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Status Replies posted by DrakeHaze

  1. Dunno if I'm going to play my Kha' again. I'm tired of seeing the same 7-8 people on the Island whenever I log on .-.

  2. Servers up. Time to be a kitten!

  3. *wants to begin some Kha roleplay

  4. Finally home. Time to be a Kitten now :3

  5. I have been away could someone update me and where is seventis on the realms list

  6. Well since it crashed again. I get to make another status and ask! What Kharajyr would like to adopt a 2 year old Kha' Pantera named Mwita? :3

  7. Where should I post about adopting me? I'm a 2 year old Kha' Pantera named Mwita :D

  8. Every one else gets requests to draw, why not Panda? :

  9. So now it crashes when I get to the Kha island xD

  10. *Logs into LoTC after being accepted as a Kha, server crashes instantly* Server must hate me xD

  11. Is there a seperate App for Kha Kittens? Or am I just supposed to make up a bio for a 3 year old or something xD

  12. Probably gonna create an Iblees group, with war claims every week. Yay or nay?

  13. Any Kharajyr need a kitten? I am creating an app. I would like for my kitten to have parents and not be an orphan xD

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