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Posts posted by YouKnowItsJuno

  1. Far, far away, in Saltstone, a young lady sits on a cliff overlooking the sea. She looks out a the choppy waters below - so different than that of her life in the desert. She breathes in the cold, salty air and looks down at the brand on her wrist - the white mark of Vrogak'Gorkil, Rex of the Iron Uzg. Having heard news of his death and the disappearance of the Warmistress, Kiri'Gorkil, she sat and thought of her former masters. She speaks softly, her voice carried away by the wind.


    "I came to you a scared little girl... and I became valuable in your eyes - valuable enough for you to chase after. Now you are gone, and I am finally free... and I am steel."

  2. On a bright sunny day in Valior, a lone figure walked across the fields and forests on the road towards Oren lands. Having just gotten off the boat, the young woman tried to keep her thoughts far from the long sea journey to these lands.


    Xanthe Fletcher, daughter of the fletcher of a small village in Athera, had come on a ship to Valior. Along the way, through the great chaos that happened on the seas, he was tossed from the boat by a wave and that was that; she had nothing to bury. Distraught, alone, and with no minas to her name, Xanthe came up with ideas to support herself and find protection in the strange new land. Finally, she determined she would best be able to do so by finding a noble house and asking to serve as a handmaiden for a lady. With that, she packed the few free provisions the monks gave out at the new temple and trudged off towards Oren.


    As she approached a bridge, she passed by two masked men. Nervously, she walked on until one called out, "Pardon me, miss!" She stopped, and that was her biggest mistake.


    It wasn't long until they drew swords and encircled her. Unarmed, Xanthe reached out for the edge of the bridge, ready to jump if she had to. But they distracted her and one of them slammed the pommel of his sword into her right temple and she blacked out.


    When she awoke again, they were in the forest. In horror, she realized she was bound and gagged. Her attackers asked her many questions and searched her. Disappointed, they realized she had nothing and had no one to pay her ransom, so again they hit her in the head to knock her out and shoved her in a dirty, coarse potato sack in order to transport her on the road with minimal suspicion.


    It was two days later. Bruised, cramped, hungry, and sick from being cold and wet (for it rained most of the time they traveled), Xanthe constantly cried and lamented her bad luck. She had heard the whispers of where they were to go, and it struck fear into her heart. Her worst fears were realized whenever she started to grow hot and sweaty, on top of her raging fever. They were in the desert.


    Her heart skipped a beat when the leader of the two bandits spoke to someone, and it was answered by a deep, guttural voice just barely understandable to her. Orcs.


    "...came across a fine human specimen in our travels, fine tuned and house trained - how would you like to be the new owner of a fine young slave?" The smooth, conniving voice of the bandit said.


    "Agh, gib mi da gurl," said a female orc, her voice demanding.


    Huge, lumbering footsteps could be heard as two more orcs approached. "Waghzhief... tayke da znaga...," he turned towards the two bandits, who's sly grins had faltered and were replaced with ones of fear. "Mi am Rehx Vrogak'Gorkil. Latz gib mi znaga az tribuyte?"


    Scared out of asking for coin for her, the bandit leader nodded sullenly. "Indeed... ah... tribute..."


    With that, Xanthe was dumped out of the sack. Blinking up at the harsh desert sun, she weakly looked at the three huge, lumbering orcs and her two captors, who were already walking quickly off. She was pulled to her feet by the one called the "Warchief", and she was dragged along into the palace.


    Later she knelt before the Rex in his palace. Looking up at him, her vision blurred from being weak and sick. He stood up from his throne, stepping forward to grab her hair and remove her binds. She looked up at him with wide, scared brown eyes.


    Grabbing her chin, he regarded her thoughtfully. "Hozh znaga... Kiri, latz kan kip 'er."


    Stepping forward, the female orc spoke. "Hozh, manee rulg, Rex," She knelt down and took Xanthe's chin from the Rex. "Latz belung tu mi nao, gruk?"


