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Posts posted by BlueSky

  1. Out-Of-Character

    Minecraft Account Name:


    How old are you?:


    Time-Zone/Country of Residence:

    Australia, AEST (UTC/GMT +10 hours)

    Do you have a good grip on the English language/good grammar?:

    I do and I have been using the language and studying the language for most of my life.

    Small 2-3 Sentence Description of yourself:

    I am a simple teenager from Australia who spends his spare time on the computer playing none other than Minecraft. I have a good sense of humour, if I do say so my self and I can always see the better side to things. My interests also lie in tennis which I play recreationally, guitar which I am slowly getting the hang of and history which I enjoy learning about.

    How much time could you be on the server weekly?:

    Its hard to estimate, but I am pretty sure that I should be on at least 10 hours per week.

    What do you know about Roleplaying? Give a definition of what it means to you:

    Roleplaying is where a person takes on the life and story of a character. This act usually occurs when the person who takes the role of the character begins to change and conform to the character’s identity. This is usually done through speech, action and appearance.

    What experience have you had in Roleplaying, if any?:

    I have not had any experience as of yet, and I am hoping that this server will invoke a passion for it.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Meta-Gaming is:

    Meta-gaming is when a player gains outside information, while not being in character, which is to do with a certain game which he/she is involved with. The information learnt is then applied in game to obtain an advantage. An example of this is when a friend tells you the co-ordinates of a certain place, over skype or any other communications. With the information learnt, you log on and start making your way to this certain place. However, your character has not learnt this, and has no way of knowing where this place, therefore your character would never have found this place. Thus concluding that you have meta-gamed.

    In your own Words, define what the act of Power-Gaming is:

    Power-gaming is when a player applies a quick and overpowering movement against another player that will not have enough time to react to it. For example *fires an arrow that pierces his heart, killing him instantly*. This is an example of power-gaming as the other player is not able to react to this action. Actions that would make this scenario realistic would be, *quickly pulling an arrow out from his quiver* this would give a chance for the other person to respond. When this is applied power-gaming has not came into play.

    What do you expect this server will be like?:

    Through watching videos on Youtube I have came to the fact that the server is truly amazing and brilliant. The server seems to have a great and massive community supporting it. I am overwhelmed by the server’s shear greatness, and I am looking forward to hopping on and having an awesome time.

    What other server(s) have you played on and why did you leave them?:

    Other servers that I have played on include All Day Craft, World at War and Stronghold which have all closed down. However, the servers that I am currently playing on at the moment are Killion Detention Centre.

    Have you read, understood, and agreed to the rules?:

    I have read, understood and I will comply with the rules.

    Do you promise to abide by said rules, and laws? This includes the Server, Forum, and Teamspeak set Rules:

    I promise to abide by the said rules and laws of the server.

    How did you hear about us? Did someone refer you?:

    I heard about this server when I was signing up to another server. While I was looking at another player’s application it mentioned this server when answering the question “What other servers have you been apart of?” which the whitelist application was asking about.

    Have you previously made an Application? If so could you link us to your last Application?:

    This is my first application.

    Have you posted this application on our minecraft forum thread yet? If not, just finish it up on here and then copy + paste is over there. (http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/832121-%E2%96%91%E2%96%92%E2%96%93-the-lord-of-the-craft-%E2%96%93%E2%96%92%E2%96%91-enter-the-world-of-asulon-o-f-f-i-c-i-a-l-l-y-t-h-e-n-o-1-r-p-s-e-r-v-e-r/):

    I will


    Character Name:

    Lyron Tarming

    What Race are you?:


    What Sub-Race are you? (note, you aren’t required to have a sub-race):


    Biography (Please make this at least 2 paragraphs long. This must include the history of your character and his life as well as age, appearance and personality, etc.):

    Lyron was born far west of the Cloud Temple in Asulon, this was because of the trauma that his mother had faced while living through the dyeing days of Aegis. Unlike most, Lyron’s mother believed that if the Undead were to strike again, they would most likely attack where everyone is mainly situated. Lyron’s father decided that it would be best to move away from central Asulon. After many months, Lyron’s parents managed to accumulate enough money to buy a boat. Due to the small amount of time people had lived in Asulon most of its lands hadn’t been mapped. Lyron’s father decided to pick a direction and follow it until they hit land again, this direction was west. After weeks of navigating through the vast and treacherous sea, Lyron’s parents finally landed on a peninsula.

    Many elven years went by, and Lyron’s parents set themselves up for years of isolation. Lyron’s mother finally started to recover from the ordeal she went through which allowed her to fall pregnant. After nine elven months of pregnancy Lyron was finally born.

    Lyron had a simple childhood, his mother taught him how to read and write, as well as many ethics and morals to live by. Unfortunately, due to his isolation Lyron had no other people his age which he could associate with. This also caused him to become some what shy, as he didn’t have any social skills that enabled him to interact with other people. Most days Lyron helped his mother tend to the animals on their farm, which he enjoyed a lot.

    By the time his was 13 his father allowed him to help him in the mines, Lyron loved the mines a lot, as they were almost a second world to him. Lyron spent many of his days shovelling stone into mine carts and pushing the carts up to the surface.

