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Posts posted by Muhammadan

  1. Dranan smirks at Arnorians response, “If I wanted you dead, I would’ve taken you from where we last met.  You people only have the decency to blame my father, and his father before.  Every little slip we had you put the blame upon him!  WHere is your blame, Arnorian?  When you pranced with a crown on your head proclaiming yourself a ‘King’.  Many of my men supported you back then, yet when we arrived to Anthos where was our Kingdom?  Where was our land, our religious freedom?  I shall blame you as you blame my father.”

  2. Dranan chuckles lightly as he turns his head to Aep.  “I was with Thorenir, learning the ways of life.  To hunt and to kill, the proper way.  It deeply worries me how you managed to by pass the guards and somehow stay in.  No matter, for was it not Derreck whom was supposed to be Lord, out matching all in votes; Kayrin usurped it from him.”  He would shake his head as he looks to Cirimas, thinking for a moment.  “I shan’t kill my own kin whom are blinded who to follow; I hope dearly that you feel the same Kayrin.  I agree to the triumvirate.”

  3. “Half?”  Dranan couldn’t help but to chuckle lightly “You mean majority are sided with I.  Nevertheless, I am done playing a game with a fool whom has no army.  I only offer this- You, Kayrin Hightower surrender and face the crimes you shall be trialed for.  If you are found guilty of such crimes you shall die in Thronn’s Shadow, and if you are able to pass the trial somehow innocent, you may stay in /my/ peoples land.”

  4. -snip-




    [[Very sorry for the long delay.]]

    “/Adunia/ has been faced with many splits in the past and they are some how able to always emerge back from the edge of defeat.  To say it bluntly, our once great nation had the honour of calling itself a nation; now it is no more than your five man army standing inside the walls of Brom’Krah.  /Your/ people deserve nothing of independence, nor does mine.  You look to your people too highly, we stand weak.  Open your eyes, Kayrin.  You are lucky the Urguan did not march her armies west on your foolish declarations of independence.  You are very right however, it belongs to /Adunians/.  Not some horse **** you renamed because you wanted to feel special.  You emerged from nothingness; you were not here in the times of need.  The few Adunians who truly deserve it are with /me/.  Those who served the Elendils since birth.  You claimed my brother named you the Lord, yet did no such thing.  Your lies have only led you to even more trouble.  I will not have a Hightower play as Adunian lord.  I will not back down.”

  5. -snip-


    Dranan would rise from his seat, hopefully along with the other people in the room.  [Just to point it out, it is only Dranan, Arnorian, Kayrin, Arial, Edward, and Cirimas in the room currently, other then the Dwarves].  

    “I thank you for coming, your Grand Majesty.”

    He would dip his head lightly in respect before returning to his seat.  There are spare seats for Wulfgar and whomever joins him.  Yet he doesn’t start, until they would be seated.

  6. Shortly after the feast ends, a young guardsmen moves in from the hall doors.  He walks over to Dranan’s seat, whispering it him.  With a nod, he stands to address the people.  “Adunians, Anadunes.  Would you all be so kind to exit the hall?  Yet do not linger at the doors; for I shall not have that.”   As he speaks and the people (hopefully) exit, a bundle of servants and guardsmen come from the back.  They begin to rearrange the tables and so forth as the Grand King can be seen in the mere distance.  Kayrin, Arnorian, and Arial would be asked to stay inside the hall.


    Many guards would move down to the bridge to greet the king, lining up on opposite sides across the bridge.  The men dig their feet into the ground, lifting their heads.  As the Grand King approaches he would see a row of men awaiting him.  The first two nearest to the bridge hold the banner of Dranan in hand, and another two up near the hall.

  7. Dranan would raise his hands to motion for silence to refrain from useless bickering.  He nods to Edward, then to Cirimas.  “Arial shall be permitted to stay once the meeting begins.  Bring your people with you to dine for now.”  He then begins to walk off with a guard and Cirimas at his side, gesturing them forth.


    Upon entering, all heads of those inside turn to the hall doors.  Each and every man stares towards the group entering, many Adunians moving to another side of the long tables to let Kayrin’s men sit.  Only whispers come from the men, no public insults are thrown however.  Those who do during the feast shall be flogged.


  8. The man stares at Kayrin for a mere moment, then to the men and women around him.  He shakes his head with a sigh as he turns, beginning to walk off to the hall.  “Watch em.”


