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Posts posted by BegginLena



    Name: Mogroka




    Reward: 1,000 minas.

    Last seen: Vekaro sewers.



    Big fat kebab which has four legs and scaly skin like a drake, big red eyes.



    Locked within the Vekaro sewers, presumed to be eating poor-folk who live in the sewers.

    ((I’ve spoken to an ET member about this, and we’ve agreed this will not be an event that is broadcasted, rather. Something which is more of a surprise. Simply head into the sewers, and if you’re lucky. The crocodile will appear.))

  2. "Pah, it was pathetic display of justice. You were not ordered to do this... it was but an sadistic trip to quench some childish ego of your own! Stop this, what is done is done."


    "You make Carrion seem like little sissy babe, we are house to be feared, this man was traitor and you forget that we make take part in genocide just a few elven days ago!"


  3. Vekaro Financial Report

    Week 1


    Its been an interesting weekend in Vekaro concerning financial matters. This week we saw the implementation of the following things;


    First Tax week,

    That’s right Vekaro the first taxation cycle has been taken in, not one resident has been evicted for tax evasion so far. If you have any questions about how to pay your tax or when tax is collected follow this link;


    So far the collected taxes for Vekaro stand at 550 Mina.


    This is how your money is being spent;


    Total Income



    -250 Building materials

    -300 Builders Pay




    A firm warning going out to this weeks tax evaders,


    Cabadath (Ze_Surgeon)


    Alphrix (Alphrix)


    Weis (lastdash)


    Avgoslav (Jojoma11)

    If you don't pay your taxes for this week, and the previous week you will be evicted, and your items will be seized by House Carrion.

    Lord Mikhael Carrion, Steward of Vekaro

  4. For those who will be buying houses in the great city of Vekaro in the near future.

    Vekaro House Rules

    1) No existing structure may be edited on the exterior.


    2) Interior can be changed to your liking.


    3) NO basements, unless you speak with either Maer or Steward,

    who will then come up with a reasonable price for a decent sized basement.


    Vekaro Taxation Rules

    1) Be sure to buy the amount of taxation papers required

    (two for a house, four for a shop)


    2) Pay your taxes on time! This is vital! unexcused absences may result in you losing your house!

    You are given two warnings, if you do not pay your tax one week, you receive a warning, forget to pay it on the second week and… well, you get evicted, and your items are seized by House Carrion.


    3) Be sure to put your taxation papers into the donation chest outside of your house!

    Do not hand them to players, don’t put them into your personal chest, always remember that the only way we know you’ve paid your taxes, is whether or not you’ve placed them inside of your taxation chest.

    To make purchase speak to the Maer or Steward

    Mikhael Carrion, Crows-Steward of Vekaro

  5. MIkhael too rummages through old tomes and books and discovers an old war song written in times of the Adunian conflict.


    I, wait so long in the snow
    For one little piece of bread

    And I have been drunk since I was born

    And I keep Adunians in a cage
    I'm poor
    I sold my child for a sip of vodka
    My wife is named Svetlana Borshtynskovskiska
    At my huge castle, we tried to send a mace-catcher up into the sky


  6. Fredek’s Flat Tavern




    Music Theme:



    Fire light flickers and illuminates a small crowded room in the center of Kvaz, Streltsy of the Raevir pour over the bar grabbing and sloshing tankards of House Carrions signature drink, Carrion Black. The walls lined with many patriotic posters, “Carry on Carrion” “Are you in the Levy?” Orlik of Old and Tibor-Strelt stand behind the bar ensuring that the peasantry of Ruska can forget their troubles and hardships for this night at least. This was Fredek’s Flat Tavern, a watering hole ran by one of Ruska’s most renown tavern keep and his trusted apprentice. A rough Strelt inn where a man will often leave with a few scars to tell the tale of the nights events. Orlik mutters several things to himself as he hands out the black bubbling liquid to farmers, blacksmiths, fishermen and other Raevir peasantry, suddenly a fight erupts as two Urks clash at the door and the Inn is sent into a state of chaos.  Flyers lay calmly in a pile awaiting distribution, quickly written by the apprentice boy himself, in their hastily finished form the flyers read:

    welcme ! friend !


    we strive to serveyou in the best way possible !


    we have one drink which is the best drink !


    carrion black trademark !


    our tavern is high class !


    our floors are dirty, our drinks dirtier !


    *Under this is a picture of Orlik spitting in tankard*


    come to fredek’s flat ! get sloppy !


    (( Just a little OOC note, we try to idle behind the bar as much as possible so there is a good chance someone will be there to serve you ))

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