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Peter Chivay

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Posts posted by Peter Chivay

  1. Knight Commander Peter Chivay walks up to the board, he states; "Hoh!" reaching out for his page to give him a piece of parchment and an ink quill.

    After receiving said items, Peter begins writing the note, using the board as a flat surface to convey his writing.

    "Dear Dark Elf,

    I'll pay you a large sum of thirty mina to warm my gallows.

    -Signed, Petorus Chivus"

    Once finished with the note, Peter promptly sticks the note to the bottom, wiping off his gauntlets with three loud clanks. "Ye' think 'll get deh' message? Bah, course 'e will." Peter turns about face, lifting his gauntlet to the two soldiers following him. "Les' move." Marching off with his fellow Roses. Snickering at the false name placed down.

  2. [[ Roster updated once more folks, hope I got everyone this time.

    Some things to look forward to are:

    • A medal post, detailing Order decoration and future medals that will be handed out for service, etc.
    • Addition and expansion on current ranking system.
    • Possible creation of 'squad' system, based on time zones and friendships.

    Happy hunting all.

  3. Peter Chivay leans further back in his chair as two concubines cuddle in his arms, sipping from a large ale mug in one hand, he hears news of the Rose's actions without his presence.

    "Baha! I am proud of the lads! When I'm back, eh' can't wait teh' see'um!"

    After his loud upstart, Peter begins laughing along with his escorts. Awaiting the faithful day he may return.

  4. These notices are pinned throughout the Empire, as well as the entrance of the Human Kingdoms near the Cloud Temple. Upon reading one, you see...

    =The Proclamations of Krak du Rhoswen=


    -Commoner Proclamation-

    As of this day and onward, Krak du Rhoswen is now declared a military encampment and fort. No entry shall be permitted within the grounds and those within the grounds unwelcome, will face imprisonment and most likely execution if they do not heed this warning. All commoners seen on the grounds are subject to receive a hearty bounty of bolts within their chest cavity, and if not killed by such, face further punishment. If and only if a commoner must enter the military grounds, he must be escorted by a Rose soldier at all times, as well as make it extremely known that he is welcome within the keep. Any notion that he is not welcome will be met with force. Commoners include, but are not limited to, those of non-noble rank, Bannermen, members of guilds non-associated with Oren or the clergy, any and all peoples non-associated with Oren, and common peasantry.


    -Noblemen and Gentry Proclamation-

    As of this day and onward, Krak du Rhoswen is now declared a military encampment and fort. As for nobles who seek entrance into the encampment, they must announce their arrival and/or send a message to the castle notifying that they will be arriving. Upon arrival, they are to wait at the keep's gates until they can be properly taken care of. Nobles and gentry are NOT to enter the keep without consent of a Rose soldier, lest they be mistaken for a commoner. Once allowed entrance, the Rose soldier will escort the noble into the keep to-which they will be personally attended to by either of the Lord Barons, or the Seneschal.



  5. Peter Chivay grunts as he tightly grasps a paper flying in the wind, he reads its contents with a look of question on his face.

    "Vel's wife...?"

    He says questionably. Glancing around at the two Rose Footman at his side.

    Turning about, he makes his way back to Krak, readying to write a notice of his own.

  6. While searching for a quick meal, after a rough training session, Peter slowly walks into the kitchen. With his gauntlet on his neck, he slowly begins to massage it. Hoping to remove the former pain of sparring. Cracking his neck to the left, he gets a faint glimpse of the writing before double taking.

    He abruptly states, "Wot' the..." Before turning his full body to look at the word that was inscribed in blood.

    His eyes narrow onto the large lettering, taking in each letter as he reads. L. O. N. E. L. Y. He mouths to himself slowly, trying to contemplate what he is currently looking at. That is before it finally clicks.

    The Knight Commander lets out an strong huff after finally putting two and two together. Gripping up a mug of coco drink he slowly walks out of the kitchen, formulating his next move.

    Just before stepping out of the kitchen, Peter lets out a snide chuckle. He states, "Jus' anutter' day fur deh' Roses..." Taking a small sip and lifting his gauntlet to massage his neck once more.

  7. ((Er, sheumgal, can you send me details on how to get to HQ from Ager? A skin would also help.))

    Sorry, I've been really inattentive due to the server being down.

    I'll PM you tomorrow with all the details and hopefully a skin as well.

    Till then, my friend.

  8. OOC

    MC Name: Sheumgal

    How active can you be?: Semi-Active.


    Wot's yeh name?: Faern Edgehand

    How're ye related tae us? (Required to have blood relations, even if it's something as distant as cousin's son or what have ya.): Ah'm yer' feckin' cousin, ye! Eh' didn't knuw et' was tat' lung tat' we 'adn't seen each utter'! Damn 'ow deh' time passeh's.

    Wot's yer specialteh?: Fightin' an' minin'. Wot' else yer' expect' eh' durf teh' beh' gud' at, eh'?

    How can ye aid us?: By bein' a welcome membeh' teh' yer' family is 'ow! Meh' axe an' pick er' yers.

    Do ye swear loyalteh to tae clan?: Yer' damned right eh' du! An' wud'nt beh' sayin' all tat' now wud eh'?

  9. Knight Commander Peter straightens his clothes after shooting the man dead, walking over toward his brother and the rest of the Knights.

    "How bout' tat' carriage food, eh?" Peter says with a hefty chuckle. Picking his goblet back up and sipping on its content.

