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Application Comments posted by Quavinir_Twiceborn

  1. WVJ86vD.png


    -You plagiarized on your definitions.


    -Plagiarism is absolutely unacceptable, and will always result in instant denial. Plagiarizing again in any form will result in being banned from applying for a duration of time.


    -Your character's biography includes no server information, such as locations within the world lord of the craft takes place in, or important world events, called lore. Server lore can be found on the server wiik, which is accessable via the wiki tab above.


    -your minecraft skind eos not match up with your character's description, having light skin and light hair.


    -You may re-apply whenever convenient.


    -Feel free to send me a Pm if you have any questions.


    -And if you so wish, we have a new player discord if you're looking for guidance. https://discord.gg/eySYjqw


  2. R5ThvUo.png


    -Your application has been put on pending, a state by which you simply need to fix the listed discrepancies within 24 hours to be accepted into the server.


    -Your meta-gaming and power-gaming definitions are incorrect. Take some time to look at the links at the top of the 'add new application' page as to better orient yourself with the definitions of such, and than adjust your listed definitions accordingly.


    -Your character's biography does not serve well as a biography. your character's biography should explain where they came from, their upbrining, and the events that led them to their current situation.


    -Your character's listed age in you biography is different than the age listed in the question asking for his age.


    -Being allergic to water is impossible, both in real life, and the fantasy world of Lord of The Craft.


    -Red eyes are not natural colors for non-albino humans. Please adjust your character to have a more feasable eye color.


    -You have 24 hours to make the needed edits. Failure to do so within 24 hours will result in this application being denied.


    -Please send me a PM once you've made the needed changes,or if you have any questions.


    -And if you so wish, we have a new player discord if you're looking for guidance. https://discord.gg/eySYjqw 





    -Please wait patiently to be implemented ingame.


    -And if you so wish, we have a new player discord if you're looking for guidance. https://discord.gg/eySYjqw




  3. WVJ86vD.png



    -I would like to note that if your application was posted with a forum account, this application would be put on pending, a state by which you'd simply need to make a few edits to your application to be accepted. Yet, your application was posted with a guest account, which is unable to make edits to the application, hence making pending not a viable option.


    -Both your meta-gaming and power-gaming definitions are both very off. Take some time to look at the definitions linked at the top of the 'add new application' page to better orient yourself with such.


    -Your character's biography is far too short. Take some time to explain where your character came from, and their upbringing.


    -Electricity and fire are assumed and normal weaknesses. Someone being susceptible to being electrocuted or burned to death is an assumed  part of being a human. Please take some time to write down a more specific weakness.


    -You may re-apply whenever convenient.


    -Feel free to send me a PM if you have any questions.


    -And if you so wish, we have a new player discord if you're looking for guidance. https://discord.gg/eySYjqw



  4. WVJ86vD.png



    -I would like to note that if your application was posted with a forum account, this application would be put on pending, a state by which you'd simply need to make a few edits to your application to be accepted. Yet, your application was posted with a guest account, which is unable to make edits to the application, hence making pending not a viable option.


    -Your meta-gaming and power-gaming definitions are a good bit off.  Take a look at the definitions linked at the top of the 'add new application page' as to better orient yourself with the definitions of such.


    -Your charatcer has 2 different names from their listed name to their biography.


    -your character's biography is far too short. Your character's  biography should explain where they came from, their upbringing, and what brought them to the point they're at now.


    -You need approval from the head of a family to apply as a member of a family.


    -you may re-apply whenever convenient.


    -Feel free to send me a forum PM if you have any questions.


    -And if you so wish, we have a new player discord if you're looking for guidance. https://discord.gg/eySYjqw





  5. WVJ86vD.png


    -You plagiarized on your defintions. As such, your application has been instantaneously denied.


    -Plagiarism is absolutely unacceptable, and plagiarizing again in any form will result in being banned from applying for a duration of time.