    Eyes full of tears, Xanthe nodded.


    Later, she was awoken from her small tower room by Kiri'Gorkil, her new mistress. She took her up to the volcano, where many more orcs were already gathered above the pit of lava at the zenith of the mountain. The Rex held one of her captors - apparently his bandit leader had left him to die at the hands of the orcs when they were captured in the desert. The bandit met Xanthe's eye, his own fear reflected in her own. He slowly turned towards the Rex, then with a look of defiance, he spat at him. Angrily, the Rex lifted one great foot and kicked the bandit into the lake of fire.

    With a scream, Xanthe turned away, covering her mouth with a hand. Stepping away from the cheering orcs, she knelt down and vomited.


    So this was her life, enslaved.


    [Had to write about this, probably the most eventful roleplay I've had in a while. Thanks to colaone1, friar5, ShannonLeigh, Arteh, and Origin_Lark (because he's beautiful).]

  3. While wandering about the bazaar in Al-Dirakh, Isra Jharar hears word of this healer in Salvus. Intrigued, she plans to visit when she next sails back to the mainland. Perhaps she could find help... or at the very least, find answers.

  4. Personally, Heffy (<3) has asked me to come back to play a halfling and I have been considering it. The only things really keeping me from doing so are:


    1. Feedback saying that the halfling town is kind of devoid of halflings most of the time. Since the playerbase is so small, roleplay should be centralized to give people a better chance of roleplaying with you. I remember a time when there was a pumpkin wall around the town and those who wanted to pass through had to talk to a halfling guard about passing. It created some very entertaining and engaging roleplay.
    2. Lack of drama/conflict - I realize that halflings are to be silly and easy-going, which I absolutely love about this race. What I'm trying to get at is that what makes other races attractive is their seriousness that leads to conflict and drama - which in turn creates good roleplay. How will the problem be resolved? And sure, halflings have their own kind of conflicts, but they tend to be much milder than that of other races. Most events they have are festivals and parties. Perhaps events like a fire in a hobbit hole that has taken all of an individual's few possessions and bed causes the rest of the community to try to help them get back on their feet, or a trickster (I love this idea someone presented upon bringing this back to the race - forgot the name atm, though, sorry!) who steals things in the middle of the night and the town has to band together to find his hidden stash. You could easily come up with race-appropriate, conflict-including events that everyone could participate in.
    3. When I did play a halfling, I felt like she didn't have much of a role in the community. There were a few, like the sheriff and mayor, who had roles, but for the most part halflings farmed whenever they needed food, they bartended for themselves, and they went fishing whenever they wanted fish. I think that having professions - and making these roles (for the most part, of course people can garden, fish, or go strawberry-picking for recreation) restricted, meaning only someone with that profession can do that specific job for a living, would help members feel like their characters are important members of the halfling community. I do not know how it is now, but in the past this is how it was - or it seemed to be - for me. This is more of a suggestion and isn't an objection I have like my first two points.

    These are just a few of the things I've noticed - if you all are thinking about forwarding the halfling community for the better, I'd be happy to join in.

  5. To the High Chancellor, Tristin Tesery, and other governing individuals of Laureh'lin,


    It would be the greatest of honors if you would allow the representatives of the great Caliph of Khalestine, Faiz Kharadeen, to come before you and extend to you our hand of friendship. We, the Safeeras Jemila Shahzada and Isra Jharar, plan to arrive within one elven day to the great Province of Laureh'lin to discuss matters of friendship and possibly trade with you and to answer any questions you might have about our distant nation. If you wish to discuss any trade, we ask that you also receive our Court Tajooru, Finian Goldhand, as well. If you will have us, we plan to stay for an extended period of time to serve as emissaries from the Caliphate. We apologize for the short notice, but hope that you will receive us nonetheless.

