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Posts posted by dandan1350

  1. Strolls down the halls of what some would call a 'keep' meant to house the Lions, he quickly passes the notice, giving at first no heed to it. But quickly he retraces his steps, staring at the notice with wide-eyes, reading over the notice without hesitation, finishing off the read he lets a wicked-grin fall over his face. Turning down the hall way he begins to bellow out as his shouts echo.



    "I-It's finally happened... They finally declared it..." He stutters before letting out an almighty shout of:



    "The edict is signed... Salvus calls for aid!"



  2. *Several guardians of furnestock scatter about the Holy Oren empire as they proceed to place up small posters upon noticeboards within Salvus, Abresi and more notable towns*



    "Greetings, best wishes upon you all! Furnestock has currently come into a large overstock of wool and lumber, specifically spruce logs and a large supply of grey wool. While we did originally need these supplies, that is no longer the case and we are looking to sell our stock piles. Along with a few misc trading items, the list follows:



    ~ WOOL ~



    30 sacks full to the brim of grey wool, with more to come (30 stacks)


    1 and a half sacks of white wool


    Other colors of wool may be ordered and we'll make sure to meet it.


    Per piece of grey wool - 1.25 mina (Negotiable) 


    White - 1.5 mina


    Other colors - Undecided



    ~ LUMBER ~



    30 cart loads of spruce wood (30 stacks) With our lumberjacks still cutting away, more can be ordered.


    We continue to cut, shall any orders be placed we'll have them answered in no time.


    Per spruce log - 0.75 mina


    bulk buys, lower prices


    Oak wood carts may be ordered, and will have their orders met with quick haste


    Per Oak log - 0.5



    ~ STONE ~


    We offer several different varieties of stone slabs, such as:


    Chiseled down stone bricks (Stone bricks) - 0.5 mina


    Pure stone - 0.6 mina


    ~ MISC ~




    58 small satchels of glowing dust (58 glowstone dust)


    45 small satchels of redstone


    Per small satchel of glowing dust - 5 mina


    Per satchel of redstone - 5 mina


    Sacks of charcoal may also be ordered at the price of

    one charcoal clump - 1.25 mina 


    All prices can be negotiated depending on the buyer, should you wish to conduct business leave a note or send a bird to Furnestock."


    *The post appears to have been torn down, a new one now in its place*



    ((Post here, pms or feel free to ask IG: dandan1350))

  3. In Character
    What are your professions and talents?:
    Drikk is talented with an axe, but has a couple of other weapons he usses to his advantage.
    Drikk was once a master miner, Drikk has been part of many groups including, The White Rose, the S.A., Druids Grove, Norodrun, and other long gone guilds.
    Drikk owns several shops and homes.
    Previous military experience:
    White Rose military training, years of Frostbeard teachings towards combat.
    Do you agree to follow the Oath of Allegiance?:
    I do agree.
    Out of Character
    MC Name:
    Do you have skype? (Not Required):
    Do you have teamspeak? (Not Required):
    Do you have an accepted villain application? (Include a link to your VA):
    No, but is making one.



    "Promotions as follow:

    Drikk Frostbeard is to be promoted to Man-At-Arms.

    Derrick Hurst is to be promoted to Man-At-Arms.

    Evan Abidiel is discharged from the rangers." ~Daniel Baelish



    The sound of thundering hooves was swept away by the cries of the vast winds, a storm was hitting, how appropriate... Several horses thundered past the town, stopping as they reached the base of the cliff. One by one they slipped from their horses and began their treacherous climb.


