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Samson (Derick)

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Everything posted by Samson (Derick)

  1. Anyone livestreaming?

  2. I approve this mans live-stream.

  3. Oh no! What does notch have up his sleeve next?!?! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-17611838

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Samson (Derick)

      Samson (Derick)

      Still looks amazing. You'll even have your programmable on-Bord computer! It will be great for RP!

    3. 0000


      @Robin "Likely" have a monthly fee. Might not. Plus, if we get into the game when it's first released (they're doing the same thing that they did with Minecraft), we may get through without having to pay, Like Minecraft ;)

    4. Samson (Derick)

      Samson (Derick)

      Still, looks awesome.

  4. Le Sigh.

    1. 0000


      Le Comment

    2. Divinus


      I like logging aswell, got some screens, just thought I would let you know.

    3. Samson (Derick)

      Samson (Derick)

      You walked into the temple, and I went to check forums. You weren't even around when I logged. I even waited to log until I couldn't see you anymore. Apparently you hid where you could watch me and I couldn't see you. I thought you were gone because I couldn't see you. Anyways, I'm commenting from my phone, so I'll be on later.

  5. You comment rude on all my posts atticusmas...

  6. I did, asking shiftnative to reply.

  7. Time is relitive. MUHUHAHAHA!

    1. AlphaCentaurus
    2. Samson (Derick)

      Samson (Derick)

      Pshhhhhhh, Trollolololol.

  8. Five stars because you are awesome. =D

  9. Click my profile to see my new medieval .gif!

  10. Five stars to this man.

  11. I will never understand bronies. I'm sorry. Just won't.

  12. Sorry Guys. I realive I've been rude OOCly alot latly. So sorry. =/

  13. Five stars to dis man!

  14. Live in a pineabble under teh sea!

    1. Religious_Pie


      I love me a good Pineabble :3

  15. I'll probably just make another forum account.


  16. Is Vaq accualy going to make us re-roll everytime we die? or is thie april fools....

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