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Posts posted by Aiden

  1. Under Review


    Put on Pending


    Please fix the problems that I will state below in 24-hours or less or you will face denial. Private message me once you have completed the necessary changes.




    • Your biography lacks server lore. Please add in some into it, such as city names, nation names, names of realms, perhaps the elvish language, etc.
    • In a few of your open response questions, you mention a bit of thievery. While you may not of actually stolen anything in the questions, know that in-game you would need a villain application to be able to steal, which can only be obtained after being on the server for over a week.
    • In your first open response question, you mention the devil and hell. Instead, to fit with the lore, you could mention the nether or Iblees.. (Information can be found on Iblees on the wiki, here: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/wiki/wikka.php?wakka=HomePage )


    Private message me if you have questions, or if you need any help at all!

  2. Under Review





    Please wait a full 24-hours before reapplying or you fill face an instant denial




    • While your backstory was decent and I appreciate that you added a city name (Slyvenor) if you wish your character to be 637 years old, he would have lived in Aegis, as Asulon only lasted around 80 years. Another thing is that in your backstory you skip from the age of about 100 all the way to 500. Please add in details and such for when your character was in Aegis as well as in those 400 years.
    • There were multiple spelling and grammar mistakes throughout your application. Please try to correct these to the best of your ability (you are allowed to use a program such as word that has spell-check)
    • Your open response questions could use a bit more detail and could be expanded on.
    • It would also be useful for your skin to be a bit paler, as your character might be mistaken for a wood elf! (If this was your intention then it's fine, but it looks a bit dirtier than the average high elf's skin tone)

    Do not hesitate to private message me if you have any questions or if you need any help.

  3. Under Review


    Put on Pending


    You have 24-hours to fix what I mention below then private message me once you're done or you will face denial.




    If you're a wood elf, your skin would have to have a more cinnamon-colour to it. An example of an adequate wood elven skin tone would be: 0b724676d6adf386306b06f26fdb0a78.png?136



    Please add some more server lore into your backstory. Add city names, nation names, the name of the previous or current realms, perhaps the elvish language or the name of the elves' guard force.. Show that you have indeed read the lore and can apply it.


    Please, do not hesitate to private  message me if you need any help or have any questions!

  4. Under Review



    Congratulations, you have been accepted. One thing that I would like to note is that I saw some spelling and grammar mistakes. Please try your best to stay away from these two things while in-game, but other than that this was a fine application.


    I can't wait to see you in the elven forests!


    Please wait patiently for a moderator to implement (whitelist) you.


    Message me if you need help or if you have any questions, comments, or concerns!

  5. Under Review



    You may reapply in 24 hours. If you post before this time you will be denied instantly.




    Please fill out the biography


    Your meta-gaming and power-emoting definitions are not correct,Feel free to look them up, but be sure that you don't plagiarize anything!


    Your open response questions could be expanded on, as well as some of the other questions in your application.


    Feel free to private message me if you have questions or need any help!  

  6. Under Review




    A fine application! I'll see you in the elven forests!


    But, there were a few things I'd like to point out:


    The first is that if you plan on living as a liberal and pure high elf, you may want to change the hair colour of your character, as other high elves may think of your character as less if you decide to live with them. If you wanted to live with the wood elves/dark elves or you were going for this, then you're fine, but I thought I'd let you know.


    Another thing is that with your last name, you would but an apostrophe in between the two words, not a hyphen. So, it would be Maehr'Tayna.


    Please wait patiently for a moderator to implement (whitelist) you to the server.

  7. Under Review



    Please wait 24-hours before re-applying or you will face denial.




    In your biography, you state that your character is the true heir to malin. The problem with this is that all elves can trace their ancestry back to malin, so all elves are his descendants, so this needs to be fixed in your next application.