    -I would like to note that if your application was posted with a forum account (and wasnt plagiarized), this application would be put on pending, a state by which you'd simply need to make a few edits to your application to be accepted. Yet, your application was posted with a guest account, which is unable to make edits to the application, hence making pending not a viable option.


    -One is not allowed to apply as any form of royalty, or nobility.


    -One is not allowed to apply with a character with any form of magical qualities, powers, or abilities. To use magic ingame, one needs to learn it in-character, and fill out a magic application for such.


    -Having one's family randomly murdered by unnamed bandits and than vowing revenge is unfathomably cliche and over used

     If you wish for your character's family to be dead or for your character to have a driving force for violence, please supply a different reason.


    -The world Lord of The Craft takes place is completely separate from that of the Elder Scrolls series, Daedra dont exist in Lord of The Craft.



    -Your character's biography includes no in-character server information, such as places, or important world events, called lore. Server lore can be found on the server wiki, which is accessible via the wiki tab above.


    -You may re-apply whenever convenient.


    -Feel free to send me a PM if you have any questions.


    -And if you so wish, we have a new player discord if you're looking for guidance. https://discord.gg/eySYjqw

  6. R5ThvUo.png


    -Your application has been put on a state called pending, a state by which you simply need to edit your application and fix the listed discrepancies below to be accepted.


    Your character's biography includes no in-character server information, such as what place in the world your character came from, or any world events that affected your character's life. This information is called 'server lore'. Server lore can be found on the wiki, which is accessible via the wiki tab above.


    -Your character's biography is far too short, and isnt really a biography but your character simply introducing themself.


    -Your minecraft skin is not suitable for a halfling.


    -Your character name, and minecraft skin is Kirito from the anime Sword Art Online. Such is not sutiable for the fantasy medieval setting of Lord of The Craft. We ask that you create your own character, not take something from a TV show.


    -You have 24 hours to fix the listed descrepancies in your application, failure to do so will result in the application being denied.


    -Please send me a private message over the forums once you've made the needed changes, or if you have any questions.




    -You failed to make the needed changes within the alotted time.


    -You may re-apply whenever convenient.


    -Feel free to send me a PM if you have any questions.


    -And if you so wish, we have a new player discord if you're looking for guidance. https://discord.gg/eySYjqw
  7. WVJ86vD.png


    -I would like to note that if your application was posted with a forum account, this application would be put on pending, a state by which you'd simply need to make a few edits to your application to be accepted. Yet, your application was posted with a guest account, which is unable to make edits to the application, hence making pending not a viable option.


    -Your power-gaming defintion is a good bit short. Try to expand upon such, maybe use an example?


    -Your character's biography is far too short.


    -The name you have listed for your minecraft account is impossible for a minecraft account.


    -You need to describe your character's appearance under the 'description' question.


    -You may re-apply whenever convenient.


    -Feel free to send me a forum PM if you have any questions.


    -And if you so wish, we have a new player discord if you're looking for guidance. https://discord.gg/eySYjqw
  8. R5ThvUo.png


    -Your application has been put on a state called pending, a state by which you simply need to edit your application and fix the listed discrepancies below to be accepted.


    -your power-gaming and meta-gaming defintions are both short and vague. Try to expand upon such, maybe use some examples?


    -Having a character have their family killed by orcs, than vowing revenge is unfathomably cliche and overused. If you wish to have your character's family killed, please supply a different reaoning for such.


    -Orcs are among the most competent fighters on the server. For even a well aged elf to have killed a dozen orcs is quite a massive feat, having a character whose only 21 wound or kill 250 orcs is extremely unrealistic.


    -For one to escape any group of orcs is a massive feat, escaping 20 orcs is extremely unrealistic.


    -You have 24 hours to fix the listed descrepancies in your application, failure to do so will result in the application being denied.


    -Please send me a private message over the forums once you've made the needed changes, or if you have any questions.


    -If you have any additional questions, feel free to send me a PM.




