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Status Updates posted by Kardel

  1. oh, come on server!

  2. Blizzard Alert, you say? Well, this is clearly a government conspiracy! Time to put on my tinfoil hat and sit tomorrow out playing LotC all day!

  3. I decided to try and rejoin the ET. If you liked my events in the past, you know what to do: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/119771-kardels-re-re-application-to-the-event-team-ziko99/

  4. Did the server die?

  5. God damn it!I'm in the middle of doing an event and i've crashed about 4 times now!

  6. To all Dwarves: the Senate of Hammers meets at 4PM EST today. If the downtime extends beyond that, we will try to meet at 5PM EST. The meeting shall be pushed back one hour each time if the downtime persists. All clans are encouraged to bring more than just their delegates. 

  7. To any GM reading this: before I was banned I had Gold VIP status, but this was removed both from my in-game and forum accounts due to my having Lore Keeper status on both instances, which superseded by Gold VIP. Can a GM/FM deal with this? Thanks. 

  8. are you missing that special something in your life? are you feeling sad or happy or all of the above? then the answer is my art thread. one browse a day keeps the nsa away because the nsa does not like to look at good quality art like mine so it is deterred away i definitely recommend looking at this art threat if the nsa is snooping around your house like a small rat who comes out during the night and eats your mum's favorite chocolate cake but your mum is so old and she says "hey where is my chocolate cake i need it to survive" but the rat ate it and you are angry at the rat so you try to trap it but it never works and the more your try to get it the more it ruins your life but one time in christmas eve the rat is lonely because its family has passed away so you invite it to your table and find out that the rat is just a guy down on his luck who has to steal for a living and then you stick the turkey knife down its back and boom problem solved. my art threat does that but easier because see there are not rats or nsa involved so i completely recommend it kisskiss <3<3<3


  9. Bored, single, and looking for memes? Want free art? Come to my damn art page! 


  10. Great fight lads

  11. My grandma fought as a mujaheddin in Kosovo

  12. Golly gee willikers! These forums sure are functional!

  13. There is a toxic neonazi culture in LotC that needs to be stopped NOW

  14. Stop trying to hide my thread with your sliding tactics, high elven sympathizer!



  15. You know who loves shellfish? High Elves. 

  16. Alchemist shears dont stack. I dont know if this is a bug or if it is intended.

  17. wtf i love oren now

  18. D O N 'T   P O K E   T H E   B E A R


  19. Y O U   S H O U L D N 'T   P O K E  

    T H E  B E A R

  20. Oren's federalist system, diverse population, and vast geography makes it exceptional among nations

  21. hi friends!! so even though im on holiday from LotC i'll still upload some quality content on my lotc blog like this gem: 



  22. sutica strikes again

  23. wtf i hate server uptime now

  24. sometimes i feel **** for being a muslim i just want to fit in to the balkans and be a white christian slav


    but the glory of Allah swt keeps me here

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