    After many months of spending time underground, Lyron became an enthusiastic miner. Finding many minerals and ores were always a delight, and with each day he developed better skills and understanding of mining.

    When he hit 16, Lyron had grown to six feet, towering over his mother and father.

    Deep brown, wavy strands grew from his scalp, and his eyes are royal blue, contrasting to his slightly tanned skin. His once shy and timid personality had developed into an outgoing person, due to the many arrivals of relatives and family friends. 18 was a momentous age for him. Lyron and his parents had saved enough money to establish himself in the forever changing and enriched lands of Asulon.

    The time had come, and Lyron set sail to the lands of Asulon. Upon arrival he found the majestic Cloud Temple, where he is to start the next chapter of his life.

    What is your Character's ambitions?:

    Lyron whishes to found a great city where citizens can live happily, in safety, and where adventurers can rest from their travels.

    What is your character’s favorite tool? (sword, pickaxe, shovel, etc):

    Lyron favours the pickaxe the most.

    What is one of your Character's most skilled talents?

    Lyron’s most skilled talent is mining, as he can chip away at stone without damaging his sought after ores and minerals.

    A screenshot of your skin (must be in proper format):


    Other Information about your Character:



    Whilst traveling from the Cloud Temple you see a small halfling, being harassed by two armed warriors. They appear to be trying to steal money from him, how does your character respond?

    With each hit the warriors deal to the innocent and unprotected Halfling, cries out in pain. As the pressure mounted on Lyron, he became fearful for the health of the halfling. Looking around, there was nobody in sight, and with the Halfling close to the brink of death, Lyron needed to think quickly. While stumbling through his bag, Lyron grabbed a small bag of minas. With great haste, the bag was quickly untied, and was held up. The minas rushed out of the bag, as Lyron tipped it. The loud and crashing sound of the minas hitting the path caused the two warriors to quickly become aware of the chance of easy money. Without a second thought, the two warriors started rushing towards him, knocking Lyron aside. As the two warriors collected the minas, Lyron quickly rushed over to the Halfling, who was struggling to breathe. Lyron slowly and carefully picked the heavily damaged Halfling and carried him over to an isolated spot, where he waited for him to recover.

    Your character wanders into Alras, and comes across a small stall, behind which a well dressed man is standing. He’s offering various wares, the merchant turns to you and says in a posh accent " 'ello there, what can I do you for today?" What is your character response?

    Lyron looks at the various wares the merchant is offering. However, a bottle with a soft blue liquid catches his eye.

    “And what must this be”, Lyron enquires, while pointing at the bottle.

    “Uh…, that my friend is a potion of speed”, replies the merchant.

    “What will it be?” Lyron asks.

    “100 minas”, the merchant responds.

    Lyron acknowledges that it could be a scam, but the price isn’t too bad if it didn’t work.

    “It’s a deal”, Lyron says.

    Lyron hands over the money, while merchant gives him the potion. The bottle is quickly opened, and a large sip is taken from it. Lyron notices his legs to become as light as a feather. His new found speed is quickly harnessed, and Lyron runs off, laughing in ecstasy.

    Whilst wandering in the wilds, your character comes across a small hut, which looks abandoned. Inside it you see a chest containing a few iron bars, and a golden sword. How would your character respond?:

    Lyron looks over the iron bars and golden sword, and admires the hard effort in blacksmithing that was needed in creating the objects. As he ponders wether he should take the objects. However, he remembers what his mother had taught him, “Never steal in any circumstance”. Lyron decides to re-evaluate the situation, and comes to the conclusion that even though the hut looks abandoned, nobody would carelessly leave iron bars and a golden sword behind. While walking away, he realises that he has made the right decision.

    Hungry and lost in the wilderness, you stumble across a small trading camp nestled among the forest, they greet you you in the common tongue, how do you respond?

    Lyron staggers up to the travelling merchants, while his stomach rumbles.

    “Hello, I was just wondering where the closest town is”, Lyron asks. One of the merchants steps forward, towards Lyron. “The next town is directly north from here, but it will be a two hour walk”, the merchant replies.

    “I am terrible hungry. Would you guys happen to have any food I can buy?” Lyron questions the merchants.

    “Sure do, we have some pork roasting on the spit, but it will take another ten minutes”, the merchant replies.

    While he sits by the fire, one of the men approaches Lyron with a small box, with the pork inside. Lyron thanks the man and hands over his minas, and continues on his journey.

    You hear word that bandits occupy the road outside the town in which you have been staying. The town guard have gathered, and are asking for assistance to help eliminate them. The leader of the party is offering a reward for any who offer their support. How does your character act on this information?:

    “Hey you over there!” a guard yells out. Lyron quickly walks over to the guard.

    “We need you to help us get rid of some bandits who are occupying a road outside this town”, says the guard.

    “No way, I haven’t wielded a weapon in my life”, Lyron replies.

    “That’s a shame, grab a spear, stand in the back of the group and lunge the spear at the bandits if they come close”, the guard says.

    Lyron sighs, walks towards the pile of spears and grabs one. The group, including Lyron approaches the bandits. Without a word said, the battle begins. The bandits are easily out numbered, and most of them are killed or captured. During the battle Lyron remained at the back of the group, and didn’t partake in any of the action. Lyron knows that he would be ineligible, and walks off disappointed.

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