    -And if you so wish, we have a new player discord if you're looking for guidance. https://discord.gg/eySYjqw
  9. WVJ86vD.png


    -You plagiarized on your definitions from wikipedia. Plagiarism is absolutely unacceptable and will result in automatic denial.


    -Plagiarizing again in any form will result in being banned from applying for a duration of time.


    -I would like to note that if your application was posted with a forum account (and not plagiarized), this application would be put on pending, a state by which you'd simply need to make a few edits to your application to be accepted. Yet, your application was posted with a guest account, which is unable to make edits to the application, hence making pending not a viable option.


    -One is not allowed to apply as a character with any magical qualities, abilities, or powers. this includes being a werewolf.


    -Werewolves as standardly known do not exist in the World lord of The Craft takes place in. Your character cant have wolf ears and a tail.


    -The world Lord of The Craft takes place in is separate from our own, and takes place in a medieval-fantasy environment. Modern amenities, characters, and organizations do not exist in Lord of The Craft.


    -Your character's biography includes no in-character server information, such as places, or important world events, called lore. Server lore can be found on the server wiki, which is accessible via the wiki tab above.


    -Your minecraft skin is not suitable for the medieval/fantasy setting of Lord of The craft.


    -You may re-apply whenever convenient.


    -Feel free to send me a PM if you have any questions.


    -And if you so wish, we have a new player discord if you're looking for guidance. https://discord.gg/eySYjqw

  10. WVJ86vD.png


    -I would like to note that if your application was posted with a forum account, this application would be put on pending, a state by which you'd simply need to make a few edits to your application to be accepted. Yet, your application was posted with a guest account, which is unable to make edits to the application, hence making pending not a viable option.


    -Your power-gaming defintion is a good bit short. Try to expand upon such, maybe use an example?


    -Your character's biography is far too short, and should be a solid paragraph long. try to describe your character's upbrining, or what brought him to the point he is at now.


    -Your character's biography includes no in-character server information, such as places, or important world events, called lore. Server lore can be found on the server wiki, which is accessible via the wiki tab above.


    -Feel free to send me a PM if you have any questions.


    -You may re-apply whenever convenient.


    -And if you so wish, we have a new player discord if you're looking for guidance. https://discord.gg/eySYjqw



  11. R5ThvUo.png


    -Your application has been put on pending, a state by which you simply need to make some changes to your application for you to be accepted.


    -Your character's biography is to be one that takes place in the world Lord of The Craft takes place in. Information pertaining to such a world can be found on the server wiki, which is accessible via the wiki tab above.


    -The information of the world is called 'lore', your character's biography  is expected to include one reference to such 'lore'.


    -The world Lord of The Craft takes place in is medieval-fantasy, such things as UNited States, cars, and other such modern amenities do not exist in Lord of The Craft.


    -Your minecraft skin is not suitable for the World Lord of The Craft takes place in, please find a minecraft skin more suitable for the fantasy/medieval setting of the server.

    -You have 24 hours to make the needed changes, failure to do so within 24 hours will result in the application being denied.


    -Please send me a PM once you've made the needed changes, or if you have any questions.




    -You failed to make the needed changes within the alotted time.


    -Feel free to send me a PM if you have any questions.


    -And if you so wish, we have a new player discord if you're looking for guidance. https://discord.gg/eySYjqw 

  12. R5ThvUo.png


    -Your application has been put on pending, a state by which you simply need to make a few changes, and than you can be accepted.


    -Your character's biography is far too short. Your character's biography should explain where they came from, or what brought them to this point.


    -You have server lore in your last biography, yet this one is lacking it. Please add server lore to your character's biography.


    -You have 24 hours to make the needed changes, failure to do so within 24 hours will result in being denied.


    -Please send me a forum PM once you've made the needed changes, or if you have any questions.




    -Please wait patiently to be implemented ingame.


    -Feel free to send me a PM if you have any questions.


