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Status Updates posted by Nekkore

  1. I'm back but not for long. I still have the obstacles of exams in my way...

  2. I'm back but not for long. I still have the obstacles of exams in my way...

  3. The server is up aaaaaaaaaaand it's down.

  4. Is it bad that I like dark jokes?

  5. Plenty of players. Just too many tiny little towns.

  6. Lesson learned. Don't listen to music on near full volume. >_

  7. Too much League, LOTC now.

  8. Dat 666 active posts...

  9. Much Smash, such little time...

  10. http://youtu.be/HbKPUqGgPzg Mercenaries stand before your anthem for the merc life chose you.
  11. FTs are dead yo

  12. Server be tripping...

  13. RIP M4A1-S all the skins forever remembered in our hearts.

  14. Skype why u do dis?!

  15. This is the server. Feast your eyes upon it as it gives no ****s that we are role-playing on it.

  16. My program has met the user requirements and that it is suppose to crash.

  17. Play rhythm games; screw up the end...


  19. Seriously? Just when I was about to start a lesson the server had to crash...

  20. Any skinners around?

  21. Bonfire night. Too bad I have homework ;-;

  22. Looking at my profile you sneaky bastard. :P

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