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Posts posted by cruzazul

  1. ((

    1) Any "supposed" landscars if not serious do not effect anything outside of an eyesore it doesn't hinder your roleplay or pvp if a few trees are knocked down without your consent.


    2) You are not a recognized nation unless an official statement is released by the admin team.


    3) Just because 4.0 was released doesn't mean you should hide behind OOC walls when legitimate roleplay comes knocking on your door. If you weren't ready to claim the land you claimed maybe you shouldn't have claimed it. Don't set this kind of precedent for the entirety of the server this early on in release. Deal with your problems in roleplay instead of backing out because of OOC reasons.

  2. Across the expansive land of Thales, rumors begin circulating of a port town unaffected by the troubling freeze plaguing the majority of the once bright and vibrant continent. Soon, it begins bustling with newcomers as the holding is placed under the nurturing care of Tuvya Carrion, by the grace of Boris Carrion. Children wade in the clear, azure sea and sailors cruise the body of water harmoniously, importing both the essential supplies and those engrossed by the gossip. The market square thrives, with merchants and peddlers alike selling a vast array of exotic products - all under the watchful eye of the great Beckoning Oracle statue, its emerald staff gripped tightly in its sandstone hand. ((Coords to the town are x:-549 z:494))

    Soon, menial strelts begin hanging up posters within various settlements. Each piece of parchment entail details of this expected port town and includes sketches portraying it.


    Do you seek a place to live not yet engulfed in the thick ice surrounding the majority of Thales? Ships are being built all across Tuv Aviv as a safety precaution, if the steadily-freezing lands become uninhabitable. Located off the Western shore of Thales, the bustling port town of Tuv Aviv is a promise land of opportunity, thriving with rare and foreign goods ripe for sale.

    All housing is free in the town of Tuv Aviv, inquire with Tuvya (ChumpChump) to acquire a home. When the inevitable Great Freeze comes, ensure that you, your family, and most importantly, your valuables, are safe and sound within the great port city of Tuv Aviv!

        Within days of the advertisements going out, refugees struggling to flee the cold made their way into the city in droves. Those who arrived would see shipwrights from each of the nations constructing ships, ignoring past tensions and coexisting in this haven within the wastes.

        At first, the onlookers were unsure how this unique city avoided conflict, the gaze of the Beckoning Oracle seeming to instead inspire collaboration among the workers. However, as the masses within the city grew and the completed ships began to dot the water, the cause of this became apparent. As the unending winter thickened throughout the rest of the land, those under the warm Tuv Aviv sun realized this was not a permanent solution, for there is no permanent solution within Thales. Tuv Aviv is merely a stepping stone to protection in lands beyond, one that must succeed if they are to leave Thales. And they must leave Thales.



  3. -= 12th of the Deep Cold, 1466=-

    The winter winds were bitter. More bitter than they had been in a long while. Pulling his cloak tighter around his shoulders, Boris Carrion, Grand Prince of Raev and Justicar of the Holy Oren Empire made his way through the freshly fallen snow, towards the thick stone walls of the Sevstrad, the home of both House Carrion and the Decterum forces.


    He stopped to watch a volley of arrows thump into the straw dummies that were lined up against the inside of the barracks courtyard, praising one of the younger and newer Decterum Converts, who smiled in appreciation. Nodding to the officer in charge, Boris gradually made his way up to officer's, smiling politely at those who greeted him along the way.

    "At ease, men." He said to the two soldiers stationed outside the officer's lounge, their clenched fists pressed to their hearts in salute. Nodding they stepped to the side, allowing Boris to enter the room. The conversation that had been going on came to an abrupt halt, the sound of chairs being shoved aside and fists thumping against leather filled the room. "At ease, men." Boris said simply, shuffling past the warm fire on his way towards the large, round table in the middle of the room. The officers quickly followed, taking up positions around the map covered table. Boris coughed into the crook of his elbow, before speaking.


    "As you may or niet have heard, Clan Orvar has declared open warfare against the remaining Adunians, niet ten days ago. Being one of our vassals, I ordered a few Ruskans to find this Clan, and try and conduct peace talks. They did niet return." He remains silent, scanning the faces of the soldiers assembled. "I've niet heard any word from them. It pains me, but I must assume they were killed. Men of Raev, slaughtered by the hands of these...brutes. This affront to Principality shall niet go unanswered." A low chorus of mumbling spread across the assembly of officers, while others since simply nodded, resting their hands near their weapon belts.

    "Am ordering  full mobilization of our forces against brutes of Orvar. Objections?"

    A resounding chorus of "Nay" echoed throughout the room. Nodding, Boris straightened up.

    "Good. Make fast work, then." The officers quickly saluted, before making their way towards the exit. Within minutes, the sound of bells echoed through Severski and the surrounding lands, calling for the of military forces to rally.


    *Notices are spread through the Principality, to all of the Raevir military forces.*

    12th of the Deep Cold, 1466

    On this day, forces of the Principality of Raev are mobilizing in defense of their Adunian vassals, against the Clan of Orvar. The Clan of Orvar has attacked and killed Raevir men, and has declared war upon Raev's vassals. In retaliation of these crimes against Raev and her people, those sworn to the Grand Prince are to mobilize their forces immediately.

    Carry On Carrion.

    -Boris Carrion, Lord Justicar of the Holy Oren Empire, Grand Prince of Raev


    Credits to Taylor Stir Fry

    Oy vey for 4000th post

  4. 4593ee7dc193172c3a9727bf52334396.png

    A crier shouts over the sounds of the city, seeming to draw the entire towns attention.


