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Peter Chivay

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Posts posted by Peter Chivay

  1. I myself have no personal experience RPing as a High Elf, however... if you read all the Wiki and all the things that you said you did, you should have NO problem with your app getting accepted.

    Make sure your definitions of Meta-gaming and Power-gaming are solid, your RP examples are amble, and your biography doesn't show yourself committing acts of villainy.

    Other then that, you should be good! I hope your app gets accepted and you'll be in the server creating your story soon. ;)

  2. *Captain Peter Chivay approaches the scene with two Bannermen accompanying him at his side, with a cocky strut he walks up to the man, asking the adjacent questions.

    After his long inquiry, a small grin dawns upon Peter's face. He states, "How does a full set'ah diamond armor sound? Sell it to any soldier, and you'll be beyond yer' debts... and more." Flips his visor up, "Maybe ye' won't even have to pay those debts with this armor..." Winks at the man, then flips his visor back down.

    *After finishing said statement, Peter crocks his stance up-ward, now sizing up the rest of the crowd that had gathered around the man. Letting out a stout chuckle to re-assert his offer.

  3. I really like the idea, Vaquxine. However, would it be possible to simply prevent sprinting while wearing armor?

    It has come to a point where armor can almost be un-bearably slow, so I feel with your new implication (Of armor being an extension of your health) and simply disallowing sprinting, it will be able to off-set the downgraded armor types.

  4. Great, now archers in leather will just keep moving back, hitting the person in iron/diamond and just keep knocking them back.

    To me, archery seems OP

    Alright, after reviewing the armor plug-in a bit... is there anyway we can jerk up the speed just a tad?

    Diamond and iron go about the same speed, which if extremely slow even for armor wearing. I was thinking more on the lines of, armor preventing people from sprinting and only lowering their running prowess a tad.

    If we could make it so that the heavy armors preventing sprinting, that would really be great. But still, the plug-in is a great concept and after some tweaking, can really add to the immersion of the server.

    Going to quote myself in this situation, I feel this would greatly change that.

  5. Alright, after reviewing the armor plug-in a bit... is there anyway we can jerk up the speed just a tad?

    Diamond and iron go about the same speed, which if extremely slow even for armor wearing. I was thinking more on the lines of, armor preventing people from sprinting and only lowering their running prowess a tad.

    If we could make it so that the heavy armors preventing sprinting, that would really be great. But still, the plug-in is a great concept and after some tweaking, can really add to the immersion of the server.

  6. *Captain Peter hears word of the auction, nodding toward the price at hand.

    "Hm... seems fair enough. Tell the Lord Marshal that I will place a bet of 1,100 Minas for the war-axe."

    *Peter hands the official statement to a Bannerman, before he runs off toward the capitol.

  7. MC Name: sheumgal

    Combat Stats: 100 Axe Mastery

    Criminal or Pitfighter: Pitfighter

    Character Name (For RP event): Titus Mallus

    [[Little background history: Titus Mallus was a former scout in the Alrasian military, before their camp had been destroyed. Coming back from an ample scouting journey he discovered the camp destroyed and those he served with, dead. Witnessing this, he has lived in Alras pretty quietly as of late. Until he heard of the recent tournament coming up, he knew what he had to do. Fighting for both those he served under and his former marshal, Aislin, Titus feels the burden of servitude falling upon him.

  8. ze="4"]-((OOC))-

    Mc name:thekillerseat


    Can we trust you not to meta-game, or perform acts that would break the server rules?:you can trust me.

    How active can we expect you to be?:i'm on most days


    Name: Cian Scully



    Weapon of choice: bow

    How skilled are you, with said weapon of choice?:i have trained for a couple of years

    Military Experiance (If any):i have none

    Why you want to join:i am need of minas

    Other Information:

    Your application is... Denied.

    I would really like to see more of an 'application' rather then extremely simple answers for everything. Take a more in-character approach. You are allowed to re-apply when you see fit.

  9. *Captain Peter Chivay glances up from his desk, as a Bannerman runs in to tell the news. Soon, a large grin dawns upon his face, nodding in approval of the choice.

    "This man knows his families well... perhaps I should speak with him."

    *Peter quickly grabs a piece of parchment, writing onto it, and handing it to the Bannerman.

    "Delivering this to that Loken fellow if ye' can find him. I want to speak wit' um."

    *The Captain now watches the Bannerman salute him, nodding him off. He then leans into his desk. Deep in thought.

    [[ Not entirely sure if this kind of reply is allowed to this post, if not, I will gladly snip it ]]

  10. [[ I would like everyone that is presenting argument against this warclaim, to remember that this is all in-character. We are, after all, a horde that is prone to destruction and razing. Much like Tyr and Rienna.

