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Posts posted by Caelria

  1. Kelthran made himself known with a sharp clear of the throat. He spoke from the audience, he made no grand gestures, and he did not even so much as approach the dias. All he did was stand, and then deliver.

    “Anyone under the mere suspicion of being a dark mage, or with a history of being so, should not even be considered for a position in our precious new republic. Especially not that of its council executive so early in its infancy. Haelun’or has had enough troubles with the infestation of their kind. Let us not forget it was them that saw the death of my beloved kin, Azorella Elibar’acal, in the first place.”


    After a pause in quiet mourning, Kelthran continued.

    ”If Kaelan will not accuse you, then I will. I believe you both to be subverters, I believe you both to have occult inclinations, and I see you both as unfit. If two shades is the best the city has to offer, then I nominate him.”


    Kelthran bellowed, gesturing to perhaps the man everyone least expected. The facilitator himself, Muriel Uradir.

    “He has done more work for this new Republic than either of you anyway.”


    “Regardless of his acceptance, I call upon all pure citizens to elect the one above suspicion. The one who has shown himself worthy by action, not words, and whose purity is above reproach. Let this new republic begin with an alliance between Sullas and Uradir, as it did before in our blessed city’s history.”


    To this, Kelthran paused again. This time to allow the audience to settle.

    ”My question for the remaining candidates is simple. Will the occultists step down in the interest of preserving the sanctity of our elections and the perceived purity of our state? Or will they, in the hunger for power characteristic of their kind, plant the seed of occult suspicion in this new republic as they have so many times before?”






  2. *A second posting is added as several of the more imperial homes in the Silver City begin to show signs of vacancy.*


    Already tyrants flee in the face of tradition, abandoning their opulent manors and ivory towers to wait out the storm in their summer homes.

    Let us hope that as allies of tyranny continue to abandon their city in the face of losing the power and control they covet so dearly, the city’s return to tradition will be expedited.






  3. *A posting is hammered to doors and noticeboards throughout the city.*


    The nature of being a Mali’aheral to exist in an ever flowing, ever contrasting stream of old and new. Old traditions upheld by new people. Old people forcing new changes. Guardians of the old standing against new progress, and guardians of progress rallying against the old.


    There is progress, and there is health. There is forward change, and there is the traditional heart of the nation.


    This is tradition and silver. The lifeblood that makes up the Mali’aheral.


    When tradition, the heart of our nation, is threatened; it is the eternal duty of our people to be vigilant against those who would threaten it. On this every Mali’aheral agrees. Where they often disagree is their source and form. Sometimes they come in the form of our enemies, and sometimes they come in the form of our friends. Most often they come in the form of ideas.


    Like the eternal flow of contrast between progress and health, the line between an idea that challenges tradition and an idea that embodies our future is often tumultuous and murky. The rewards vary from mind to mind, pitting allies against one another, creating discontent, causing turmoil, and generating revolution in our state.


    This too is a representation of the ever flowing, ever contrasting stream of old and new.


    Today, the city of Haelun’or stands on a precipice. Representatives of the new with no memory of the old, but bearing old allies in the shadows who instruct their every move, seek to command control in the name of what they consider to be progress. They command this control against many of the old themselves. Representatives of tradition. The form this progress will ultimately take only they know. Such is the normal in Elven politics, where the written plans often end at power’s acquisition.


    Make no mistake that this is a period of decline. The city may appear at a glance to be running as normal despite the hushed voices and knives in the dark, but a war rages on the cobblestones of Haelun’or. A war of ideas that has divided our people. A war between the traditionalists, and the silver council. A war of tradition and silver. A war that has taken the life of our blessed Maheral. A war that has seen our council attacked. A war that has seen our government take to hiding away behind steel doors underground, as if the city itself were occupied.


    This war has taken much from us already, and it will take more if nothing is done. For a war between tradition and silver is tantamount to a body wounding itself; and while the High Elven state has already suffered greatly, this war bears the potential to do more than divide and damage. It has the potential to destroy. Progress can come only in one form. A return to tradition.


    To this end, I call upon silver to concede to tradition. To look to the people their council is supposed to represent, and to afford them the representation they deserve.


    I call upon Okarir’indor Kinahen Athrilum to resign immediately from their office for gross incompetence in the face of threat, and a violation of their oath to protect and give honor and breath to the Maheral as their office demands.


    I call upon the Sohaer, and the whole of her remaining council, to put their offices to public election - as we did in the past - that the people might be represented by a Mali of their choosing rather than a Mali selected for them by a tyrant.


    I call upon the Malaurir who influence the current silver council from the shadows, delivering whispers into their ear to broaden their power or consolidate their legacy, to cease in their destructive behaviors.


    I call for peace in our homes, and in our city, under a government that loves its people and who its people love as we did before tyrants instead commanded their fear.


    I call upon these things not as one Mali, but as the voice of the Mali in the city who are downtrodden by a council that no longer serves its people, but who instead expects its people to serve it. By Larihei, let your people choose.



  4. Iatrilemar Elervathar rages against the peoples outrage because he has grown fat and content on a status quo that benefits him. He cites failures in wording and technicalities to dismiss the lack of justice that happens before your eyes. Do not be fooled by his indignant, arrogant meanderings. The Malauriran who sat on that council were hand picked and called because they were the council’s allies. I was not among them because I was never written to come, nor were many, but I know this. I know that my kin’s killer goes unpunished. I know those who mete out and supervise punishment sit on the council, whether or not they decided on it alone or follow the wishes of the Malaurir they DEIGNED to inform. I know those who facilitated it sat on the council. I know that those who enabled it will sit there again soon.


