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Everything posted by LordPixel

  1. Ugh. School next week D:

    1. V0idsoldier


      I have entire next week off, I got chosen on the flex schedule, meaning no school that entire week XD

  2. Anyone want a nice drink of pois- Ah.. Orange juice.. yeah Orange juice.

    1. Old-Rattlesnake


      I do love orange juice...

  3. i have to wait 24 hours......

    1. everblue2er101


      If you read and act on the comments Lucas left on your last app you should be fine next time. I know it's frustrating, but the wait is worth it.

  4. I am freaking tired of being denied.... One dude tells me this is wrong and when I fix it he says he likes it but when another posts a denied.. when the other says it should have been accepted..

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wizard


      An attitude like that is not going to help. Yes, the standards may differ between app team member, but we share a common goal, to only let those in who understand roleplay and can add to the server.

    3. Wizard


      An attitude like that is not going to help. Yes, the standards may differ between app team member, but we share a common goal, to only let those in who understand roleplay and can add to the server.

    4. LordPixel


      Well if that's true then I'll never be accepted

      because one agrees with me and the other doesn't

  5. If you have time read my App please

    1. Wizard


      Please do not ask. We will get to the app.

    2. Wizard


      Please do not ask. We will get to the app.

    3. LordPixel
  6. Problem:Was my application really denied cus of my signature? I thought it would be cool and all cus I like LOTC, but how does that affect my chances of ever getting in?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Praetor


      Which would probably be considered as POwerG-ing, IMAO

    3. Lykos


      In my bio I dun slew a dragon :P guess it was just so well writeren that I was accepted. :P

    4. Twilight Druid

      Twilight Druid

      yes powergaming also applies to your bio, read this hopefully it will help you understand how to create a more believable character


  7. Forum mods/ App Team, if you have time please check my Application

    1. Blundermore


      asking them to do so won't make them go any faster, in fact it will most likely make them less willing to read it.

  8. *pulls out sausage* *pulls out roll* *pulls out ketchup and mustard* *uses magic powers to combine them all* Tada!!! A hotdog

    1. Brent



    2. LordPixel
  9. Hello, welcome to my profile

  10. Ok, you're right. I thought I could make up my own Bio and countries etc.

  11. If you have time, please check my app :3

    1. hypercrit


      I'll have a look at it, although I cannot accept or deny it.

    2. hypercrit


      Lirinya commented, and I totally agree. You need to learn the lore and the places that you can reside, fix up the responses and uncliche it all. Also, fix up the format. It's hard to sort through.

  12. LMFAO I Havn't been sleeping well

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