    You also stated something about a royal family and kings and queens. If your character lived in the elven nation of malinor, then there wouldn't be any kings or queens, nor is there a royal family of the elves. Please refer to the page on malinor here: http://www.lordofthecraft.net/wiki/wikka.php?wakka=Malinor#hn_The_Government_of_Malinor


    Your character's family was killed and now you seek revenge. This is seen on LoTC much too frequently, so perhaps you should choose something a bit more original.


    Another thing that I thought I'd mention is that your character's last name isn't grammatically correct in the elvish language. Instead of a hyphen ( - ), you would but an apostrophe ( ' ) between the two words. So it would be  Akal'Adil for "desire valuable"


    If you have any questions or need any help at all, do not hesitate to private message me.

  8. Under Review


    Denied and Banned from Applying


    Duration: One month.


    Reasoning: Your role-playing definition was plagiarized from the urban dictionary, http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=roleplay (refer to the first submission). You copied the definition exactly, which is not allowed here on lord of the craft. After waiting one month, if you choose to re-apply, make sure that you define roleplaying, meta-gaming, and power-gaming in your own words; do not directly copy and paste anything. 


    Private message me if you have any questions or need any help.

  9. Under Review




    • Please wait 24 hours before reapplying to face an instant denial.

    Please fill out the entire application, (you missed the ORQ's) and for the part you did fill out, be sure to expand  more on your application as a whole and fix any grammar or spelling errors. (run it through word or another application that has spell check)


    Please Private Message me if you have any questions or if you need any help!

  10. *Looks at the poster and writes a note*

    I am tired of this as well. We have a leader who has been drunk publicly before. I went to work for oren because this is not my home I once loved . Till it changes I won't be back. Let filth roll in filth. I advise many to work in oren.

    *a drawing of kolyat with a bottle is here*

    It is signed "anonymous"

    The note is ripped down and ripped up.


    Orym then casually tosses it into the river.

  11. Under Review





    Please wait a full 24-hours before reapplying or you will face and instant denial.


    Reasons for Denial:


    The undead were in Aegis, and Arethor was in Asulon, so you must remove undead from your backstory if you are to be a human, as your character would be dead by now if he was in Aegis.


    There were multiple grammar and spelling mistakes throughout the application; run it through word or another application with spell-check to fix this.


    You must post your application on the minecraft forums.


    You must include an age for your character. While in-game others might not be able to tell how old your character is, you should still include your age in your application, as it is out-of-character.


    In the third open response question you threaten to kill the merchant and take his bandages. You need a villain application for stealing as well as unprovoked murder (which can only be gotten once you have been on LoTC for at least a week) so please remove this from your application.



    Feel free to private message me if you have any questions or need any help.

  12. Under Review


    Put on Pending


    • Wood elves have a brown skin colour, so you would need to edit your current skin as it has a more pale tone to it. An example of an adequate wood elven skin tone would be: 9f7ded95588c1f6601c36b2dddca4f1f.png?136
    •  I noticed that you used Asulon and Normandor in your application. Asulon was the previous realm; we are currently in 3.0,  or anthos. Normandor was also in Asulon, so it doesn't exist anymore. Instead, you could say malinor, which is the nation of the elves.

    Other than that, your application looks pretty good! Fix your application within twenty-four hours, or you will face denial. Be sure to send me a private message once you have fixed your application. and/or if you have any questions.






    A fine application! I'll see you in the elven forests!


    Please wait patiently for a moderator to implement (whitelist) you to the server.

  13. Orym rips off one of the letters, and puts a note in its place.


    Dear O. Sylvanus Treemail,


    If you have such claims and concerns, making a public letter is not the answer. Your voice can be heard still if you send a letter to an official. What you should of done was bring this up to me directly instead of doing something such as this, as these notices only cause chaos, disarray, and the like. While some of your suggestions may be relevant and logical, and you also might have some ideas, you should come to myself before something such as this.


    I hope to hear from you directly in the future, Van'ayla,


    High Commander Orym


    Orym then puts these notes up on any other letters he sees. He then goes back to his office with one of the letters and reads it over again, sighing.

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