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Status Updates posted by Altariel_Alfakyn

  1. I also remember when the time someone could share an opinion without their status being deleted..Real good way to handle things, semi-reminiscent of certain socialist leaders eh?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Octavion


      Indeed. I submit to you, Altariel, you trolly bastard. You win.

    3. Altariel_Alfakyn


      I am master ruse-man, my ruse knows no bounds.

    4. DKC1011


      "Hahahahaha faggotry" DKC1011 2013

  2. Can't wait to start building up Ursakar, just need those last two signatures..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dukester


      Need some help with your town? I'm an experienced Architect.

    3. mrgeriki


      Is it possible for me to sign it as I already signed ceru?

    4. steelersfan1221


      Yes mrgerki it is, as long as you visit every so often.

  3. Time to start choppin down some trees!

  4. Traveling through the countryside of Asulon listening to the LoTR soundtracks.. epic.

    1. blindmind


      I love doing that

  5. So beat right now, but atleast I got all caught up on my school work! Now to get some sleep and sleep in tomorrow!

  6. Off to class, hopefully the server will be feeling better when I get back!

  7. Hey LoTC, YOLO #collegelife

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