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dalia44 (Bacon Goddess)

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Status Replies posted by dalia44 (Bacon Goddess)

  1. The server is not up... T.T

    1. dalia44 (Bacon Goddess)

      dalia44 (Bacon Goddess)

      Ik..... Exactly how I feel. I was just going to write in my secret diary :(

  2. I'm stepping down as queen of th bannsd game

    1. dalia44 (Bacon Goddess)

      dalia44 (Bacon Goddess)

      Why not compete with me for the title of "Bacon Goddess" ?

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. In 57 minutes, I harvested 927 edible carrots, potatoes, melons, and bread. Don't believe me? Check my quota chest in the Hall of Labor in Malinor.

    1. dalia44 (Bacon Goddess)

      dalia44 (Bacon Goddess)

      Now it's 1,708.

      I stopped since I can't fit any more in my chest. :P

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

    1. dalia44 (Bacon Goddess)

      dalia44 (Bacon Goddess)

      Meh! I don't have any time to rp as a character from one of my favorite television shows!

      Then again...I don't really watch TV much.....

      @RIP dalia44@

      "Found out about TV show, Homeland. Died of fangirl obsessions."

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

    1. dalia44 (Bacon Goddess)

      dalia44 (Bacon Goddess)

      Meh! I don't have any time to rp as a character from one of my favorite television shows!

      Then again...I don't really watch TV much.....

      @RIP dalia44@

      "Found out about TV show, Homeland. Died of fangirl obsessions."

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  4. Epic Battle of LotC #1: Ambros v. Cataris. Who wins?

    1. dalia44 (Bacon Goddess)

      dalia44 (Bacon Goddess)

      My cat.

      Cats are epic, and mine is named after a Gremlin.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  5. I am SCREWED.

    1. dalia44 (Bacon Goddess)

      dalia44 (Bacon Goddess)

      I got a D on my report card...Along with a B and a C....

      If my mom doesn't kill me by tomorrow, my dad will.

  6. I am so pissed. I can't get on the server, since it's still 1.3 D:

    1. dalia44 (Bacon Goddess)

      dalia44 (Bacon Goddess)

      My computer has a bug so I can't use mods :(

      Thanks for the effort, anyway.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)


    1. dalia44 (Bacon Goddess)

      dalia44 (Bacon Goddess)

      Dip the mashed potato-nugget-biscuit in the barbecue sauce: MHMHMHM! Yum, yum, gimme!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  8. Whoooo! October 24th is Minecraft 1.4 Day! 2 more days!

    1. dalia44 (Bacon Goddess)

      dalia44 (Bacon Goddess)

      Guys, my parents don't even let me WATCH Christmas specials.

      Also, apparently 1.4 is delayed until tomorrow. D:

      Still, only one more night!

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  9. Whoooo! October 24th is Minecraft 1.4 Day! 2 more days!

    1. dalia44 (Bacon Goddess)

      dalia44 (Bacon Goddess)

      Decmber 7th? Yay! Something to celebrate, since I'm not Christian!

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  10. I sometimes really am wondering if I should become Atheist, considering how much I'm becoming behind in schoolwork due to religious reasons.

  11. I wonder when the next SoI will come out...?

    1. dalia44 (Bacon Goddess)

      dalia44 (Bacon Goddess)

      Yes it is! I love SoI!!!!!!!!! It has such an awesome story, though I do admit it is going very slow nowadays. But, I still love it. If you want something else, go on youtube and look up "The Daylight Owl Minecraft"

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

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