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Zayden (Znes6)

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Posts posted by Zayden (Znes6)

  1. *You see multiple notes pinned in the cloud temple and around the human kingdoms*

    I'm in search of a skilled blacksmith to smith a diamond blade of exceptional grace. If any would be willing to craft such a sword, I will pay reasonably, and have the required raw materials to make the blade.

    In addition, I'm in a dire need for iron, ore or ingots are both acceptable and I will pay hansomely if someone could provide me with these items.

    If you're interested in any of these deals, send me a bird ((PM on the Forums please)) and we can negoatiate a price.

  2. *strokes his beard for a minute before nodding his head*

    I can sell ye' the arrows for 125 mina, and I own a gold sword as well I can sell to you, though it is very slightly damaged. ((Like high green, barely at all)) If ye' would like that instead, it would be 225 mina.

  3. *You see a large note pinned to a column in the Cloud Temple, curious, you read on*

    I, Scott Falcon, am offering items to be bought by ye'. If yer' interested, pin a note below ((Comment)) saying what ye' would like and how much of it, from there we can work out a place to meet in birds ((Forum PMs)). There's no limit to how much ye' can buy, but supplies are limited! I'm willing to sell the following; ((1x means one peice, 1s means one stack or bundle))


    Gold Ingot-2x remaining

    Price for Individual Peice: 100 mina


    Charcoal-6s remaining

    Price for Individual Peice: 5 mina

    In Bulk (1 Bundle): 200 mina (Save 20 mina!)


    Red Dust((Redstone))-5s remaining

    Price for Individual Peice: 2 mina

    In Bulk (1 Bundle): 75 mina (Save 53 mina!)


    Iron Axe-2x remaining

    Price for Individual Peice: 125 mina


    Iron Sword-2x remaining

    Price for Individual Peice: 100 mina


    Arrow-1s & 13x remaining

    Price for Individual Peice: 2 mina

    In Bulk (1 Bundle): 125 mina (Save 3 mina!)


    Bow-3x remaining

    Price for Individual Peice: 35 mina


    Chainmail Chestplate-1x remaining

    Price for Individual Peice: 50 mina


    Chainmail Legging-4x remaining

    Price for Individual Peice: 40 mina


    Chainmail Boot-2x remaining

    Price for Individual Peice: 30 mina


    Bandage-44x remaining

    Price for Individual Peice: 10 mina


    Glass Bottle-29x remaining

    Price for Individual Peice:6 mina

    Half Bundle (32 peices): 175 mina (Save 17 mina!)


    Wheat-10s remaining

    In Bulk (1 Bundle): 75 mina


    Bread-3s remaining

    Price for Individual Peice: 2 mina

    In Bulk (1 Bundle): 100 mina (Save 28 mina!)


    Cookie-32x remaining

    Half Bundle (32 peices): 50 mina


    Wheat Seed-3s remaining

    Half Bundle (32 peices): 75 mina

    In Bulk (1 Bundle): 125 mina (Save 25 mina!)

    ~Animal Products~

    Leather-1s & 44x remaining

    Price for Individual Peice: 5 mina

    In Bulk (1 Bundle): 300 mina (Save 20 mina!)


    Ender Pearl-1x remaining

    Price for Individual Peice: 75 mina


    Feather-1s remaining

    Price for Individual Peice: 3 mina

    In Bulk (1 Bundle): 175 (Save 17 mina!)


    Items such as Magma Creams, Orange Rods,

    Eggs, Slime Balls, Bones, etc. are also

    for sale for dirt cheap prices.


    Lapis Lazuli Block-2x remaining

    Price for Individual Peice-125 mina


    Lightstone-12x remaining

    Price for Individual Peice-25 mina

    As mentioned previously, supplies are limited, and will be distributed on a "first come first serve" basis. If ye' are interested in buying something other than what is listed, add a note and I'll see if I have any.

    ~Signed,"Gladiant Scott Falcon"

  4. *Reads the note and the message pinned below it, adding his own note below*

    To add to yer' options, the Gladiants are always looking for men with combat experience. If ye' stop by the city of Solace we'll be happy to give you a uniform and grant you the honor of being King James's and Prince Lancel's soldiers. Any one of us will be willing to help, look for the uniformed men, ye' can't miss 'em.

    ~Signed quickly "Scott Falcon"

  5. *reads the note up a down intently, tapping his foot, thinking over the supplies he has back at Solace. Scott quickly writes a note underneath the first, the writing reads as such:

    "If yer' interested in buying more feathers, I've got one and a half bushels ((1 1/2 stacks)) of 'em. I'll sell them to ye' for a very low price, say 4 minas a peice? Contact me with a bird if yer' interested." ((Znes6))

    ~Signed "Scott Falcon"

  6. *You see posters scattered across the human kingdom. The writing is quick and business like, the black ink clearly seen on the white paper.

    I'm in search of diamonds or diamond armor, if ye' happen to be selling these items I'll pay a fair price for them. Send me a bird if you're interested in selling, please include a preffered date, time, price, and location. ((Send in a forum message please, for the time please say what time zone you're in.))

    *the poster is signed "Scott Falcon"

  7. I, Scott Falcon, swear upon my honor that I will uphold the peace and security of my royalty, James, Kyral and Lancel Hightower, and keep them safe. All indulgences of the world will not disrupt my task in protecting them to the best of my ability. So do I swear, Scott Falcon.

    ((OOC Section))

    MC Name - Znes6

    Do you have a VA? If so, give a link. - No Sir

    Skill Levels (Stats, do not show if it is 0) -

    Lumberjacking [40]

    Swordsmanship [63]

    Mining [45]

    Cooking [26]

    Farming [47]

    Excavation [10]

    Blacksmithing [35]

    (Answer as if you were placed into this situation.)

    - A man is walking down a street in fine silks and exotic velvet, running up to him you see two goblins and a orc about to corner him in a dark alley by the tavern. You hear a yelp and rush in to find him dead, the three running down the alley.

    *kneels down, putting 3 fingers against the side of the richly dressed man's neck, his eyes locked on the retreating figures. After determining the unfortunate man has indeed fallen into the void, Scott brandishes his sword, sprinting after the culprits.

    *while running, he yells at the top of his lungs, calling for help, trying to bring the attention of other guardsmen.

    IC Section

    What is your name? - Scott Falcon

    Why do you wish to join the Hightowers? - I would like to be graced with the honor of joining the guards of Solace for the following reasons; to make a name for myself and bring honor and glory to the city of Solace. To follow in my father's footsteps as a guard for innocents.

    What skills do you offer to aid Solace? - I've been training since I was a boy, traveling from city to city with my father to find proper teaching with the sword and multiple other skills. I now believe I have sufficient skills to defeat most foes who have evil intentions for innocent lives and Solace. I have a burning passion to protect those who cannot protect themselves, and will fight 'till death with a fiery determination in order to accomplish my goals.

    If anyone had convinced you to join, whom was it? - My father, Elendil Bannerman Lance Falcon has nurtured my passion and given me inspiration to join the Solace guards.

    Have you ever lived in Solace before this time? - Nay, though I've had frequent visits during my life.

    *a signature is scrawled at the bottom of the application

  8. *a falcon drops from midair, landing in front of Lance, and leaves a note from Sir Artorus Elendil. After reading the note Lance's face lights up with rage and resentment.

    "I shall answer the call! Let those orcs and all who stand in our way tremble in fear! Kidnapping an innocent lass, the damned cowards!

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