    A hollowed wind sounds among the many valleys of the mountains, mixed within the drop of rain fall as the heavens cried. Darkness loomed over the town of Schattenburg, only a few torches down below in the small town clinging to their last embers. No sounds of sobbing or cries of despair met the grizzled man's elven ears, his face of a normal grudging look was filled with despair and sadness. Never had Dralex felt so alone before, the news of Godwein his friend through the ages, the one who guided him from his angered ways passing was news that Dralex could not truly comprehend. He slowly made his way across the valley as the winds battled against him, sending his soaking hair from the storm of rain down onto his face. No eye-patch rested there, no pipe within his mouth, no weapons drawn or within sight. He simply walked onwards towards the final resting place of Godwein. As he crossed the treacherous terrain within such weather. The flaps of his black trench coat flying behind him, several other silhouettes of darkly dressed men followed shortly behind. Each one maintaining the silence that fell from Dralex, they all walked onwards with their heads bowed in respect.


    Dralex slowly made his way across the valley’s, reaching his final place of rest. A small embankment rested between him and his old friend. A simple hill stood between the realisation that he had truly passed. He sighed a heavy sigh, bowing his head as he clenched his fists. The several other Blackcoats followed up behind him without a word, hood’s sitting other their heads, shadows hiding the sorrow of their faces. Dralex wore no hood, he cared not for what anyone thought, he’d simply come here to mourn and face the truth. And face the truth he would. He pushed off the dirt, breaking into a stride up the hill, memories flashed through his mind of Godwein’s friendly smile, the one he’d always dawn no matter the circumstance. He shaked his head, clearing his mind.


    “No, no... It can’t be true..”


    He mutters increasing his speed before finally reaching the mountain’s flat peak. There he saw it, there his mind was crushed, there his emotions flooded through his system. No sorrow, no pain, no anger was shown. But his mind was clouded with them. He slowed down, reaching the grave, he cared not for those who stood beside him. He simply stopped and stared down on it. Slowly the four Blackcoats followed up behind him, standing in a straight line, shoulder to shoulder. Their hands behind their backs as they bowed their head in respect.


    Dralex remained speechless for a while as the air continued to howl at him fiercly, sending his coat and hair streaming to the side. The rain joined the wind as it rained down upon him. A crack of thunder sounded behind him, he didn’t jump or freeze. He just continued to stare, before it finally happened. A single tear trailed from his eye, flying from his cheek as it was swept up with the rain. Before finally more tears followed, himself beginning to shake as he slowly fell to his knee’s, silently sobbing for Godwein’s loss. Never had death hit him so hard. Dralex stayed in his knelt position, more memories of Godwein flashing before his eyes as sadness overwhelmed his other emotions. Glimpses of Godwein’s ever so friendly smile hit him again, the smile that was never judging, so innocent, calm and clean... Godwein’s deep chuckle as he sat upon the beach, the two of them talking about who would pass first. Before finally his last goodbye, one that was so miniscule... So pointless.... “Goodbye, my friend...” The voice trailed off as he left his memories, bringing himself back into the real world.




    He cried, slamming a fist down onto the dirt before Godwein’s grave.


    “You don’t get to die!” He yelled again, his cries of pain swept away by the winds. “Not now you old bastard, you don’t get to die before me, you don’t deserve to die!”


    He cried for a final time. Ending his pointless ranting as more tears swept over him. He closed his eyes, slipping a hand into his coat and pulling out a single black petaled rose. He layed it down upon the grave, pulling himself up onto shaking knee’s.


    “I’m sorry...”


    Dralex whispered as he turned back to the edge of the hill, looking down upon the town.


    “I’m sorry I was never there, Godwein... No matter what you thought of me... You would always be my... ‘Close acquaintance...’.”


    He paused, looking up into the skies. Silently screaming within his head.

    “Why him!? Why not me, you fucker!?”


    He sighed a heavy sigh once more, before bowing his head. He’d stood for a while, staying silent as the wind swept at him, the rain following. He mourned... He would always... Mourn...


    “Forever may you rest Godwein, you will be missed.”


    “You have passed to a better place, a time for you to rest...”


    “And in the end I hope, although my chance be slim... I may greet you once again and see that innocent smile of yours...”


    “Forever will you be remembered, forever loved, forever lost...”


    “You were a true saint within these lands... But your time has passed...”


    “Goodbye, old friend, may we meet again...”


