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Posts posted by xSPULLERx

  1. The Elected Remembrancer and The New Lord



    Grand King Indago Stormhammer walks upon the stone of the halls of Kal'Ithrun.  He contemplates whether it was the time, the moment in which the world should know.  He became scared that maybe people would judge him, but he went ahead with his announcement.  Indago darted his eyes back and forth to be insure no one was laughing at him.  Once the people seemed most occupied, he prepares to speak by clearing his throat. 



    "May I have your attention." The crowd finishes their conversations, then turn to look at the stubby, short king. "Brethren, you have elected a new remembrancer, in which should protect and store the knowledge of our kingdom.  Bazian Grandaxe was selected upon filling the role.  May Ogradhad guide him to excellence.  As of all you are wondering, I have selected the new lord.  He is rather new to the kingdom but shows great potential to his works for the city.  He radiates passion toward our brethren.  His name is......., " A drum roll is heard in the distance.  "Onar Stormhammer.  May he do what I say and dont get in the way.  Now then, I expect to see you all my coronation where we shall celebrate our new nation!  The beginning of change!"



    Indago Stormhammer lets the crowd applaud, and after dying down he walks away.  The crowd is stunned by how wonderful their new king is. 

  2. Grand King Indago Stormhammer  

    Coronation of Grand King Indago Stormhammer

    Brethren, Sons of Urguan, we have confronted misery and grief upon our lands.  We, the grand Kingdom of Urguan has been corrupted.  I, Indago Stormhammer, has been elected as your new king, father of our kin.  I am deeply honored of the support upon my efforts I do for this kingdom and wish to promise change indefinitely.  It is time we enter a new era, that we confront with problems quickly and boldly.  Change will occur!  It will not hide upon our vast mines.  Change shall be brought forth to our city, Kal’Ithrun.  Let us all first celebrate, upon the eve of my coronation in which all shall be welcomed.  Elves, orcs, humans and dwarves shall be welcomed into the halls of Ithrun where the festivities shall occur.  There I will be officially granted the head of OUR kingdom.  And from then on, the new era shall begin.



    When: Saturday, 3:00 est 11/16

    Where: City of Kal’Ithrun (Storms Crossing)

    Why: Celebrate Coronation of new Grand King

    A New High Prophet is Selected

    Stepping down from my previous position as High Prophet, the clergy was without a leader.  Under the meeting upon the Council of Prophets, the decision was made that Morgrim Grandaxe was to take the take the role as High Prophet.  He is to carry my work in which should guide and lead the clergy into a new stage of it’s existence.

    A New Grand Merchant is Elected

    During the absence of our previous Grand Merchant, a new election has taken place in which selecting a new one.  The nominations consisted Thrognar, Fili, Tog, and Kylar.  The kingdom gave their opinion in which they favored Thrognar Grandaxe.  He would now be elected as our new Grand Merchant where he to support our economy and bring us the wealth of Armakak.

    A New Lord is to be Elected

    Through many reforms, I will be selecting a new Lord in which to guide our nation into the prosperous direction.  I shall select whom I find best to support our great kingdom.



    May Anbella give us the love to a better world.



  3. All Are Welcomed!

    Coronation of Grand King Indago Stormhammer


    Brethren, Sons of Urguan, we have confronted misery and grief upon our lands.  We, the grand Kingdom of Urguan has been corrupted.  I, Indago Stormhammer, has been elected as your new king, father of our kin.  I am deeply honored of the support upon my efforts I do for this kingdom and wish to promise change indefinitely.  It is time we enter a new era, that we confront with problems quickly and boldly.  Change will occur!  It will not hide upon our vast mines.  Change shall be brought forth to our city, Kal’Ithrun.  Let us all first celebrate, upon the eve of my coronation in which all shall be welcomed.  Elves, orcs, humans and dwarves shall be welcomed into the halls of Ithrun where the festivities shall occur.  There I will be officially granted the head of OUR kingdom.  And from then on, the new era shall begin.


    When: Saturday, 3:00 est 11/16

    Where: City of Kal’Ithrun (Storms Crossing)

    Why: Celebrate Coronation of new Grand King



  4. Although this may spark up some serious aggressive responses. I believe this question needs to be ask.  Do we need vassals in 4.0?