    -And if you so wish, we have a new player discord if you're looking for guidance. https://discord.gg/eySYjqw


  13. WVJ86vD.png


    -I would like to note that if your application was posted with a forum account, this application would be put on pending, a state by which you'd simply need to make a few edits to your application to be accepted. Yet, your application was posted with a guest account, which is unable to make edits to the application, hence making pending not a viable option.


    -your meta-gaming and power-gaming definitions are incorrect, take a look at the linked definitions at the top of the 'add new application page.


    -One is not allowed to apply as royalty, or nobility.


    -You may re-apply whenever convenient.


    -Feel free to send me a PM over the forums if you have any questions.


    -And if you so wish, we have a new player discord if you're looking for guidance. https://discord.gg/eySYjqw


  14. WVJ86vD.png


    -I would like to note that if your application was posted with a forum account, this application would be put on pending, a state by which you'd simply need to make a few edits to your application to be accepted. Yet, your application was posted with a guest account, which is unable to make edits to the application, hence making pending not a viable option.


    -Your screenshot for your minecraft skin is just a blank picture with the windows logo on the center. You need to include a picture of your minecraft skin.


    -Axios was a continent, Ker'nor was /in/ Axios, Ker'nor was not known as Axios.


    -Axios was abandoned roughly 20 years ago in-character, making it impossible for your 18 year old character to be born in Axios.


    -Feel free to send me a PM over the forums if you have any questions.


    -You may re-apply whenever convenient.


    -And if you so wish, we have a new player discord if you're looking for guidance. https://discord.gg/eySYjqw


  15. WVJ86vD.png



    -I would like to note that if your application was posted from a registered forum account, your application would be put on pending, a state by which you'd simply need to make a few edits to the application and than be accepted. Unfortunately, guest accounts are unable to edit applications, hence making pending not a viable option for your application.


     -Your meta-gaming and power-gaming definitions are both a good bit off. Take a look at the definitions linked at the top of the 'add new application' page as to better orient yourself with the definitions of such.


    -Your character... never went too far from Krugmar? The orcish city?


    -You may re-apply in 6 hours.


    -Feel free to send me a PM over the forums if you have any questions.


    -And if you so wish, we have a new player discord if you're looking for guidance. https://discord.gg/eySYjqw





  16. R5ThvUo.png


    -Your application has been put on pending, a state by which you simply need to make a few changes to your application as to be accepted onto the server.


    -Your meta-gaming definition is very confusing, and a good bit off. Take a look at the definition for meta-gaming linked at the top of the 'Add New Application' page as to better orient yourself with the definition to better reflect such.


    -Your power-gaming definition is incorrect.  Take a look at the definition for power-gaming linked at the top of the 'Add New Application' page as to better orient yourself with the definition to better reflect such.


    -Your character's biography includes no server information, or 'lore' such as where he came from, or any important world events that transpired during your character's life. Server lore can be found on the server wiki, which is accessible via the wiki tab above.


    -Your character was a veteran in... 'The' war? What war are you speaking of?


    -You have 24 hours to fix the listed discrepancies in your application, failure to do so within 24 hours will result in this application being denied.


    -Please send me a PM once you've made the needed changes, or if you have any questions.


    -And if you so wish, we have a new player discord if you're looking for guidance. https://discord.gg/eySYjqw 




    -You failed to make the needed cahnges within the alotted time.


    -You may re-apply whenever convenient.


    -Feel free to send me a PM if you have any questions.


    -And if you so wish, we have a new player discord if you're looking for guidance. https://discord.gg/eySYjqw 


  17. WVJ86vD.png


    -I would like to note that if your application was posted with a forum account, this application would be put on pending, a status by which you could edit a few small things in your application and than have it accepted. Unfortunately, your application was posted with a guest account, making it impossible to edit and making putting your application on pending not viable.


    -Both your meta-gaming, and your power-gaming defintions are incorrect. Take a look at the definitions linked at the top of the 'add new application' page, as to better orient yourself with the definitions of such.


    -You may re-apply in 6 hours.


    -Feel free to send me a PM if you have any questions.


