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Morkas (Wrathstar555)

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Posts posted by Morkas (Wrathstar555)

  1. Morkas remembers this elf as a helpful man who was often farming, and how he often used to be around Mount Ire. He frowns when he hears that he's been spending time in places other than dwain and ire, thinking to himself Why would he spend time anywhere else? they're all near abandoned, and I can't see them needing food as much as Dwain or Ire... putting that thought behind him, Morkas responds to the elf saying,

    "aye, ah be Morkas. ah dunnae remember yer name thu... anyways, what brings ye tah dwain? Is dis yer first soim 'ere, comin 'ere tah see de grave uv Darius? Er are ye 'ere fer werk? Either way, ah suppose yer alroight. per'aps we can come into de tavern and talk."

    Morkas jestures to the recently built tavern, which he knows the elf has probably never seen before.

    "per'aps ye'd join meh in ah drink... ah'v been needin ah drink fer ah while, although ah dunnae nu what ye fink about dwarven ale. Oh! what was yer name again lad?"

    ((that's some very nice forum RP we have here :)))

  2. Morkas returns from his trip in the kal'dwain public mines, hands full of his ores that he needs to smelt. He says to himself "where is mah sun when ah need 'im..." As he heads to his home in the iron citadel, Morkas spots an elf wandering about Dwain. His first instinct is to become a escort for the man out of the city, but there's something about this man that seems... familiar. Either way, Morkas decides to confront him. He walks up to the elf, and asks him "ye, what'r ye doin in kal'dwain? ye seem famliar, but ah dunt nu many elves. Whu are ye"

  3. MC Name: Wrathstar555

    RP Name: Morkas Ironfist

    What are you skilled in the most: ah'm un uv de best moiners in all uv de land!

    Where do you hail from: Ah 'ail frum kal'dwain.

    Short Bio of yourself: Ah was born into de capitol of kal'urguan, and ah'v been movin wif de dwarves ever since. Although not many noticed meh til de land of Asulon, in particular when de dwarves moved to Mount Ire. Ah'v found mahself ah 'ome in kal'dwain, and am passing de toim by 'elping out de ironfists, and working mah position as Lord Baron.

    Do you swear loyalty to the Empire of Kal'Urguan, and Paragon Kjell Ireheart: Aye, ah du.

  4. * you see a note posted in the cloud temple, and you decide from the poor scrawl that it is dwarven. You read on though, and the note says *

    Hello there town owners and merchants, I am looking to buy a house to use when I need a break from my normal home. I need a house that I would be able to spend time in, but not live in all the time. I would be willing to pay you either gold ingots, iron ingots, or, if I like the house enough, Diamonds. If you have a house that you're looking to sell, please attach a note saying what you'd be willing to accept in terms of pay, and what races live in your town.

  5. OOC-

    Username: Wrathstar555

    Time Played on Lotc: just shy of 2 months now

    # of Ban reports placed on yourself: I don't have any sort of dicipline, strikes, bans, whatever. I'm clean.

    Position you are looking for?: I'm looking to apply for the position of Lord Baron.

    Why are you good for this position?: I would be good for this position because I am good at organzing, which is an important skill needed for this job, because you're managing the entire dwarven workforce. I would also be good for this job because I would be able to provide a lot of time to this job.

    Display some examples that prove the above: I have been helping with managing and keeping kal'dwain in shape for a while now, and have been doing a good job with that. Also, I'm good with new people, which would be important because you'd need to get to know people when you take on this job.

    Do you believe other Dwarves respect you? I think that most everyone I meet respects me, yes, although I'm sure there's a few who don't really like me.



    Yer partial bluud loine (Cave Dwarf, Mountain Dwarf, Forest Dwarf): Ah be a cave dwarf.

    'Ow long 'ave ya lived in da Empire ov Urguan?: Ah'v lived in de empire fer nearly ah decade now, ah fink, although ah cannae say fer sure.

    Wut be yer current position?: Ah suppose ye could call mah position "construction an reform uv kal'dwain" although ah dunnae 'ave an official position.

    Wut position are ye current luukin' fer?: Ah'm lookin tah fill de position uv Lord Baron.

    Are ya a Clod? a Dreg? or a Noble?: Ah dunnae nu if ah remember dis roight, but ah fink ah'm a dreg, though ah'm not quite sure, tah be 'onest.

    Wut be yer primary skills?: Well, ah'm ah moiner by trade, but ah'v been trainin mahself in de way uv de 'ammer, which is quite similar to an axe ((axe mastery but I call my axe a hammer)). Alsu, ah'm 'andy wif me crossbow.

    W'y duh ya fink yer a capable Dwarf fer dis job eh? Well, ah fink dat ah would be good at dis job fer ah few reasons. Un, ah'm ah good, 'ard, long werkin man, so ah'd be able tah dedicate ah lot uv toim to dis position. Alsu, ah'm ah well organoized dwarf, and ah fink dat ah could use dat tah 'elp me wif plannin out what de werkers are tah be doin.

    W'o duh ye pledge Oath tuh?: Ah pledge to de Paragon Kjell Ireheart, as well as mah great clan leader and father, 'iebe Ironfist.

  6. Oh no no no. First, you say that you grieved the death of your father, that was great and okay. But then, you somehow bury your father with no lead up to it, or allow anyone ample time to respond after your initial post, thus the double posting comes into play. As for the powergaming, we neither saw how you got to Kal'dwain, where your father was, you didn't interact with Hogarth to talk about your father or retrieve him for, set, burial.

    Which, in my opinion, was unfair to anyone who was wanting to roleplay with Hogarth as he entered the town of Kal'dwain, aka, me.

    ((well, sorry mate, but it happened IG, not on the forums. I was just updating on here to let those know who weren't there where his grave was. now let's quit bickering and stop the OOC, ok?))

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