    ((Wai, Godwein... Wai...?))






    The Guardians of Furnestock










    The  Guardians of Furnestock was originally created for the sole purpose of protecting the large Duchy of Furnestock. It was created by the three lords of the vassal houses: House Baelish, House Stafyr and House Greymane, with assistance from their liege lords, House Silverblade and under the guidance of Gideon Silverblade the Guardians were created.


    They serve to protect those of House Silverblades, from common to the lords and Elders. They serve and protect the duchy as well as the outlaying counties within the Duchies land.





    The captain will work closest with the elders of the house and is chosen by his show of loyatly and skill in battle toward the elders. The captain is also one of the best fighters in the Houses soldiers and watches the Three master of arms train the soldiers and assigns soldiers to their proper groups. And helps plans the training schedules.


    Master of Arms:

    The Master of Arms, They each have mastered In thier art of weapon. There are three of these people each one that has mastered an art of war, Bow,Sword and Axe. They work with the Captain of the Militum a lot, and hold training sessions under their art of war so their men are properly trained.



    The Basic Soldier of the Militum. They swear their arms,mouth,and body to the House they serve. These men will mainly be used to patrol the dukedoms and counties that they serve and do all tasks and duties assigned by the Captain,Master of Arms, and any of the Silverbladeelders.



    A New fighter in the Militum, or as many called “Fresh meat” usually one who does not know how to fight very well and needs to be trained by the Master of arms in order to be considered a foot man. These men are equipped with leather and chain and get paid minimum wage.      




    An entirely different section of the Guardians, the rangers are lead by Great Ser Charles Greymane. His skill with the bow and basic knowledge of melding into the shadows leave him as an effective leader. The rangers are a different part of the order, used for shadow tactics, espionage and spying. Using their masterful skill of blending into terrain and into crowds to be hidden within plain sight. They are armed with a bow of their choice, preferably a shortbow and basic leather. They normally reside within the Greymarsh camps.




    Mc Name:

    Rp Name:


    Military/Non-combatant role:




    Previous military experience?:


    Any past criminal record:


    Please sign the oath of allegiance:


    I _______ swear by The Almighty Light, that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to HouseSilverblade, Her Heirs and Successors, and that I will, as in duty bound, honestly and faithfully defend my liege, Their Heirs and Successors, in Person, Crown and Dignity against all enemies, and will observe and obey all orders of His liege, His Heirs and Successors, and of the generals and officers set over me. So help me God.


    Duties & Rewards for Service.


    - Serve House Silverblade with Undying Loyalty.

    - Protect House Silverblade Members and Land

    - Uphold your oath

    - Stay Strong in your art of war.




    - Basic Armor and Arms when joining.

    - Personal Bunk with Private Chest and Locks if needed.

    - Land for continued Services.

    - Daily Rations of food.




    Captain- 250 Per Elven week

    Master of Arms- 150 per Elven week

    Footman- 100 Minas per Elven week

    Recruit-  50 Minas Per Elven week


    When Soldiers engage in combat all spoils of battle go to them. Unless it somthing the Duke or Elder of war require.




    - Thou must forever abide by all rules of the Militum

    - Thou must not break their oath of allegiance

    - Thou must follow the ruling and laws of the Holy Oren Empire

    - Thou must respect the authority of all family elders

    - Thou can only be ordered by others of higher rank in the Militum and His Majesty the Imperial Emperor, Godfrey I


