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Status Updates posted by Dargene

  1. Everyone shut the hell up about it, they got promoted because they deserved it, End of story.. i expected better from LOTC....

  2. Steam D: Stop giving me tasty deals...

  3. Tomorrow i shall update my app team app... For Narnia!

  4. Dont worry all staff members, i still love you :3, Nothing any of you have done "bad" has affected me personally

  5. I LOVE.. LOVE... Moisttowelettes

  6. *Throws petrol into the fire* MWHAAH.... Now on too the fire in LOTC... stop :P

  7. 10 more places till we are on first page :DF

  8. All it took was that Vote! Button to be there for me to vote more... wow..

  9. I sleep for 10 hours and come back to people saying there is more drama.... ughh.

  10. Loremaster comment here please :3

  11. Will write the rest of the ender pearl and eye of ender lore tomorrow, sleepy is to much

  12. mpana thanks for the fun rp awaiting transition on the boat :P

  13. Had some good rp with a monk, thanks monk :3 (Sorry forgot your name)

  14. Merry christmas/hanukkah/yule or what ever you celebrate :3

  15. Don't you just hate it when all your friends tell you that you are a good singer and you know they are wrong :S

  16. I am my first comment :D

  17. Welcome to the server, enjoy your stay and rp experience, just me being nosy i read all applications too see who gets accepted and your application was one of the best ones i have seen in a long while. congrats!

  18. My design is perfect! It is basically a huge shaft with about 50 rockets attached to it, everyone knows more rockets = more awesome!

  19. New forum hurts my eyes :( at least its temp

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