    -The music in the ball room continues to play as the guards pick up and throw out the dead boar and man-

  10. Knight Commander Peter chuckles at the man. "Welp." He states, lifting his hand up in a motioning manner.

    As he does so, the numerous guards around the Ball Room lift their crossbows at the man that was able to ride into a royal ball on-top a boar without any opposition.

    "Filth..." Peter states, his hand still up in the air, waiting for the men to take aim without any casualties.


    Once the remainder of the people quickly move themselves from the area, Peter throws his hand down, allowing the aimed bolts to be shot at the man, as well as boar.

  11. The herald clears his throat, noticing as Peter begins walking toward the ball room. Now loudly clearing his throat, the Herald begins reads the short list of titles that are presented to him.


    "Now presenting, Lord Baron Peter Chivay! Honored Ser of the Chapter of the White Rose!"

    Finishing the short reading of his noble titles, the herald bows his head, allowing the Knight Commander to make his way into the ball room. The two footman that accompanied Peter lower to their knees and allow him to walk through.


    Peter grins happily, nodding in a thanking manner toward the herald as he stops in, looking at all the familiar faces around the Ball Room. Patting both the footman on their shoulders, allowing them to stand once he has come through. Looking down, he gets a full view of himself in his noble attire.


    "Ah... feels damn good teh' beh' out ov' tat' armor." Stretching back his shoulders as he makes his way toward the dining table. Being sure to not let his fine furs fall off his shoulders.

    Finally getting to the eating area, Peter nods his head numerous times toward the men that he reconizes. Gripping up a fine goblet of wine and taking a deep sip. Leaning over toward his brother, he whispers; "Wonder when the ales comin' in, eh?" Letting out a loud snicker shortly after he says it.

    After his short outburst of 'typical Chivay' Peter clears his throats and readies to speak in a proper tone.

  12. Four men adorning White Rose tabbards make their way to the Cloud Temple notice board, the man that seems to be the head of the pack, reads the note quickly. A large grin forming on his face as he reads it.

    "Baha... anutter' boat! Les' see abot' et'."

    One of the guards in the back digs into his satchel, taking out a small piece of parchment as well as a quill. Gliding his hand quickly across he paper, he writes a note, handing it to the lead man.

    Gripping the note, the man pins it to the bottom of the first notice.

    "Dear ship seller, the Order of the White Rose would like to acquire your fine vessel. We will be willing to pay the sum of 10,000 mina, though we would like to do so quickly. Please return with your word to our holding in the Holy Lands.

    -Signed, White Rose Merchant, Pertrus Demovir"

  13. Application

    -Out of Character-

    Minecraft Name: sheumgal (All lowercase)

    Forum Name: Sheumgal

    Server Join Date: The sixth of April, year 2012.

    How Active are You?: Extremely active, though school sometimes inhibits my ability.

    -In Character-

    Name: Peter Chivay

    Age: 48

    Race: Human

    Experience: Currently the Knight Commander of the White Rose, as well as the former Captain of the HMS Oren. I also assisted in the taking of King Syrio's beard with Admiral Boiendl. Participated in many naval exercises as well as patrols.

    Qualifications: A large amount of experience in captaining ships, as well as history of excessive leadership in wartime and peacetime. Commanded troops in many battles that have earned myself quite a reputation.

    Reasons why you are right for the job: All of the above stated reasons, as well as being a loyal Oren subject for close to thirty seven years.

  14. Knight Commander Peter Chivay hears about the sale through his squire, grinning happily as he does so.

    "Post eh' note, tell'um that I would be interested in buying his crate ov' obsidian."

    The squire nods, grasping a large piece of parchment and scurrying off.

    Greetings Merchant, I would like to purchase your crate of obsidian stock.

    - Signed, Knight Commander Peter Chivay.

    [[ Send a PM to me on the forums so we can work it out.

  15. a28d788ecd0b92e8df0f1ad5ae42c50b.png

    Peter Chivay grumbles lowly as his loud clanking armor makes its way to the stand, his visor in a downed position. "Well el' be damned." Peter states, muffled through the protective piece on his helmet, "Et's Lanon!" He says, only to have a muffled residue peel off of what he is truly saying.

    Adjusting his axe's clip, Peter now makes his way down the pletheral of stalls, the multitude of merchants shouting in his general direction. "Bah... like i've gawt' anytin' on meh'..." Peter says with slight discontent.

    Finally flipping up his visor, Peter walks to a strangely colored stall, nodding toward Velwyn as well as Lanon. The merchant happily smiles at the arrival of the wealthy looking knight, motioning his hand back "Please ser, take a look at my fine wares!" The merchants voice high pitched and excited, a gleam can almost be seen in his eye.

    After a short pause, Peter lifts his armored finger, pointing toward a fine wicker basket. "I'll take et'." Reaching down and placing a small coin-purse of mina on the stall's counter.


    "Oh... oh! Of course ser, of course!" Quickly reaching back, the Merchants snags the basket, placing it onto the table and sweeping up the seemingly correct amount of currency. "Please ser, do come again!"

    The Knight Commander grins faintly,"Aye..." He states, glancing back toward Velwyn.

    "Oi, Vel! I gawt' somethin' fer' ye'!"


    Extending his arm backward and tossing the wicker basket full strength toward Velwyn's general direction, laughing hysterically as he does so.

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