    Name: Daniel Baelish
    Surname/House: Baelish
    Age: 32
    Gender: Male
    Race: Wood elf
    Citizen Ship Class (A or B): A
    Physical Description
    Weight: Unknown
    Eye Color: Dark green
    Hair Color: Brown
    Skin Color/Shade: Pale
    Outstanding Markings/Tattoos: Several intricate scars running along his face.
    Personal Information
    Home Address (Leave blank if unknown): Duchy of Furnestock
    Nation of Residence (Choose one: Renatus, Salvus, Hanseti, Seventis): Renatus
    Profession/Occupation: Knight
    Oath(s) of Loyalty
    For all classes of Citizenship (fill your name in the blanks):
    "I, Ser Daniel Baelish, hereby swear my loyalty the Emperor of the Holy Oren Empire entirely by my free will. I swear to read and obey the laws of the Empire and understand the punishments and penalties that will be incurred should I violate the law."
    ((OOC OATH)):
    "I,dandan1350, hereby acknowledge and give my consent to the OOC rule that should my character be found guilty of High Treason within the Empire, the Emperor personally (and only the Emperor) has the right to execute permanently my character. I accept this condition and make it entirely upon my free will."

  7. Ser Daniel Baelish sat there within the Baelish home, sighing quietly as his head turns towards the black armour, before returning his gaze to the table. His right hand ewas wrapped around a quill, he dipped the tip within the ink, smiling slightly as he began to write in a neat fashion, just how he was taught to when he was but a young boy. It was two hours before Daniel had finished, leaning back against his chair, he let out a softened sigh. Before slowly standing he wrapped his hands neatly around each invitation, folding each in half before placing them into a pile in which he'd then grasp the pile with his left hand and begin to quietly walk to the front door, slowly opening he turned his head to the right, nodding once towards the courier, "You know who to hand them too." He muttered, his voice deep but also soft.
    "And now we see who I've pissed off and Kinra's pissed off." He moves back to his study, shaking his head. 
    The courier nodded twice, before breaking into a sprint where he'd give each invitation to the people that have been requested -
    The first and second are sent straight to - His Grace, Grand Knight Uthor Silverblade Duke of Furnestock and Her Grace Elene Silverblade Duchess of Furnestock.
    The third and fourth are sent by a white dove to - The Right Honourable Shas'O Kais Ishikawa, Count of Yamamoto, Holmthwaite and Ridgeworth, Baron of Stone River, Lord High Sheriff of Oren, The Champion of Justice, Master of the Horse and the Last Rightful Lord of the Eastern Peoples and Countess Elleh.
    The fifth is sent by another bird, to the Stafyr lands - The Rt. Honourable, Lord Privy Seal Marquis Godwein Stafyr, Lord of the March of Schattenburg, Patriarch of House Stafyr.
    The sixth and seventh are handed by the courier - Knight Commander Jonathan Black and Knight Lt Lerin.
    The eigth, ninth and tenth are sent by a dove, a small line of some crimson-colored cloth is used to tie the invitation together - Imperial Princess Ryder Horen-Hightower, Imperial Princess Ari Horen-Higthower and Imperial Prince Damien Horen-Hightower.
    The eleventh, twelth, thirteenth and fourteenth invitations are again, handed personally by the courier - Count Adorellan Baelish, Ignii Ishikawa, Maximus Baelish and Katrina Brae.
    The fifteenth is sent by a dove, it also carries a spare for anyone he wishes to bring - Alexander Valois.
    The sixteenth is personally delivered by the courier himself, holding a seventeenth for one more she may choose to bring with her. -  Rose Valois
    Finally the last bird is sent out, a black Shrike familiar to only a few, carrying the parchment across the harshest of lands in hopes to seek its target - Isabella Elendil.
    ~ Noble Houses that are invited ~
    House Baelish.
    House Ishikawa.
    House Silverblade.
    House Horen-Hightower.
    House Stafyr.
    House Valois.
    The invitations read -
    "Dear (name/titles) you have been formally invited to attend the wedding between Ser Daniel Baelish and Kinra Stark. You may come along if you wish, though it would make me happy if thy could come - I hope to see you there and of course there will be a a feast after the wedding."
    The final to Isabella would read - 
    "Dear Isabella, it has been a while since we spoke, of which many events have occurred.  Our friendship drifted away after I abandoned you in Ildon, for that I am truly sorry. I've progressed in my life, reached knighthood, found a woman I loved and also found a purpose in life once again. None-the-less I send this message in hopes to invite you to my wedding, between me, Ser Daniel Baelish and Kinra Stark. I do hope you attend, it'd mean the world to me just to see you once again and make sure you're alright. I'm afraid this wont be the longest of letters, I never was a gifted writer." ~ Daniel Baelish
    ((I hope to hold the wedding on Saturday 11 pm GMT / 7 EST if I'm correct. I hope the tournament doesn't interfere with the wedding. Should it be cutting it a lil' too close,the wedding will be postponed.))
  8. ((Minecraft name: dandan1350))


