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  1. I am freaking tired of being denied.... One dude tells me this is wrong and when I fix it he says he likes it but when another posts a denied.. when the other says it should have been accepted..

    1. LordPixel


      First: My metagaming I looked up what it was....

      Second: My bio was exactly how everyone wanted it

      3rd: Others says I did good but just this one guy says he doesn't like it

      4th: I always get a 2 hours chance to apply again...

      5th: I would like zedd or someone els with good taste to look at my app.

      6th: I will never get accepted if multiple people look at it and everyone has a different opinion

      7: I don't even know if it's worth applying anymore.


    2. Trouvo


      you've been told the same thing over and over and still have not heeded the advice given thus you continue to be denied, some just explain more about it, but they all say the same thing, and you have applied 7 times now, so dont worry, you cant apply anymore anyways

    3. LordPixel


      I expanded my freaking bio

      My metagaming thing was acurate because I modified it from what someone els said

      and other app team people say my app was good

      But Everyone has a different opinion

      and that's what makes it so freaking hard.

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