    -And if you so wish, we have a new player discord if you're looking for guidance. https://discord.gg/eySYjqw



  18. WVJ86vD.png


    -You plagiarized on your meta-gaming and power-gaming definitions from wikipedia. 


    -Plagiarism is absolutely unacceptable, plagiarizing again in any form will result in being banned for applying for a duration of time.


    -In the application, it asks you write a biography for your character. This is a definition of biography taken from google.


    We ask that you take a moment to make a character, and make a story for them, integrating server 'lore' or information tieing them to this world, such as where he was born, or what important events happened during his life. Please actually write a biography for your character. Simply writing "Hi" is not acceptable.


    -One is not allowed to apply as any form of royalty, or from any royal line.


    -The minecraft skin you have provided for a dwarf character both has a name with beard in it, yet lacks a beard himself.


    -You may re-apply in 6 hours.


    -Feel free to send me a PM if you have any questions.


    -And if you so wish, we have a new player discord if you're looking for guidance. https://discord.gg/eySYjqw



  19. WVJ86vD.png


    -I would like to note that if your application was posted with a forum account, this application would be put on pending, a status by which you could edit a few small things in your application and than have it accepted. Unfortunately, your application was posted with a guest account, making it impossible to edit and making putting your application on pending not viable.


    -Both your mega-gaming, and your power-gaming defintions are incorrect. Take a look at the definitions linked at the top of the 'add new application' page, as to better orient yourself with the definitions of such.


    -Your character's biography includes no server information, such as where she came from, or any important world events that happened during her life, referred to as 'lore'. Lore for Lord of The Craft can be found on the server wiki, which is accessible via the wiki tab above.


    -Why is your character the way he is? Why is he called Phantom Nightmare? What happened before he was found on the street? Why was his parental figure murdered? What is all this about a destiny? These are the sort of things that need to be explained.


    -It is important to note that elves are not considered adults in their society until they're 50 years old.  Though you're allowed to apply as a elven character younger than 50, it is still something that is noteworthy.


    -Your minecraft skin seems to be of a female dark elf character, which doesnt match up with your character being male.


    -You may re-apply in 6 hours.


    -And if you so wish, we have a new player discord if you're looking for guidance. https://discord.gg/eySYjqw

  20. WVJ86vD.png


    -I would like to note that if your application was posted with a forum account, this application would be put on pending, a status by which you could edit a few small things in your application and than have it accepted. Unfortunately, your application was posted with a guest account, making it impossible to edit and making putting your application on pending not viable.


    -Your power-gaming definition is a bit off (and is worringly close to the definitions both on wikipedia, and the server wiki.)  Try to put the definition more into your own words, and orient yourself with specifically the definition as it connotates to roleplay.


    -How did your character survive? how young was he?


    -You may re-apply in 6 hours.


    -Feel free to send me a PM if you have any questions.


    -And if you so wish, we have a new player discord if you're looking for guidance. https://discord.gg/eySYjqw

  21. WVJ86vD.png


    -I would like to note that if your application was posted with a forum account, this application would be put on pending, a status by which you could edit a few small things in your application and than have it accepted. Unfortunately, your application was posted with a guest account, making it impossible to edit and making putting your application on pending not viable.


    -Your  meta-gaming and power-gaming definitions are both a good bit off. Take some time to look at the defintiions linekd at the top of the 'add new application page' as to better orient yourself with the definitions of such.


    -Your character's biography includes no server information, such as where she came from, or any important world events that happened during their life, referred to as 'lore'. Lore for Lord of The Craft can be found on the server wiki, which is accessible via the wiki tab above. 


    -Blue blood on the axe? The blood of what? Why is it constantly stained?


    -Your character's biography is a good bit short, what happened before he came to the mountain? why did he flee to it? where did he come from?


    -Feel free to send me a PM if you have any questions.


    -You may re-apply in 6 hours.


    -And if you so wish, we have a new player discord if you're looking for guidance. https://discord.gg/eySYjqw

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