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Morkas (Wrathstar555)

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Posts posted by Morkas (Wrathstar555)

  1. Morkas notices that the first blacksmith has applied, and pins a note beneath, saying "Bael, you're accepted as both a miner and a smith, but what I would like you to do most is smithing. I will soon set up the station in the mines, and I would like it if you could smelt as much of the stone as you can. I will be talking with Hiebe about getting a supply of charcoal so we can smith the stone."

  2. Morkas reads over the notes, and thinks to himself, Glad to see lads are finally smartin' up an' soignin up. He then pins a note of his own, which reads, "both of you are accepted, welcome to the group. Meet me sometime, and I'll set you up with a mining permit."

  3. You enter the great dwarven city of Kal'Dwain, and you notice several messages on the board. This message has the title, "Kal'Dwain Mining Association". This message intrigues you, so you decide to read on. The message contained within the paper, written in a dwarven scrawl, it reads,

    Miners of Kal'Dwain, a calling is now given to you! Until now, lads have mined for themselves, and have given no regard for their city, growing and lacking in resources. This stops now, with the Kal'Dwain Mining Guild. All lads who are a proficient miner ((looking for 50 and above)), you are to make sure that you keep all the cobble that you keep, and deliver it to the chests that are set up in the entry room in the mines. It is important for keeping the city in tact and allows us to grow the number of houses and walls we have. Along with use of the public mines, a lad can request a private mine for 10,000 minas, and you have a week to mine it out. I request that all skilled mining Ironguts and skilled lads who live in the city take on the job, as it is the least you can do to help. I could consider also taking on lads that are a part of other clans, though I would like to keep it completely dwarven. As for pay, I think that being allowed to use our mines, in return for the cobble that you collect is a fair, good deal for all those who are a part of this group. Along with the miners, I also seek a few smiths, lads who would be willing to occasionally check on the supplies, smith it into a nicer stone than the cobble, and then make brick of what you smelt. If you would like to join, please fill out the form below, and tag a note beneath this one.

    Sincerely, Morkas Irongut

    What is your name?:

    Are you kin of the Ironguts?:

    Do you live in Kal'Dwain?:

    Are you a miner or a smith?

    How skilled are you at mining or smithing?:

    Would you be willing to give more to the city beyond the cobble we request, if it was asked of you?:

    Official list of members:

    Morkas Irongut - Leader of the guild

    Hrokor Stonebrow - Miner

    Argon Tunnelsmasher - Blacksmith / MIner

    Dom Irongut - Blacksmith / Miner

    Bael Tunnelsmasher - Blacksmith / Miner

    Mathi Irongut - Miner

    Bob Stonefoot - Miner

    Virgil - Blacksmith / Miner

    Theor Irongut - Miner

    Durrak Irongut - Blacksmith / Miner

  4. MC Name- Wrathstar555

    Character Name- Morkas Irongut

    Skills- 100 swords, 100 sneak, 40 mining

    Do you know how to use a cannon- aye, ah manned ah cannon in de battle uv kal'alras.

    Do you know how to sail a ship- ney, but ah fink ah would ve ah gud captain.

    Do you have any previous sailing jobs- ah'v never done anyfin aboard ah ship, but ah'd loik tah learn.

  5. * Morkas, who was sitting in the back taking things in since his first statement, now shouts out, *

    "Ye did sumfin dat ah fousand years uv labor wouldn't make up fer. Ye put ah bounty on yer feckin kin! ah dunnae give ah **** about what ye ever say ever again, an even if de lads do accept ye, ah'll never fergive ye. Ah say ye should rot in de wilds fer what ye'v done."

    * Morkas spits at Mili, and then quiets down to hear what people have to say. *

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