    Name? "Daniel Baelish, bastard of Adorellan."


    Gender? "Male..."


    Age? "Twenty five...?"


    Position? "Heir to House Baelish"


    Relation? "Son of Adorellan."


    *Daniel nods as he writes his own information on the parchment, chucking the quill to the side he awaits the ink to dry*

  9. Daniels strides down the street, slipping a key from within his coat into the lock of his fathers door he walks in, ignorant of all blood, he let out a shout of frustration before slumping onto the wooden seat. He buried his face into his hands, shaking with mixed emotions of the news, Neatly folded in his coat pocket sat the letter, the letter that asked him to do so much, to do what no man of his age should have to worry about. But then it clicked in his mind, so many had worse to deal with it was only his personal emotions that made the task so hard.

    "Why? Why? WHY!?"

    He let out a hushed turn, before looking to the ceiling and letting out a cry of rage, visibly shaking he slid his hand into coat's pocket gripping the note and pulling it out. Daniel slowly opened the note as he read through it once again.

    "Dear Daniel. You may be wondering why you haven't seen me in a while.. The reason being is I've left, I tried to leave.. But I wasn't succsessful. YOU MUST -NOT- tell anyone that I'm still alive.. Apart from Godfrey. If I do return, then I'll be coming back to claim head of House Baelish. For now, ask Uthor to become your Knight, work well, and make me proud. When you fight, fight with blood, and steel, die with honor and never yield." ~Adorellan~

    Slowly, dots formed on the page as Daniels eye's swelled, tears falling from the as he read his fathers words. Eventually his tears became a sob as he gripped the note in his hands tighter, his eyes blurring from the tears. He didn't have the guts to do most of these things; Asking Uthor to be his knight, even thinking about approaching Godfrey. He shook his head in frustration as he soon believed to be all alone, without a friend or person to rely on his continued his sob. Alone. In the bloodied house of his father. All the memories of abandonment of his father, the tough and harsh fighting, being left alone in the wilds. He understood, his father prepared him for this, he was ready.

  10. Dralex stirs in his bed, for a few seconds heat overwhelms him as he throws the covers off before a sudden chill sweeps up his back he quickly grasps for the covers again, pulling them over him. Repeating this several times as the hallucinations of his father still continue to appear. The same words echo through his mind.

    "Failure. Disgrace. Worthless trash."

    As the words dig into his head, becoming louder and louder he begins to thrash about in the bed. Sweat now pouring from his brow as a face of pain appears on him. Dralex quickly coughs violently before he's slammed to the bed by the ever-watching Guardian, Emmanuel. Emmanuel then proceeds to wipe the sweat from his face with a cool cloth.

    Dralex thrashes against his holds, too weak to provide much resistance as he's pinned down. Saying nothing as he does this actions, his eyes seemingly closed as he experiences hallucinations and nightmares of his father, the words now engraving them self into his mind. They repeat, again and again.

    Emmanuel then sighs as he lifts his hands from holding Dralex and stands, saying not even a goodbye he stands his body into a stiff position of attention before giving a strong salute. Dropping the salute he walks out.

    Dralex lets out a sigh of relief as the fever takes its final effect, his arms weak and legs holding any strength he fiddles with his hidden blade, undoing it he lies it on the table, then taking off his belt and scabbard with it he throws that next to the table. His family heirlooms now gone from his side he feels a sense of relief as if a large weight is lifted. Patting the trench coat by his side one last time he slips his legs off the bed before hesitantly standing with weak legs, pushing to stay up. He slowly slips a pre-written letter from his pocket as he lays it next to his weapons.

