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Everything posted by DeeKaah

  1. Can a nice GM check my ban appeal? I'll give you a cookie!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. xFrozt


      *picks up the cookie and eats it*

      I'm not a gm but I like cookies

    3. DeeKaah


      Awwwww My cookie!

    4. ~≈Panda≈~


      Panda made you a cookie, but I ated it.

  2. Random thing to hate today : Those small cups of coffeemilk cuz you gotta use like 3 of them to get some decent milk in your coffee!

  3. The uniform is for missions! Wether one wishes to wear it all the time is his or her choice. You may wear any other suit when you're not on a mission.
  4. And a cookie

  5. Wanna get into tha serva! The GM who checks my ban appeal gets a kitty!

  6. I got a disconnected by server : Leaving large amounts of floating trees message! Does it mean Im banned or something?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DeeKaah


      There has been no ban report on me

    3. Lirinya


      There was a server report made

      for leaving floating


    4. DeeKaah


      I appealed for ban removal! Hope it works!

  7. I have arrived after a long journey! However, one my arrival, I find nothing but a deserted compound.
  8. Can I still join if I'm already in the fallen rangers?
  9. Name: Gwayn Strongwind Rank: Recruit Age: 27 Other and Previous Jobs: N/A ( Maybe joining the Fallen Rangers ) Short Bio: Raised as a hunter by his parents, Gwayn soon learned most there was to know about archery and living in the wilds. When his parents grew old and moved to Arethor, he continued to live in the wilds and hunt animals. It wasn't until long that he met Selva. They soon fell in love with eachother and got married. After 4 years of peace, Selva was captured by bandits and her whereabouts remains unknown until this day. Gwayn searches the entire continent for her and will not rest until he finds her. He tries to settle down however and maintains his fun spirit. Current member of (other guilds): N/A Previous member of (other guilds): N/A Credibility out of ten: I'd say about 8/9 Loyalty out of ten: When I swear loyalty, I STAY loyal. A 9.9 ( Because I'm humble xD )
  10. OOC MC Name: DeeKaah Sword and Bow Levels: Sword 0 Bow 40 Have you ever been banned or had a ban report posted on you: Nope IC Name: Gwayn Race: Human Weapon of choice: Bow Combat Expierience (Guilds, training): Neither guilds nor training Have you ever fought against Renatus: No Why you wish to join us: I wish to have a place to call home and people to call colleagues. I wish to roam the wilds and hunt down animals, bandits and other scum! I wish to be trained in the mastery of the bow. I wish to be... A ranger!
  11. MC Name : DeeKaah RP Name : Gwayn Race : Human Weapon of Choice : Bow
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