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  1. Ive been to 4 cities all of them completely abandoned :( what is the most populated place?

    1. everblue2er101


      Probably Sseventis. This is also because there are only fifty people online. At other times it easily reaches 200.

    2. Aislin


      Right now there's a war on, so many cities are displaced into war camps.

  2. My application was accepted!! How long typically before it is immplemented?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MuffinController


      After your app is

      accepted, It might take

      1 day for you to get whitelisted.

      One day, to 3 days

    3. DLAWLZ


      thanks for the quick response

    4. MuffinController


      No problem, DLAWLZ! It didn't take so long for me to get whitelisted. I was accepted fast. I got accepted sometime in the middle of the night (EAST side of USA). Then I got online at about 2 pm, so you should be online in no time! Have fun, and Welcome to ASULON!

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