    ((If you pick it up I'll tell you what it reads.))

    "One. Last look." He says to himself in a rough and low whisper.

    Dralex slowly hobbles outside as he moves to the castle wall, climbing onto the defences he looks over the land with a tired and weary look, nodding as he takes in the beautiful landscape of Ildon and its out lying lands.

    If any where to stumble upon him they would have only a mere few minutes to talk to his as his legs buckle beneath him, his body leans over the edge to the shallow and some what iced over river below.

    Looking behind him to Adorellan sat at his bed-side thoughts flash past of the good and bad times they had, their fights and moments where each other had saved one another. Dralex sighs, a feel of sorrow overwhelms him as a tear runs down his eye.

    "I'll miss you... Brother."

    He looks onto the vast landscape of the Elendil land again. Wiping the tear from his eye he smiles. A genuine sense of relief that he has not felt since the days before his brother's death.

    Edit: ((Smashing work Han, actually amazing seeing all that you do.))

  11. Emmanuel - The guardian knows no defeat.

    Emmanuel shakes his head in defiance, gripping Dralex's sides he hefts him up and over his shoulder determined to not see another one fall. He begins to think to himself.

    ["I'll need tea, water, blankets and rags. We'll beat the fever you damned man."]

    Emmanuel begins to walk in his heavy armour, each footstep seemingly unaffected by the 7,2" elf on his shoulder as his boot meets the cobblestone his cloud of darkness overwhelms him again. Walking to the barracks slowly. Once Emmanuel reached the barracks he headed upstairs, ignoring anyone who tried to stop him before slowly lowering him onto a bed. He then goes to fetch the supplies needed.


    Dralex - Failure at its finest.

    Dralex groans softly, turning in his bed as he awakes from his blackout. His back and thigh flaring with pain as sweat continues to drip down his brow, his body hot and sweaty almost sticks to the itchy guardsman's sheets.

    His vision continues to blur as he hears faint words slowly approach his ears, a small vision blocking out the rest of his eyesight. A vision of his father.

    "Ye' damn failure... Couldn't even catch your brothers killers." Dralex's father says in disgust before spitting, the image begins to fade as Dralex claws at him to return but to no avail. His vision blurs again as the fever takes hold yet again. He slowly falls asleep just as he seems the armoured giant approach him with his supplies.

  12. Emmanuel - A guardians true power.

    Emmanuel takes the bandages as he continues his silence, placing the bandages down beside him he begins to take off Dralex's trench coat, after taking off the coat he grips two creases of his shirt with his metal gauntlets, ripping it apart.

    Looking up he sees a single flickering torch struggling to stay alive, standing up he rips it from his holder before kneeling down to him again. Moving to torch to the first arrow wound he gives it a quick shake, the embers of the torch elegantly falling from the torch before landing down on the skin, a light singe heard. The skin quickly begins to sear together, cleansing the wound of any infections he moves to the second wound doing the same. After melting the second wound shut he lowers the torch.

    Moving his gauntlet to the third arrow he grips it and yanks it from his thigh, then gripping the one lodged in his hidden blade he yanks it from his arm. Blood spurting onto his tabard as it stains his gilded iron armour.

    Picking up the torch again he sears the thigh wound shut before, again. Dropping the torch shaking his helmet as a feel of sorrow clouds behind his helmet. Moving his left hand to Dralex's head, then his right to his neck feeling a weak pulse.

    "I fear he will not make it..."

  13. Dralex - The light.

    Dralex groans as he looks up to the towering figure. Mouthing out a simple two words. "Help me." Sweat pours from his brow, the pain now finally causing him to black out as his fever gets to work affecting his unstable life further.

    Emmanuel - A guardians true power.

