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Posts posted by Muhammadan

  1. ((Great Job!  I only have one other thing to say..))




    Green, purple, or both colors of warpaint is slathered onto a side of a man’s body, to represent their clan and their heritage.






    (( Why does every Clan wear warpaint now..))

  2. Out-Of-Character Details

    Alternate Minecraft Account Name: Vaereroes

    Already Accepted Minecraft Account Name: Bioxard

    How old are you?: 15

    In-Character Details

    Character Name: Kalrodo Varaadul Vaereroes

    Character Race: 75% Wood Elf, 25% Adunian

    Character biography - Make this at least 2 paragraphs long, which must explain your character’s history, appearance, personality, age and any other details you deem necessary: Settled in the wilds outside of the Princedom, Kalrodo and his mother stood in there small home. A loud knock bangs on the door, a tall eleven man can be seen by Kalrodo as he begins to speak to his mother in the eleven tongue. His mother was a poet, teaching him to read and write. All of a sudden she bursts into tears as she falls to the floor. The man stares coldly at Kalrodo, giving a slight nod as he slams the door shut, rain beginning to pound against the roof as his mother cries herself to sleep.

    The sun shine bright through the window, burning his skin. His eyes slowly opened, looking to his mother. But, something was not right. A rope tied to his mothers neck, hanging Fromm the ceiling. A stool tipped over at her feet, not moving to the slightest. He ran up to her, screaming her name. No one to hear the cries, no one to come to help. Crying, he ran to her mothers and fathers bedroom. Opening the chest, seeing an elves dagger. Forged from steel, beautiful carvings within it, he took it. He took food, much food. With that, he set off with nowhere in mind. Knowing how to read both the human and eleven tongue, he found his way to Normander, admiring the beauty of such a wonderful creation.

    A man walked up to him, asking for his name. The man, long blonde hair carrying a longbow and short sword. Weakly, Kalrodo replied having a conversation with him. It got to the point where Kalrodo asked for shelter. Happily, the man took him in as his own. The man was not poor, nor rich, no children, nor wife. But he was happy and took care of Kalrodo for years. The age of 16, they began their travels to Arethor. Kalrodo has never left the Princedom, so this excited him. Days of travel by horse, traveling in late night, shouting is heard throughout the forest, until they go silent and are in front of the two.

    Chuckles are heard between the men, torches beginning to be lit. They wore red, long robes with hoods. As Kalrodo looks around he just notices they are surrounded by these men. Chanting now begins as one flies at kalrodo's guardian, knocking him off his horse, the same happening to Kalrodo right after. Bag over there head, chanting continuing as he can hear the screams of his guardian minutes later, the bag flying off his head seeing the man burn alive. He fell to the floor, the screams stopped, as he.can feel a devastating amount of heat on the tip of his ears. Slowly burning them, painfully. The man who was once in the world, now laying dead, told him about such corrupted humans. Tears rundown his eyes now. Minutes after they begun, he dropped to the floor. Closing his eyes as he can hear the men walk away. He touched his ear, screaming once more. The tips were gone, now more like human ears. He tried to forget as he began to fall asleep.

    Waking up, his guardians corpse still there, burned. Beginning to get up, pain still hitting him from his ears, he began to walk down to the path. Alone, no idea which way is which, he began to walk blindly and slowly. Not stopping until he seen an unusual city in the distance. Arethor. He continued, ready to face the new world ahead.

    What are your characters ambitions?: As of yet, none.

    Please provide an in-game screenshot of your skin here:7io3o.png

    Is there anything else you would like to say about your character:Nope.


    Anwser at least two of the below questions with a minimum of one full paragraph, and detail the scene you are given in the way it would happen in roleplay. These questions should be answered in first person. Be detailed, not short.

    Upon entering the Mighty Human City of Arethor, you come across a shop-keeper calling out to sell his wares to passers-by. The shopkeeper is not a Human, he is a poor dwarf looking to make a living in a new city. What is your response? Smiles slightly, fond of dwarfs, as he begins to make his way to the counter. He begins to scan through the wares, picking out some bread and meat for the road. With his back turned against the counter, not sure what the dwarf is doing he turns around, the dwarf holding a spear up to him. Kalrodo chuckles lightly, as the dwarf now began to scream his demands. Demanding the food back and ten minas, Kalrodo did as he asked. Not knowing how to fight, he simply put the bread and meat back, taking out ten minas from his coin pouch and handing it to him. The dwarf began to scoot him out of the shop, which Kalrodo left with ease, not bothering to report this to the guard.

    You’re wandering the Oren Road late at night, when a large Orc begins to threaten a nearby dwarf. There is no help nearby, and the situation looks like it will escalate into violence soon, what does your character do?N/A

    Whilst walking down the road to Malinor, you stumble upon an old man. His walking stick , looks weak and frail, and just as you are about to ask something, the stick breaks, and the man falls to the ground. As he falls down, a bag of Minas falls to the ground, and splits open. As you watch the multiple coins spill out, you peer down at the defenceless man. What does your character do?: Kalrodo quickly runs over to the man, asking if he is alright. The fallen man coughs lightly, trying to get up. Kalrodo moves up to help him and the man accepts it. He helped him over to a stone railing, placing his back against it. He then went back and picked up the coins. Handing the man back his coins, he put them inside his ruined jacket without counting. He mans teeth were rotten Kalrodo could see as he tried a weak smile. He took out some bread, trying to hand it to the old man, but he simply refused. He began to talk, in a weak voice, how his time was near and there was no point on eating. Nearly an hour of standing on this lonely road, two guards stroll by. Kalrodo asked them if they could take him back to the city and feed him and they accepted. He told them how he believes there is no point on eating and that his time is near. Kalrodo helped the man onto the back of one of the guards horses, watching them walk towards the Grand tree.

  3. Godric nods to Hanrahan's statement, giving a cold smile around the room as he slowly rises from his seat, taking a deep breathe. "People of the Clans, Yer Grace, Yer Imperial Majesteh, Armas gladly supports Elendil an' Lady Isabella's claim tu t'eh Adunian cruwn. T'eh Lia Lial has spoken, an' Armas shull 'onour its decision, forever and always."

    Still smiling, he sits back down, looking around the room at the Clans.

  4. ((Exactly why you complained then? You didn't want anyone else being like Stark, eh? Anyways, we only have one living Stark in our House, that actually acts like one from GoT.))

    ((@Beneh: It is thee house, same bloodline as Nairog the first, founder of Aegis's Winterfell.))

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