    As if I am some malcontent because I was never informed of my great grandaughter’s death and the trial of those responsible before false sentence had been passed. As if I am willingly failing to participate because in their stacking of their jury I was never written. As if not being physically present at trial somehow prevents me from knowing what transpired there.


    Let them whine of the people’s wishes in their opulent halls, supported only by themselves.

  5. The Mali’aheral of this once great democracy, now tyranny, call for evidence. And yet when it is given, they shut their eyes. Where is justice? Not here, no doubt. Not in the court rooms of the Sohaer, nor in the council chambers of my kin when she was brutalized. Do not forget that it was a member of this same council that killed her, and yet we look to them for justice? For punishment?


    Do not let your hearts be stilled by false platitudes, Mali. Do not let these men and women in control fool you into believing that justice is rabble, that truth is distraction, and that purity is silence. Do not let your lips be tied by the words of young men in young seats, whose power wanes even now under the brunt of their own corruption. Look to yourselves and ask; does this sentence feel right? Does it hold weight? Is party to murder, or incompetence in its face, to be punished with lecture? Is responsibility, whether intended or not, in the Maheral’s death to be rewarded with a position of privilege and power in our state?


  6. 1 minute ago, The Elfen Lie said:

    im not saying that everything is active, I mean finding room for what are suppose to be main hubs would be hard and/or add more land


    Ceru is 80% empty space. There is more than enough room there for the two active places (Humans and Elves) there. There's even room for 3 human kingdoms if you want to spread out the RP on your shiny new island. I doubt half of you have even been to Ceru, no less walked around in it.

  7. The Enclave of Thillnor




    In the ages long past; Larihei made exodus from her fellow Elves, seeking a new future for her people. It was then she found The Golden Pools, a place that would soon become legend among her followers and their descendants.


    In the time since; Larihei’s sons and daughters wrought from the earth towering spires of alabaster stone, worked great wonders, collected vast reserves of knowledge, and formulated nearly a third of the mystical arts known today.


    Today, Larihei’s vision fades further and further into the mists of time with every passing of the sun and moon. High Elves of every creed fight to emulate a time for which they were not present, alienating ever more of their citizens to the recesses of the realm. The Enclave of Thillnor serves as one of the last beacons of hope for a High Elven future.


    Maehr’sae hiylun’ehya

    Progress and health


    This has been a creed passed down from times immortal, and this is what The Enclave represents. A rebirth of the High Elven people like the Golden Pools long past. An age of progression instead of regression. A dream that we might one day be descendants once more worthy of Larihei’s praise. Let The Enclave of Thillnor serve as a refuge from cruelty and corruption, and a home to the many who have found themselves straying from Larihei’s true vision.


    The High Elven people can no longer afford to be a race of villains, and in order to put an end to what has become a culture of evil - we must embrace goodness in the form of wisdom and peace. Like Larihei, we must not allow our past to hold us backwards and we must strive ever onwards. Ay’ Larihei.




    Additional Information: The Enclave of Thillnor is a High Elven

    enclave located in Sutica to the left of the North Square.  Speak to

    a steward of Sutica  for additional information or on how to register

    for housing there.





  8. "For the cultural guides of the city to partake in insurance of government positions, underhanded dealings, and lack of pubic say in its matters speaks measures to the moral decay that the city has suffered. Even so, I hold hope that perhaps Ikur will be more open to reason than the past legislation." ponders an old Elf aloud.

  9. 4 minutes ago, 吳憾戰士14 said:


      Reveal hidden contents



    "Who knew that a government elected by its people and largely supported by its people could be considered false and tyrannical because one man is pissy he did not get elected?" Artimec mused to his family as he sipped some strong liqour.

    "I like your pictures." the grumpy old Elf muttered, Arche at his side as they all sat together in Artimec's living room.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Supremacy said:

    Arche turns to Kelthran "If they didn't feel threatened by this... There would not be so many letters being written about this. It is thus I enquire, why are they threatened? Do they feel threatened by democracy!?"

    Kelthran turns to Arche. "Who are you and how did you get in my house?"

  11. The primary issue with the map presently is the same issue you guys have with every map. You lot (not you as in the current administration, just the administration as a whole) put so much work into the novelty of the map that you don't bother to think it through. Three different maps and three different islands was a stupid idea from the beginning; but you wanted to pull it off because it seemed cool on paper. Now nobody uses the other two maps you worked on, Tahn is still too frigging big so we have enormous tracts of empty unknown space, and all three of the islands are worse off aesthetically because you spread your effort. If you can't afford to fly through every chunk of the map and make sure that it's beautiful, fitting, scaleable, and appropriate for role play, events, or settlements you need to make the map smaller; because chances are if you're not going there nobody is. It's just wasted space.


    * Last map they made it too big and compensated with fast travels.

    * This map they made it too big again and, out of scorn for us rejecting their big map novelty, just removed and limited fast travels.

    * Now fast travels are back, we're just avoiding the problem, and everybody loses.

    Ideally we would be on a map that's small and aesthetic enough not to require fast travels, but have them anyway for lazy people to preserve capital RP. None of that "across the ocean" bullshit either. One continent. Carts to each place. CT in the center. Beautiful roads with settlements, inns, and event areas speckled across. Rivers and bridges. Areas of natural bounty and tiles w/ regenerating mine or forest/field access able to be claimed for grinding, farming, etc capable of being contested by groups with more players. Inspire competition.

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