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Posts posted by Caelria

  1. 2 hours ago, argonian said:

    what went wrong in savoy


    Infighting mostly. I think the coup was the nail in the coffin but the government was in turmoil long before that happened. The vassal system was really fun, but Savoy was a personality driven project by Lionbileti. When Lionbileti stepped back because of family affairs, the council under him started to squabble and the nation fell out of contact with the people who populated it. There were multiple differences in direction, vassals began to go inactive or feel left out, and the capital military dissolved and had to be rebuilt completely because of conflicts in outlook and strong personalities inhabiting the same space without a clearly defined leader being present to direct them.

    2 hours ago, Buffsanta said:

    I fought you in an ISA PVP training a year ago.

    Did I win

    4 hours ago, satinkira said:

    You lie, it has been 27 days


  2. I just make fun of people on the forums now.

    I used to be NL of the High Elves. I pissed a lot of people off but it was pretty fun.

    I've never been wrong about anything and even the things I was wrong about I got proven right about later so don't waste your question.


    Look at this chimp he's doing a thing that humans do. That's ******* wild?


  3. Balance default: stop roleplaying with one another and focus on the combat!


    Maybe this patch will finally be the one to make it so mods don't have to use their braincell when combat devolves into chimping (not likely).

  4. 6 hours ago, un-w said:

    I will say that one of my biggest concerns with freebuild is how it tends to be treated by new players. A player who joins the server was advertised that LOTC is a server where they can build their own empire, become a king, queen, whatever, but when they actually attempt to do such via freebuild, they come to realize how astronomically difficult this is. Even for some veteran players, creating (let alone maintaining) a long-term community is extremely difficult. 

    You get new players who are under the impression they can get all of this with freebuild, which is sadly not the case. It might be something noobs want, but isn't something that they need. Freebuild doesn't keep noobs, roleplay does. 

    also inb4 the "if you don't like freebuild you're a braindead moron" comments

    I don't think this is an administrative problem as much as it is a there are few consistently online players remaining on LotC who are not already part of a clique problem.


    Freebuild doesn't work when you don't have actively participating players. Little settlements don't work when you don't have actively participating players. I think staff should be more flexible and offer up slots of land freely to players (that means no taxes to the GMs like you're playing a dead korean MMORPG) for sure, but I don't know if a server-wide discussion on freebuild should be the administration's top priority rn.


    Something something carts and horses. LotC culture is rotten and it's not because of people like me even though I'm hella toxic. Gotta look inside yourself and revivify the interest to fill the rooms you have before you start investing in building more shit.

  5. Sorry my brother in Christ. I wish I could help you out but it is hella hard to navigate these dweebs power hunger my man. They're crazy about this stupid ass game fishin for tiles like the map ain't gonna change in a year and tryna dom other people so they can look good in front of little boys. Good luck.


    Shit is twisted just try to find some chill ppl. I'm sure some goons gonna reach out to you after you post this tryna make you fight in their army so be careful reading between the lines on those messages.

  6. A random Elf soyfaced at doing that thing from a long time ago again!

    "Let's do it again! Let's do it again! Going backwards in time is progress!" cried the Elf.


    Good job guys I'm just fooling around. Glad for Elven unity next time call it something new tho. New ideas good!


  7. 2 hours ago, rukio said:

    If people don't like you OOCly they will simply actively shun you by ignoring your RP regardless of if they know you personally or not. The server isn't big enough for most people to be real "strangers" unless one is new.

    I don't think a lot of random people hate me on LotC! If they do, I'd be at least a little surprised!


    I've given a lot of staff members (those of whom who don't often roleplay, to be honest) a reason to not like me by being so overwhelmingly critical and a bit trolly, but honestly I've been on hiatus for like 6 months and I don't think most random folk going road to road are seething over the name Caelria.


    I see usernames of people I don't know all the time, but maybe I'm just not that connected.