    Emmanuel slowly lowers himself to his knee's, looking over Dralex he places a gauntlet on the first arrow. Ripping it from his back he moves to the next arrow, also ripping it from his back. He drops the two bloodied arrows before pressing his gauntlet on the wound.


  14. Dralex - Down and out.

    Stumbles into Ildon wearing his abnormal clothes. Dressed in shirt and trousers of a dark shade of crimson and grey. His scruffy hair slipping from beneath his hood and he continues to stumble into the middle of the town, sweat dripping from his face as he breaths heavily. A large leather trench coat wrapped around him of the same colour.

    As he makes his way to the castle he slumps to his knees, falling on the drawbridge saying a few words.

    "I think I'm going to need an ale..."

    He then falls to the wooden drawbridge, two arrow pass his trench coat, digging deep into his back near his spine, a third in the back of his thigh and a fourth of where normally his hidden blade would be. Dralex then begins to cough violently as a snap is heard, another arrow shaft snapping. As he continues his coughing a drip of blood flows from his lip. He falls silent again saying nothing, his breathing shallow as though not breathing at all, his eyes begins to close as his vision blurs. His body pushing him far enough from the wilds finally giving up as his pain threshold is pushed to far.


    Emmanuel - The curious guardian

    Emmanuel looks behind him only to see the strange man slump to the floor, an eyebrow raised but unseen beneath his helmet he slowly turns to face Dralex. Saying no words to the others he walks to him, his tall shadow lingering over the injured man, taking no action he stares blankly to him.

  15. Looks to Torrhen's hand. Still maintaining his salute and stiff posture, seemingly waiting for an order. To go to ease maybe? His mainting pose makes him seem just to be a hollow suit of armour, his tabard streaming behind him as the northern winds catch him.

    He then decides that no order will be given, dropping his salute he says only four short words in a rough and harsh tone. His voice almost a metallic echo the whispers from beneath his visor.

    "Honour, to meet you."

  16. Emmanuel hears the distant shouting thinking nothing of it until the drumming of paws press against the drawbridge, Emmanuel looks down to see Sathera dart past him. Close behind follows a stumbling guard his light armour clanking. Within his helmet he hears the distant echos of the guards shout almost as if they were next to him, in an instant he darts his arm out to the left. Hopefully causing the guard to slam into his plated armour, the unsuspecting stop sending the guard to the floor within an instant unless diverted. His height equalling for his arm to slam into the guards neck, leaving him unable to breath for a short period.

    Still holding his salute with his right hand, his stance as still and stern as ever.

  17. Emmanuel makes a few quick gestures, first to the castle, second to the sign declaring Winterhall and third to Torrhen standing with his guards. ((If he's still here. >.<)) Trying to ask what this place is without a word being spoke. His familiar dark sense lost to Graveth as if happiness is restored by being with a family member.

  18. A Stafyr rises - The introduction of Emmanuel Stafyr

    Emmanuel slowly enters his boots resting on the cobblestone streets with each step, clanking is heard, his golden armour rattling against each other as his tabard flows from his front, splitting down the middle as it reaches around his legs. Behind his back sits a large metal shield, holding no painting but only the sigil of the Stafyr, proudly and boldly stamped onto the shield. Next to that laid a longsword of basic design, the light steel sitting easily on his broad shoulders.

    On his front rests again the sigil of the Stafyr, not a word escaping his lips hidden behind his golden helmet, strange and complex insignia's painted along it as his gilded wings to the side of his helmet stick out slightly. His broad shoulders and large height of 6,9" could even cause a sense of fear if looked upon too long. His cold gaze examines the courtyard and any who may dwell in it, his shadowed face emotionless behind his visor.

    He stops abruptly seeing no one of importance, his armour falling silent as he stands in the middle of the courtyard, looking for any who he has seen talking to Godwein his past few days


    Behind him follows his warhorse with obvious companionship, he looks to the horse then back to view the courtyard. All the while saying not a single word. A secret hope crosses his mind.

    ["The young one better be following me... How else will I be introduced if confronted."]

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