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Status Updates posted by Twiddlepop

  1. Challenge accepted Arcane Delvers, challenge accepted.

  2. My love goes out to the people affected by 9/11, you have my support and condolences~

  3. 4 people online. Achievement Get~

  4. I'm actually quite please there are soo many App Team Applications still waiting, it shows that the staff are really taking the decision seriously. Well done to all the new App Team members :)

  5. 30 Rep. Checkpoint!


  7. If things go how they think they will I'll be making a well argued post. *indirect status is mysteriously indirect*

  8. Ophelia getting some RP. Awww yeaaa. She so creepy.

  9. I would appreciate anyone who has experienced my RP to reference my Magic Application; Thank you! :)

  10. Oh how I love Kharajyr RP. Serious stuff going down right now~

  11. Kharajyr in 3.0 would make my year. Please, help our community prosper

  12. Volleyball, how I love thee.

  13. New Avatar AGAIN. Sticking with this one for a long time; I love it!

  14. Just like to say I'm not accepting any skin requests as of the moment~

  15. This song is truly beautiful

  16. Franca Sozzani, you incredible lady.

  17. Standing in as Daimyo of the Fukuhara~

  18. 11 hours worth of banter with iMattyz. Not bad, not bad at all ;3

  19. Recording my Voice of LOTC entries today; my voice will be revealed!

  20. Congrats to the new staff!~

  21. Congratulations to Lime and Saviour!~

  22. That's enough for the next two years, LOTC. Let's heal and make things better now.

  23. Christmassy Avatar :D

  24. Thank you to the staff; The work you put in is amazing.

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