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  1. *upon being banned from lotc Anonymousam notices his soul coming back to him*

  2. Getting pmed by wandering trolls :(

  3. Could someone give me help? I need to know how to give people perms.

    1. Coconuta


      Do /region addmember (Region name) (player Mcname)

    2. Anonymousam
  4. Name: Erethorn (Anonymousam) Race and subrace: Human Are you a Skravian national: Yes If so, for how long: 1 Elven week. Are you, or have you ever been a member of any guilds: No If so, name them and state if you are still a member: - What other jobs do you have or you could do: I could be a lunberjack or Miner Why do you want to join the Skravian guard: I feel that I need to do my duty in Skravia. Per elven week, how much time will you spend in Skravia, able to work: 1-2 hours per day Can you follow orders and accept our rules: Yes What makes you loyal to Skravia: I feel that it is one of the few city's with people nice enough to be worth defending.
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