  8. Usually I'm trolling but this one's for real no big lofty speech.


    I'm maybe just popping into places at bad hours, but it feels like everywhere I go for random unscheduled roleplay there's maybe one person bobbing around per city that's actually willing to do or doing anything roleplay-adjacent. Two at most. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy one on one roleplay, but just talking with one person and having nobody new to interject with anything nor a band of merry friends to organize anything with feels desperately lonely, especially in these gigantic builds. It can be really hard to stay interested.


    Should I just give up on trying to seek out roleplay with strangers and join a Discord community to go to all of their dinners and play iphone games between replies? Only log in for events? If this is a common problem, how do you cope with only being able to roleplay within your own friend group -- or do you prefer it that way? If you're a hero of random encounters, where do you usually go for them? Do you often find yourself mingling with multiple people on quests or journeys, or just making small talk with one wandering stranger about the weather or whatever else is on the top of your head, getting exhausted or bored, and moving on feeling unfulfilled?


    I guess what I'm trying to say is: is roleplay with strangers dead on LotC?

  9. LotC needs less magic type variety and not more (that is to say, purely of the variety of "classes" and not the variety of what you can actually do with each class). Condensing is good, especially as an alternative to shelving. Incorporate good elements of shelved lore into other magic types, and be more trigger happy with shelving.


    I'd recommend ST resistant to embrace elementalism add the flavorful elements players enjoy to another magic that is traditionally Orcish without adding the combat potential or whatever makes it "powerful" in your eyes, since that's most of what seems to be cared about when it comes to magical decisions from ST. That way you don't have to worry about the balance concerns and magic can feel good for the people who actually roleplay on this game, rather than power stacking morons trying to craft the philosopher's stone of combat emotes.

  10. A single man on a long journey's brow crinkled languidly at the articles displayed. "I remember scholars speaking of a prouder High Elven people. A people whose battle with the Orcs, destined for defeat, brought their city low in times of Asulon. A people who would surrender their homes and treasures before they surrendered their pride and faculties. It is the errand of a fool or a sage entire to discover what compelled these Elves. Indeed. Agreements such as these reek of the meddling of the outer Gods, enchanting the minds of mortals to set them upon paths exotic. A pathetic sight, in a world where scholasticism is so often seen analog to weakness, that Elves would prove such words veracious."

  11. [ ! ] Posted upon the lecterns of a few churches, a short missive was penned- unsigned. 




    While the shitter's clogged,                                          

    the city becomes the shitter.                               

    God, save your city.                              

  12. All requests for roleplay must be filed by direct message at least 24 hours prior and include assurances of perceptible financial or emotional benefit to me and/or my peers (listed at time of scheduling).

    Applications that fail to assure accommodations which lead to my character's success will be ignored.


    You gave your communities to wannabe lawyers with no scruples or social skills because they promised you success, knew how to argue, and were good at sounding smart; and a society of wannabe lawyers with scruples no social skills you received.


    This is all your fault!

  13. This is going to sound dismissive, but I really would recommend that if you have a problem you vote with your feet and move on rather than complaining endlessly into the void. This goes for you and for every serial complainer on this server, myself included.


    There has been demonstrable unwillingness to change for, or to give respect to, the player base from any of the members of the core leadership body for years now. It's only gotten worse over the course of recent months. Manic execution of power, outright hostility, and resentment towards players looking for safety or solutions is the norm here. It's astonishing what a long-lasting culture of toxicity has cultivated among the staff meant to be protecting you from this behavior. The delinquents of yesterday are the leaders of today, so it's no surprise that a delinquent attitude prevails, and you really shouldn't subject yourself to it as a consumer.


    I'm not going to advertise anywhere else, but I've personally stayed away from LotC staff (and found other avenues of roleplay elsewhere) and I've been much, much happier.


    You really don't realize how bad it is here until you've touched some other grass and seen what it's like in other places. I promise this isn't the best place on the internet to roleplay, or even to hang out, as someone especially invested -- even if it can be a nice place to blow off steam from time to time if you're not too attached. That is to say, it can be fun but it's worth stepping back from time to time. The PvP is funny too.

