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Status Replies posted by DrakeHaze

  1. Bleh. Am I the only one who's not really excited for 1.3? The only things I find that will make LoTC improved are Emeralds, Lag fixes, Books, and Tripwires. What I truly wish, is that they will stop holding back modding API.

  2. 1.3 Update will allow servers to dole out their own texture packs! Awesome!

  3. 1.3 pre release. Kthankz time for emerald hunt

  4. Is it advertising if you want people to go onto your Teamspeak server instead of LoTC's?... If it is.. I am goin' to do it anyway. Haven't broken that rule yet.

  5. Being a golem owner is SO much hassle when you're trying NOT to kill people....

  6. Gets enslaved and forgets to get the MC Name of my new owner. *Facepalm.*

  7. The orcs can't have a cicil war that is Orens job

  8. If I were to post a Magic app, would any of you support it?

  9. I think...I've become bipolar...

  10. Haha, I tried to give a cat some lovely cooked chicken today, but a random chicken came charging at the cat and scared it off. That was funny. But it got weird when the chicken helped itself to the cooked chicken...

  11. murder across the street from me... help

  12. I don't see how people find it so hard to write an App and get it accepted :/

  13. If I had a nickle for everytime Craotor misspelled a word I would have a lot of nickles.

  14. wtf...it's been so long since the server's been up...

  15. Last person to comment wins.

    1. DrakeHaze


      Is it possible for a Fm to lock your status? Cuz then they would win xD

    2. (See 32 other replies to this status update)

  16. If I had a nickle for everytime Craotor misspelled a word I would have a lot of nickles.

  17. If I had a nickle for everytime Craotor misspelled a word I would have a lot of nickles.

  18. Going to watch UP. Yaaaay :D

  19. This connection is encrypted using RC4_128 (128-bit), with SHA-1 for message authentication and ECDHE_RSA for the key exchange mechanism.

  20. How I feel when people decide to make Wolf characters... Without even acknowledging the work I put into it: http://th03.deviantart.net/fs70/150/i/2010/313/0/0/crying_by_k_bladin-d30ji9r.jpg

  21. Va accepted!!TIME FU DA CHOPPY CHOPPY!!!

  22. You know what I do when the server's down? Get some friends together and RP on skype.

  23. One of the things I run into alot on the server is that you have periods of time doing nothing... I'm not going to just intrude into someone's roleplay and be annoying, but some times I sit at a table and just go afk for about 3 hours due to the fact n o one wants to roleplay with random strangers... anyone have a way to fix that?

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