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Posts posted by GrizzlyWes

  1. EDITED 


    MC Name:yoitwesley
    Character Name: kendrick
    Character Age:184
    Appearance:Has a Mohawk and Brown eyes
    Bloodline and relation to other clan members (Feel free to contact me for guidance):Akvel
    Short Biography: kendrick grew up in a great home. His father taught him how to use weapons, and use them well. He become very skilled in the battleaxe, wielding it with precision and accuracy. When he was just yet still a youngster he left home. He used his time to train using his battleaxe. On this short route he made some great friends ans some enemies. After years fighting with legion he became a stronger dwarf. Finally, he decided to return home to his father and told his father what he as been doing.
    The role you expect to take in the clan:Kendrick is a good builder and can fight, so he can support the clan in war if needed.
    An image of the skin you intend to use:

  2. Name (MC and RP):MC: yoitwesley  Rp: Wes


    Desired Position (If any):Sariant Knight

    Preferred Weapon (If any):Axe

    Non-Combat Skills (If any):  I am good at mining.

    Previous Work (Past groups or jobs): My previous job was a Lumberjack for a friend of mine. 

    Your most valued trait from list below:

    • Honor
    • Loyalty
    • Strength
    • Intelligence
    • Chivalry
    • Justice

    Have you interacted with the Order before? Explain if yes: Not with Wes.

    Have you visited Hanseti before? Explain if yes: Yes, A friend of mine told me to but a house over there.

    Are you willing to take an oath?: Yes

    Moral boundaries (What you will not do):If the Hochmeister, or the OrdenMarschall give me an order it shall be done. I will also never back down to a fight unless ordered  by a superior.

    Do you have a VA?:NO

    Additional information:N/A

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