    With all our best wishes and hopes to meet you soon,

    Safeera Isra Jharar

    Safeera Jemila Shahzada


    OOC: Basically, trying to get some good roleplay between the Caliphate and yourselves. Hopefully it will boost roleplayers in both nations, and open up new opportunities. If you have questions, just ask Juno_Ax or JameiG.

  6. Name (Mc name in parenthesis after) - Isra Jharar (Juno_Ax)
    Age - 18
    Race - Qalasheen (Human)
    Citizen of Khalestine? - Yes
    Brief description on who you are and what you currently do - I am the daughter of the Munavin, Abdul Jharar. I have only just returned home to live with my family after 8 years of studying abroad on the outskirts of Petrus. Currently, I have no job in Khalestine.
    Position applying for - Safeera
    Why do you wish to take on this position? - I want to travel more and represent the Caliph and the Khalestine people and discover more about the mainland.
    What do you hope to accomplish by taking on this position? - To learn more, present it to the Caliphate, and to prove she is not a burden to her family and to her nation, but an asset.
    What makes you qualified for this position? - Educated, scholar, used to complications and challenges, of the people, has been to the mainland before.
    Anything else you wish to add? - I wish only to prove that I have a use to my Caliph and my people. Because of my disability, someone would have to be my traveling companion in order to help me get accumulated to my surroundings as I travel and to dictate letters to send back to the Caliphate.
    Signature here: *incoherent scribbles are here, because she cannot write, but to most it should look like a scrawled cursive signature*
  7. Isra Jharar later hears of the fall of Hammon, a man she never got to meet, and Enepay's involvement.

    "... What happened, Enepay?" She asks softly to herself, as she sits on her rooftop garden and reflects on the events that had happened in her absence.

  8.    :D If one of my characters ever has another kid, I'd love to have you rp her. I remember you being good at child rp.


    Oh thank you~ I must admit I enjoyed playing a child... they are quite fun.


    I remember you! 


    TAYLORRR! I miss you, Abner was the best; I was proud to be your daughter ;)



    Join Oren and your set



    Oh Oren...~


    You should join the Qalasheen Caliphate :) Also, remember little boy Quinlan Campbell from Adunia?

    Yes! I remember him! I miss old Adunia... 



    Hi there!


    A servant of House Ashford's courts :^)

    I'll keep that in mind~
  9.   I don't know if you remember Malog, the orc in Gronkkston whom one of your characters considered her good friend, even though she never knew what he was saying.


    Yessss! That was some of the cutest/weirdest rp I've ever had XD



    Mayhaps you could play a bastard of Caspar de Gueux? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 


    Who now?

  10. Hi again, guys. It's been quite a few months since I left LOTC and the forums, and I just wanted to pop in and say hi / ask who remembers me or can recall a time we've roleplayed together. It would warm my heart <3 I don't know if I'm gonna stick around and hop back onto the server, since a lot has changed in my absence (I still don't know the full extent of the changes, if someone would like to inform me, that'd be splendid). But for now,



  11. Dzadi pulls on her worn leather boots, sitting on a rock outside. Beside her is no gear, no weapon, no companion. Alone, she sat and thought, meditating on the task at hand. She and her fellow beardlings were off to go and kill a mass of wolves. She was scared, yes, but her desire to prove herself to her clan was greater than that fear.


    And with a grin, she tied her hair back and stood up, ready to go.

  12. OOC
    MC Name: Juno_Ax
    Forum Name: Juno_Ax
    Skype Name: juno_ax
    How active are you: It's summer and I have no life. You tell me.
    Timezone: US Central
    Date of acceptance to the server: Um, a few years ago?
    Amount of other Characters you play: 0 at the moment
    Role Play Name: Katelynn Silverblade
    Age: 6
    Status in family (Cousin/Sister/Brother/Son/Daughter)and to whom: Daughter of Huron
    Short biography of the character you wish to play: Katelynn spends her days playing, learning the ropes of being a noblewoman, and making friends.
    Why should do you think this app should be accepted: You asked me to play her and we've been rp buddies forever ^^
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