    Why can't we simply accommodate our city for all races? Vassals are useful sure for maintaining the vast amount of land we've amassed in 3.0 and in war. But 4.0 promises a new start, why should we bother with vassals? They're like parasites, leaching players from us. Sure they offer us military support, but a guild could easily fill that role. We should be taking all those players in, centralizing them into our Capital. Thoughts?

    I think one vassel is important, especially for those races that want to live in Urguan though don't want to be in the city of the dwarves.  Plus it helps us for war, one for people, and secondly another fortification. Though I strongly suggest one.

  5. Name: Zachiko Grandaxe


    Age: 21


    Race: African American (Why do you ask this?)


    Position Applying For: I would like to be a clan member.  My name will be Zachiko Grandaxe.

    Experience: I am the best logger around and my brother is Almora Grandaxe.




    Help me!  Where do I post my forum....


    My name will be Zachiko Grandaxe

    I am a Dwarf Warrior

    The skin I intend to us:


    I couldn't post the image, sorry!




    this is my forum, please read it.

  6. I think Dreek, is suitable to bring more events to the server, because he has already brought some things to the table and has made the nation a more enjoyable place to be.  It'd be great if he could advance with more events and make the server enjoyable for everyone. 



  7. |~*Accepted*~|

    Accepted as a Fanatic.  Prove yourself worthy to our brotherhood.

    Minecraft Name:
    What is your name?
    Onar Stormhammer
    What rank are you in the Dwarven Legion?
    What position do you hold in the Clergy?
    Your age and affiliation in the Dwarven Kingdom:
    468. I'm an engineer, builder, legionnaire and clergyman. I also created the calendar.
    Why should you be chosen to enter the Brotherhood (At least a paragraph long)?
    I a faithful member of the Clergy. I am very faithful and hate heretics. I have a strong bond with Yamakar and all the other gods of the Brathmordakin. I have been known to be very loyal to my position in the Legion and am a good fighter and planner. If needed, I would give my life for the gods.
    ~ Onar Stormhammer
  8. |~*Accepted*~|

    You get justicar.  You better do stuff.

    Minecraft Name:30326
    What is your name?Dreek Ireheart
    What rank are you in the Dwarven Legion?Commander
    What position do you hold in the Clergy?former fanatic
    Your age and affiliation in the Dwarven Kingdom: 461 soldier
    Why should you be chosen to enter the Brotherhood (At least a paragraph long)?http://www.lordofthe...nt-va/?hl=30326 First sentence in done. Second sentence is done. Third sentence is done. Fourth sentence is done.
  9. |~*Accepted*~|

    You are to study and learn of Armakak, taking the position of Initiate.  May you remember to strike anvil when the iron is hot.


    OOC Section -
    MC Name: Goblinguy17
    Length of time playing a dwarf: two years (on other servers)
    How active are you? (Scale of 1-10): 7

    RP Section -
    Your Name: Baelin
    Your Clan, if any: Barkbeard
    The god you wish to study most: Armakak

  10. |~*Accepted*~|

    You are accepted to be apart of the brotherhood.  You are to join the ranks as a Justicar.  May Dungrimm guide your soul to greatness.

    Minecraft Name: greener161
    What is your name? Clan Elder Odin Ireheart
    What rank are you in the Dwarven Legion? Stoneguard 3rd
    What position do you hold in the Clergy? Initiate, studying Dungrimm
    Your age and affiliation in the Dwarven Kingdom: 60 and Odin is a clan elder of the Ireheart clan, legionnaire and butcher!
    Why should you be chosen to enter the Brotherhood (At least a paragraph long)?


    Odin is a very passionate dwarf towards dungrimm and the other gods of the Brathmordakin. He has shown great respect to Dungrimm already because of his Ireheart trials, meaning have to pray to Dungrimm and take an oath under dungrimm's statue in the clergy area with Kal'Azgoth. Odin wants to do his bit to honour the Brathmordakin and bring heretics of the Brathmordakin to justice and bring them back to the only good faith in Asulon! Hopefully by joining the botherhood and doing the High Prophet's work Odin will have a good death and hopefully Dungrimm and the other Brathmordakin will give him a good afterlife. Odin will do anything to please the gods to earn respect from them and please the High Prophet 

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