's eyes burn with pain at the sight of his Mother's necklace. He drops the necklace, trying to forget the memory.

    "Scicle, Il be buck tumurruw, Il jusst be in Uren getting suplys."

    "Nu," Scicle mutters under his breath, "Yu wunt."

    He then remembered the way he had to leave his home and live on his own in the streets of the city. He scavenged food and water from the neighbors when they were absent or traveling. He lived like that for years upon years, it never ending.

    Scicle puts the supplies into his knapsack and hefts it over his shoulder and opens the door to outside. He steps out into the damp, moist air of the city and smiles a bit, knowing he will miss it when he is gone. He begins to climb the vines of the trees to the top of the caves as he thinks of his new life.

    He remembered Kylar Lars, the philosopher, teaching him how to read and right perfect Common. He remembered Kylar leaving to go rebuild his old assassin order. He remembered Arzota, Fae, Juno, Kyral, Ari, Aron, Wocket, Shieldings, Beth, Araya, Woe, and... and...

    Scicle looks up, noticing he is out of the city and next to the ocean. Malinor is in sight, and his thinks to himself, "Freedom is not simply given, it must be earned and proven to be held by those who want it." Scicle looks at the small, child-sized green hood in his hand and looks to the ocean and jumps in. Before he hits the water, he thinks, "This is for her..."

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