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Bedrock VIP
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Status Updates posted by Jonificus

  1. Trial GM, huh? Took you long enough.

  2. Do not watch alone at night.
  3. Could anyone link me a map of Athera, blease?

  4. Welp, a report on Cappy. Time to watch the fireworks.

  5. Merry christmas, LotC.

  6. plugin shops don't work anymore?

  7. "Talking a guy into a life of alcoholism. This is what RP is all about."

  8. Looking for RP? or maybe you want to try something new? Then join the Dalavician Company Guard! There's more than meets the eye! https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/120504-recruiting-the-dalavician-company-guard/

  9. Who operates the wiki?

  10. welcome back, Oren.

  11. I, for one, approve of Kalenz.

  12. @BGBuster Christmas edition of your LOTC newsletter when?

  13. nature is so beautiful.
  14. It was a good run, High elves. See ya after the massacre.

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