  14. Much respect. Much support. Stepped away myself a while back and have been much happier. It's a shame everything is the way it is, but I'm glad you're focusing on yourself rather than your commitments to strangers making strange demands.


    Imagine rolling around pretending to be a knight or a wizard nose deep in some fake book when you could be getting hot and steamy with ERP? I'll never understand you guys.


    The above post is sarcastic. I believe that in this community, given that a significant margin of its playerbase are minors (at least among the dwindling population of new players, that is), any mention or implication of sexually explicit action should be addressed with absolutely zero tolerance. You cannot police what people do in their DMs. Especially not people who are legitimate, real world romantic couples pretending to be Elves on Minecraft for some reason. What you can do, though, is make sure those people don't drag their real life sexual relationship into building blocks where children are roaming around. We can't see what you do in private on discord or in the bedroom, and if we can't see it then kids can't see it. Let's keep it that way for our game.

  16. 7 minutes ago, Polysemic said:

    Again, if you want me to make your plugin, pay me.

    You want money, dude? Sure. How much to remove plugins?

    How much do I pay to get fast travels to nation capitals from CT?

    Can I pay to remove activity checks?

  17. 14 hours ago, Polysemic said:

    >people complain the fast travel plugin is broken
    >fix fast travel plugin
    >people complain fast travel plugin

    pay me and I'll make the plugins you want to be made lmfao

    I'm not really complaining that you made it. It really hasn't affected me in the slightest that I have to stand somewhere instead of right clicking a sign, unless it's the five minute Haelun'or ferry that we put in a while back for some reason, but that's kind of the problem.


    I'm more complaining that you wasted your time doing that when you could've been doing something impactful to the server that didn't cause as much bloat. Surface level content like this is what drives LotC right now, and it's why our server is struggling to stay above water in a release edition that we're not ready to provide for with plugins like vortex, surge, and command point PvP which we created to be a spectacle but wound up breaking our game. It's why we've got stupid anti-player systems like nation tax and activity tax to give teenage NLs mental illness over their performance on building blocks.


    Everyone is so preoccupied with making sure things look like they're going great and wowing new players that they're either too lazy or too unaware to pay attention to the rot, and staff wallpapering over the mold that's growing on this server is suffocating all the players. Our server gets TONS of applications a month on the back of this spectacle, and we retain almost nobody because the moment you peel it back it's sticky and wet. (Players who have been here for months or even as much as nearly a year are considered "new" because we have such a new player drought). Everywhere I go, it's the same familiar faces with a couple of new ones. 


    I've made about a million enemies on teams just by pointing out that bad things happen and make players feel like shit on this game. Everyone here is expected to ignore the degradation until big explosive events like this warclaim happen and blow over in two weeks while the staff dogmatically repeats "we're sorry" to drown out dissent until a point that players lose interest or hope of change.


    I'm sorry too. I'm sorry you can't make warclaims work. I'm sorry your server has been a haven for child predators and grooming from the player governments all the way up to your administration (sorry, that's old news, it's been two weeks by now and all the rep/clout has been collected so we're back to normal on that front again). I'm sorry your volunteer staff is so hostile to its playerbase, and I'm sorry that I have to put up with it and be so regularly engaged in staff trying to "gotcha" me instead of just taking my criticism as that of a player who isn't having fun.


    I'm attached to this game by a thread and very ready to move on. I've been logging in less and less these past few weeks. A lot of people are. These kind of threads don't make these events ok.

  18. maxresdefault.jpg

    LotC staff trying to make any system, coded or bureaucratic, accommodate more than 20 players actively using it at a time.


    We should probably try to code things that make roleplay work better rather than coding node crafting plugins, fast travel teleportation circle plugins, and command post PvP plugins like Runescape, World of Warcraft, and Battlefront II.


    This is still a roleplay server, right? I was told this was the world's #1 Minecraft Roleplaying Server.

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