    As the man enters the hall, Dranan tilts his head to the giant doors.  A loud noise arises, the loud music and all.  It would seem Kayrin arrived earlier than expected.  “What be it?”  The man dips his head lightly in respect, placing his hand casually on the hilt of his sword.  “Yer Lordship,” He states as everyone feasting turns their eyes on the guard, “Kayrin beh ‘ere..  Wishing yeh tae’ come out.”  Dranan would grumble as he arises from his seat, the honorable Belondrid Armas looking to him as he does so.  “Call meh if yeh nee’elp t’en, aye?”  With a nod of his head, he walks out.

    Along with the guardsmen, Dranan approaches the group, opening his arms out to them.  

    “Hightower, how glad of you to make it.  Your presence is unexpected, however; though we shan’t deny you at this time as we have summoned /you/ here.  My men currently feast before the Grand King and his men arrive, your men are free to join you.  Yet upon the arrival of his Grand Majesty, all my men and your men shall exit the hall, aye?  I do not wish for a meeting that will get us no where, and so no one who we do not require present shall not be inside the hall.”


    [[Don't think Zezi will respond until tomorrow.]]

  9. As the Kayrin and his followers arrive, the Adunian guardsmen stop them upon crossing the bridge.  From the distance, many are held on the walls of Dal Cais, archers and all.  Holding a shield in hand, a much nobler looking man approaches the bundle.  He squints his eyes at the men, his shield holding the sigil of Dranan.  His eyes lock onto the circlet as he speaks.


    “Yer Kayrin then, eh?  Only yeh and Arnorian are permitted to enter amongst yeh lot there, strict orders of his Lordship Dranan Elendil.”

  10. Dranan would remind Kay that the opinion of children does not matter.  Until the Douglas children are of age by Douglas tradition (14), he could honestly care less.  Dranan would also remind people that this is a roleplay thread, not a thread to post ones personal thoughts and out worthless things through one sentence.  If you make an actual post, then that is fine.

  11. Alrighty, guys. Here's what I'm going to say.


    I think many of you folks have this mindset that when you set out to go to an Antag battle... you're going to win. This is not the way to look at it... In fact, the Harbingers are more powerful than a normal person.




    clerics can **** up antags 1v1 BUT GUESS WHAT IN PVP THEY HAVE NOTHING

  12. ((Fixed.  Thank yeh.))


    Dranan would look over to Elandric, remaining his serious expression.  He would stare towards the ale for a brief moment before giving a light sigh, gazing around to the people around him.  “If he is wise he will come.  No point on standing behind a settlement that can not be defended.”  Now looking towards his silver chalice in hand, filled with wine he drops it over the side of his chair.   “I wouldn’t get drunk, Elan.  Who knows what will happen here..”  Raising his hand, he gestures a servant forth to clean the mess.





    Silence.  Only mere silence as Dranan looked towards his brother, Artorus the third and asked.  What he asked could change everything.  What Kayrin claimed, Artorus made him the Lord upon leaving.  Yet were this true?  From the moment Kayrin claimed this, it has been leading up to this one moment.  As the brothers simply stared at eachother, Dranan’s piercing eyes locked onto Artorus’ as he awaited the answer.


    “I named no man my heir.”


    As he responded a grim smile fell to Dranan, turning his gaze to the people surrounding him.  Those he trusted.  His people who are willing to die, to fight with sword in hand to their last breath.  Rose from his chair, no more than any others who sat amongst him, he spoke.  


    “Sons of Haren, Adunians.  Here lies with us my brother, Artorus the third, Son of Lachlan.  The last Adunian Lord.  Yet was it not Kayrin who claimed he was named the heir?  Perhaps the foolish man who lies behind his unfinished walls with an army of three has learned to deceive as Arnorian did!”

    Laughter is heard around the room as Dranan motions for a young Adunian boy to bring the petition forth.  He holds it towards everyone, plain in sight.


    “Twenty seven.  Twenty seven to two.  Yet he claims his people, his people wish him to stay..  What people?  This petition proves what little he have.  Truly, I would have thought this would’ve been harder.”  


    He would then place it onto the table, only to be taken later.  


    “Cirimas, send letters to the Grand King and Kayrin Earendil.  We must summon them for a meeting.”