    If the citizenship somehow manage to muster a defense, more power to them. To bring a historical example into this, did the mongols simply 'stop' because there were only 1000 people within a village? No, they razed, sacked, and took what they wanted.

    Just saying, this is an in-character war claim and all I am seeing is OOC reasons to take it down.

  11. While walking within the Capitol of Renatus, you spot a heavily armored man standing on a large stand,with two guards at his side. All men dawn the color of the Silverblades.

    Feeling naturally interested, you walk closer, now heeding the man's words.

    "Good People of Renatus and the Duchy of Fernstock, I Captain Peter Chivay, commander of the Silverblade forces in times of war and peace, bring you a warning!"

    The man that is speaking now clears his throat loudly, leaning down, he grabs a piece of parchment that a Bannerman was handing up to him. He then resumes his speech,

    "In spite of recent events, Fernstock has seemingly become a hub for unacceptable banditry and thievery. I would like to assure you, that we are doing everything in our power to stop such acts from being committed and bring those who are committing such acts, to justice!"

    The speaking man clears his throat once more, rolling up the piece of paper, and handing it to the Bannerman.

    "Anyone caught committing such acts, will be executed and strung for display within the grounds of Fort Boot. I plead for anyone who has any information on the issue at hand, to come to Fort Boot, you will be treated with the full extent of Silverblade hospitality.

    I thank you for your time and God speed."

    Finally, stepping down from the stand, the Captain turns around the nails the official warning notice to the notice board.

  12. I want to say that the battle had already happened, however, at the same time... all we really did was get into the city.

    We all had no permissions, so it turned out to be kinda awkward. Then, the Duke of Nojurn showed up and dip-setted before any RP killing could be done.

    So... again, not really sure how to answer that.

  13. -((OOC))-

    Mc name: angmar1

    Age: 15


    Mc name: lonewolf190

    Age: 16


    Name: Aelf Fenwulf

    Age: I am twenty human years.

    Race: My heritage is human northerner from Aegis.

    (( Both... accepted! However,lonewolf, you will need to work on a specific weapon skill, as wrestling does not fit with our battle plans. ))

    Upon continuing on your journey, a small blue bird lands on your shoulder. It seems to be adawning a note, closed with the seal of the Silverblade House.

    "Hello sir or madame, upon processing you have been accepted into the Silverblade Bannermen. Report to Fort Boot as soon as possible, to recieve your armament and duties.

    Signed, Captain Peter Chivay, commander of the Silverblade banners in times of war and peace"

  14. *Nods at the man, seeing as he has not yet been informed.

    "Forgive me, it seems your second in command, has not yet informed you of the Silverblade's offer. Allow me to explain the details. First, the Silverblade House would like to extend their dearest hand of friendship, to the rangers, and their persons. In doing so, we would offer help to one another, in time of need, and when support is needed.

    Second, we offer you land. Living within the Silverblades extensive boarders, you will have freedom to do what you want, as well as status, within the Kingdom of Renatus and it's vast kingdom. Being a vassal to his grace, Duke Nicolas Silverblade and the Silverblade family lineage."

    *Clears his throat, as if to continue. However, awaits a response from any of the men within the room.

  15. The sun, sets on a new day. Some may almost forget about the looming nature of conflict, the plague, or even the extensive war that seems to drag on, day, after day. Four men sit in a room, Duke Nicolas Silverblade, Captain Peter Chivay, Count Braxis Silverblade, and lastly Halboron Elendil, of the Fallen Rangers. A meeting has been called, soon discussion looms within the room.

    "Halboron Elendil, I bring ye' forth to Fort Boot, to discuss a matter of military and land support. Duke, your grace, please, address the man."

    (( This is an IC discussion, between the people in this room. Do not meta game, or assume that you are there. ))

  16. Sounds fun, should also be good with this plague milling about. Maybe you'll need some extra security to make sure they don't get in ;).

    But in all seriousness, I support this. I heard the last masquerade was a blast.

  17. Mc name: Jimbow0512

    A small blue bird, soon flutters to your location. Landing on your shoulder, it bears a note, marked with the symbol of House Silverblade.

    "Dear soldier, you are hear by accepted into the Silverblade Levies and Bannermen. Report to Fort Boot, to receive your equipment, and duties. We will assess your ability to fight there.


    Captain Peter Chivay, commander of the Silverblade forces."

    After reading the note, you attach the note back onto the bird. It flies off your shoulder and is soon lost in the sky.

  18. *grins widely, a detachment of Silverblade Bannermen behind him. After the speech, Peter lifts his axe, the men behind him, following suit, with their weapon of choice.*

    "Long live the king! Long live Renatus!"

    *A bellowing chant follows, as the men scream out. Energy and triumphant screams fill the air. Soon after, the men continue to scream, Peter lowers his axe, tucking an arm near his torso and bowing in the general direction of the nobles.*

    "Long live the king..."

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