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  1. new here hopping my app gets accepted but from all the videos they tell you they did about three

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Lago


      8. Ambitions, Favourite Tool, Talents

      You've given one line answers. Develop these further, give reasons.

    3. Lago


      9. Open Response Scenarios

      Very underdeveloped, one line answers. These exist to test your ablity to roleplay well, and you aren't demonstrating that.

    4. Lago


      10. Advice

      Drop the golem thing completely. Unless you've read the golem lore, any golem you try to make will be denied. You won't get to be a golem on your first character either.

      Read the application guides. They're very useful.

      Make your character original, but not in a way that stands out. A normal dwarf with a good backstory and a few flaws is more likely to get you in than a fancy flesh golem thing that somehow speaks perfect English.

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