    Letter to Grand King Wulfgar Grandaxe



    Your Grand Majesty Wulfgar Grandaxe,


      Blessings upon your great name.  We Adunians grieve with you of the lost of Paragons Igor and Kjell Ireheart.  May their names live on for eternity. I, Cirimas II Elendil, write to you this day, the eighteenth of Sun's Smile, 1453, on behalf of my sibling Dranan,  rightful and true heir to Lachlan Mor, requesting your presence in the ruins of Dal Cais within the coming weeks, with utmost haste. A meeting is to be held, one to decide the fate of Adunia and her people, our future lies in the balance. The Council of Lords is welcomed and all whom are received will be given proper lodging for the duration of the discussions, we await your arrival.


    May the Three guide your reign and gift you with wisdom and prosperity,


    Cirimas II Elendil


    Letter to Kayrin Hightower


    Your ‘lordship’, Kayrin Hightower

    I, Cirimas II Elendil, write to you on this day, the eighteenth of Sun's Smile, 1453, on behalf of my sibling Dranan, rightful and true heir to Lachlan Mor, requesting your presence in the ruins of Dal Cais within the coming weeks, with utmost haste. A meeting is to be held to decide the fate of our people, and your presence is detrimental. Do not expect pleasantries, but I swear by the Three, you will not be harmed. You, alongside Grand King Wulfgar Grandaxe and his lordly council, will take part in these discussions. They are to remain civil and it is expected that you bring whatever minute shred of logic you keep within the depths of your twisted mind. Arnorian is welcomed to accompany you as well, though, as an Elendil, not an ‘Earendil’.

    May the Three lift the fog from your mind and grant you sense,

    Cirimas II Elendil

    Sounds of commotion echo from within the ruins of Dal Cais as the Adunians begin erecting a great hall for the gathering.  In only a mere few days, In the space known formerly as the ‘Faith Assembly’ now stands a mighty hall hewn of sturdy oak and pine. Upon arrival, one would see the land is guarded by Adunian spearmen.  The guardsmen would demand the invitations from those entering the land before allowing them passage to the hall.


    [This is forum rp and only to those who are invited.]

  14. Few Adunian men travel around, offering a petition to every Adunian around.  As Adunians line up to sign it, Dranan Elendil gives a speech.


    "Adunia’s true history and heroes are blinded from common knowledge, and yet those who wish to only glorify themselves take more renown due to their selfishness.  Many do not know the history of Arnorian Elendil, or rather ‘Earendil’ as they so dare call themselves.  I, Dranan Elendil, the youngest mine son of Lachlan Mor, true heir to the Adunia through tradition ask you, Adunians, shall you stand to those who wish to ruin our name further more?  Those who change our culture and traditions, whom now call themselves Anaduni,  Shall you bow your head to a man who was yet not satisfied with the hospitality bestowed upon us by the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, and so demanded independence.  Yet still, they offered them terms.  Disgrace my ancient families name and it’s people who served faithfully throughout the years.  Arnorian’s deceit whispers upon one’s ears, his words are meaningless yet like a sorcerer they still believe!  Arnorian is he whom lost us the land upon arriving to Anthos, lost us our promised Kingdom.  Arnorian is he whom conspired against all crowns, his own and most likely those of other nations!  Kayrin changes the names that have been in our history for ages and stolen our ancient relics from my brothers!   Circlet of Haren, Durendal, the Coat of Cirimas as well!  You may all blame Lachlan for all wicked things that have happened, blame him all you wish.  Be blind if you wish.  It will get you no where without knowing true history and true meaning he intended in his actions.  I am the son of Lachlan Elendil, and I shan’t be ashamed of it!  Not raised by my father I am, yet I have enough decency to respect what he has also done for our people!  You glorify Hanrahan Brae, who has forced us into rebellion on multiple occasions!  Deceived his own lord and kin for the benefit of himself and his lust for power!  Where are the true heroes you should look up to?  Artorus, Eze’kiel, Edgar, Gavin, Godric, Hanrahan?  All those who were loyal to their people.  I ask you, Adunians, shall you watch as these crimes they have committed go unpunished? Will you support I, Dranan, true heir to restore our people and our great name, retrieve our relics and actually do something with the land that they so wish to put to waste?  Support me, and you shall be rewarded.  Oppose me however, and it shall never be forgotten. My kin, those who support a true Adunia, are asked to sign in favor of removing Kayrin Hightower from his tyranny over what remains."


    As you are handed the petition, you informed to place an X beside whomever you support.

    [Only Adunians & worshippers of the Three may sign, one day alts shall be ignored.]



    ((MC Name))


    Dranan Elendil 

    Kayrin Elendil

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