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Everything posted by Fengric

  1. ((Look, I know you are all feeling very impatient, which I understand. But listen, a lot of us can't actually accept your applications, or do anything about it except support it in some way. Jroy/Uthor has a lot of stuff to do on the server, he is dealing with Oren politics and other time consuming tasks within RP, he also has a life to take care of himself, and so does everyone else. If I am given permission to accept applications and deny them, I will certainly look over it and take care of it all. But for now just wait, that is what I did.)) *Fengric is getting a bit tired of the peoples impatience, but tries to keep it out of his head. He then writes a post on the wall* "All Pupils and those who wish to join our Order, you are to talk to High Cleric Hosper, or Paladin Fengric if you wish to take care of any training or becoming one of our Pupils yourself. All applications will be taken care of by those who have the authority. At the moment anyone with that permission is currently unavailable. Thank you for your patience. - Paladin Fengric"
  2. ((I was on a one week vacation, I take it once I told several people no-one asked, nor was it relayed xD)) *Fengric grabs the letter hanging from the gate, unrolls it and reads. He then writes a letter and sends his Hawk to send a letter back* -A large Coopers Hawk drops a letter at your feet, it is addressed to you- "The absence of my fellow Clerical Brethren is unknown to me, but I commend you in trying to remain patient, especially in how little of our appearances there have been. I myself cannot explain my disappearance, but I now can say that there will be many more sightings of those you have yet to meet. Your tasks are to be given in person, as it is much more suitable that way. But if you insist, only respond once again asking for this information to be given, whether through letter or speaking to one another. - Paladin Fengric"
  3. Edit- ((Don't worry about his application, he felt a bit rushed by me.. I am pretty sure he will re-do it :P)) *Fengric examines the sign for Kuis' application and looks a bit disappointed* *Fengric mumbles to himself "Hm.. Doesn't live up to the standards I would expect for someone willing to join. I'll have to notify him to teach him how he should handle situations such as these.."
  4. Your vows to other organizations have caused you to be denied, and you have committed crimes. One of which included stabbing me in the back. ((So on that subject, you can't be evil at all if in the Order))
  5. ((It seems I will be getting quite a few people to train <_< Oh well... I am not part of the Order application team, so you will have to wait a bit until you get denied or accepted.))
  6. ((Well that was supposed to be OOC.. But okay. Anyway, why exactly aren't Salamandra, Sir_Wyvernos, The_Blind_Seer, and Thrym part of this? Like going to the Orderhouse and stuff.
  7. Good, I wasn't aware I was to be contacted by new recruits. But now i'm informed I guess :P Anyway, Baconthief, today (Monday) you can find me on Minecraft from the times 10:00 PM - 4:40 PM PST, 1:00 PM - 7:40 EST.
  8. Got hit by lightning in RP today.. It was awesome.

  9. In RP I was talking to a guy in Renatus named Elendil, and this is what he told me: Braxis has disappeared Das Boot was inherited by Uthor (Braxis' son/Braxis) Some guild was taken by Gideon, apprentally Braxis' cousin And that OUR Order is now Gideon's.. Is this true? Because I have no idea who the character Gideon is. But if this is true, shouldn't Uthor just get the Clerical Order, so we technically still have Braxis as our leader?
  10. Today I while I was RPing I got stuck in a jam where I was wrongly accused by an orc of trying to "flat" him, which I recognize as killing.. So there I was, being choked to death by an Orc that doesn't know he is threatening to drop me from a 2 block drop. And Personatus walks up and helps him out -_-

    Then I get tackled, bound, then I run away with a broken leg... That was fun...

  11. Sweet.. I already know that you know I got the Orderhouse done, i'm just posting it on here so everyone else knows. What I did is after I completed the ceiling on the bottom floor, is I asked Hosper if it was a good idea to move the second floor one block down so we could have a ceiling. He thought it was a good idea, so I spent about 2 hours re-doing the entire room, including the school room that is attached. So "The Orderhouse of The Order Of The Clerics is free for ye faithful ones to explore, and join us in holy allegiance to the Aenguls."
  12. I spent at least 30 minutes, maybe 45, completing the ceiling on the bottom floor. I was going back and forth cooking cobblestone and making it into stone brick. So I hope you guys like it :I
  13. ((I was wondering if you could get me permission? I can't get access to my chest or the other ones, so it would be helpful if you could activate that for me :I )) *A large Coopers Hawk swoops down and drops a letter at your feet, it is addressed to you* "By the time I got your letter those rooms were almost done, I would like to know if I could assist in the construction in any way. On my second visit to the Orderhouse my new teacher Hosper had been there, he gave a room for me to live in. I would also like to know when the training shall begin, if it is not up to Hosper at all? I am very much anticipating what I will be taught. - Fengric"
  14. *A large Coopers Hawk swoops down and drops a letter at your feet, it is addressed to you* "Clerical Prophet Braxis, I have come across the newly in construction Orderhouse near Old Ascella. I explored the place and hoped to find someone there, but no avail. I hope that the building will be done soon, I have found how restless the other Clerics and Paladins are. And Duke Aerios sends his regards - Fengric"
  15. ((Just find out what times Braxis is usually on, then in-game send him a letter through "/tell *Bird* <Message>", just ask him where to meet him and he will ask you a few questions. After that he will set you on the path of Paladin or Cleric, and assign you to a specific teacher.))
  16. ((I think you should save your fingers the trouble until Braxis has decided your path.. Then you can ask these OOC questions once he tells you if you become a Paladin or a Cleric. But I have a question for Thrym; How come Hosper is absolutely never on, Braxis appointed him as my teacher... But I can't find a way to contact him D:))
  17. ((Letter for Braxis Silverblade)) *Fengric takes the paper after reading it, and writes a letter on the back. He tells the bird to send the letter to its master. Your silver bird flutters down with a letter attached to its leg "I shall be waiting at Alras, and if you are not there, I shall be wandering around the city, I should be rather easy to spot"
  18. ((My characters name is Fengric... But anyway, I was trying to talk with the high elves so I could be permitted into the city at any time, they then asked me what a Cleric was when I mentioned it. So it was a long conversation about what a cleric is, why elves are unfair about these things, and how we could support them in some way. My initial motive on that subject was to get a very small outpost there to help out with any matters... Not really create an entire HQ there. It eventually lead to where Mithradites was rejecting everything I said, then he was being mean, then I called him pompous and racist... then I left xD))
  19. ((I tried talking to the High Elves about possibly having relations between us and them... That was probably the most annoying, aggravating RP in the world. I can't believe someone would create a character so full of themselves..
  20. Do we have a place to build the guild decided yet? Or is that done already
  21. Okay, thanks.. I am still in a week ban, so I will be able to get back on tomorrow :D
  22. I would like to apply my character as a Paladin.
  23. You hadn't before mentioned that the Shade was a problem, but I see where you are coming from. I edited my previous post (Hopefully for the last time..) rather than re-posting so I don't clog up the topic. I made the shade seem a lot more in-character for someone who spends his time praising an evil god.. and murdering innocent people...
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