    "The election for Maer has led to a tie and with that we will have you all vote one more time. The only difference is this vote will only have two candidates; Icerit and Boris. Please head into the same ballot hovels to cast your votes."


    Icerit: (arkantos1279)

    "Good people of Severski, ever since we have embarked to these harsh lands I have been there. We have struggled together throughout the new problems and foes we now face. With no authority, I have always been a friend to each and everyone of you. Never once have I turned my back on you. Through my blood, sweat, and tears I have happily contributed to your safety as well as the betterment of our glorious society, and not for one second would I take that back from you, even for the most selfish of pursuits. I hope to continue to provide you with work and safety to the day I draw my last breath from the air of Severski."


    Boris Tvardovsky: (SnazzyEnglishman)

    "Da friendos, it is boris who you should make Maer ! you know why ? because boris am good loyal servant of house Carrion, Kovachev and Romstun and have made many allies in short time i have been here ! boris makes believe that as Maer he can bring everyone closer together and make add of many friendships to town ! together with Maer boris, Raev will prosper better than led by refugee kaphrite (boo !!!!) or decterum friendos ! boris for maer ! maer boris 1475 !"




    [RP] Name:



  5. Gv5JV5f.png


    "It is time to choose your Maer!" A large sign reads on a small hovel set up in the center of Severski. Quill and papers line a desk in the corner. A mediator watches carefully as you write down your selection for Maer.


    [MC Name]:


    [RP] Name:




    [use this form and post in this thread your vote for Maer. Voting will end on 7/28/14 at 8 PM EST.]


    The current applicants for Maer are as follows;


    Icerit: (arkantos1279)

    "Good people of Severski, ever since we have embarked to these harsh lands I have been there. We have struggled together throughout the new problems and foes we now face. With no authority, I have always been a friend to each and everyone of you. Never once have I turned my back on you. Through my blood, sweat, and tears I have happily contributed to your safety as well as the betterment of our glorious society, and not for one second would I take that back from you, even for the most selfish of pursuits. I hope to continue to provide you with work and safety to the day I draw my last breath from the air of Severski."


    Rowan McHaryn: (xryanseverancex)

    "Long now have I worked and lived with the people of Raev, from Abresi, to helping found Vekaro, and more recently in leading many military and civilian affairs in Severski. No other can claim to be connected to the majority of the population like I, nor can my experience in martial and civilian management be matched by my competitors. I have overseen and played a heavy hand in the housing, feeding and financing of Severski since her founding and will continue to stand with her people wherever they may go in the future, and through my connections both in the Decterum and with House Carrion, I am able to bring the citizens wishes and concerns to the higher ups who run our land. Vote for me, and I will continue to work with the common and noble man alike to bring even more prosperity and growth to Severski than she has already seen under my work."


    Kryllaal Fol: (Intense_Death)

    "Kryllaal gud cook! Kryllaal is make big cook-blarg wit Maer monies and give lots of salt wit meat! Kryllaal klomp on bad shara that hurt Kaph-... Svrisky! If Kryllaal gud maer as gud cook, yuh all be cooked gud." *Kryllaal slams a fist against his chest* "Kryllaal is make gud maer and cook Svrisky!" *Kryllaal nods to himself, and stomps off.*


    Orgeron Anlatan: (Org_The_Robo)

    As you can well see, my competitors are simple peasants. I, and only I can bring prosperity to the great Severski. If I am Maer, I will stick the head of every toot on a spike in front of our gates. Speaking of the gates, who do you think contributed to the making of such greatness other than Orgeron himself. You wish for gold? You shall have it. You wish for woman, you shall have them. You want honor and victory in the enemy lands. You shall have it. In the winter times, the people were to starve, but then. None other than the great Orgeron himself, came with buckets and buckets of fish for the people. When the toots came for peace, none other than Orgeron and The Decterum slaughtered them. A vote for Orgeron is a vote for prosperity and honor. My ears shall be snipped if I am to win.


    Dennis Balewood: (zilldude)

    Yes, I can already tell you are curious why someone of my age and lowly status is asking for such an honor. Well, if I'm to be completely honest, it is because I am one with a clear mind and loyalty to my leaders. I obey and exceed in all I do, even stretching to farther lengths than I can even maintain to ensure my people and leaders get what they need and deserve. My speech is short, but I hope you all have listened to my words and honor them as I honor yours. Good day.


    Boris Tvardovsky: (SnazzyEnglishman)

    Da friendos, it is boris who you should make Maer ! you know why ? because boris am good loyal servant of house Carrion, Kovachev and Romstun and have made many allies in short time i have been here ! boris makes believe that as Maer he can bring everyone closer together and make add of many friendships to town ! together with Maer boris, Raev will prosper better than led by refugee kaphrite (boo !!!!) or decterum friendos ! boris for maer ! maer boris 1475 !


    Yuri Andreyvich Zhivago: (Radahan)

    "Da, Da. Vhat I see bevore me, is vine countrymen, good, hardy and Raevir-folk. Men niet scared of getting hands dirty, or working too hard. Liesure does niet exist in the Raev - every Strelt, Man, woman or child works to live, and that is good vhay of life, Da? Lowborn industry is vhat fuels the world, niet highborn autocracy nor chivalric Knigt! Raevir Farmers, und Raevir workers, zhat is vhat feeds and runs zhe vorld! Zhe Vorld is a Pyramid, und vhe all make up zhe base - equal under zhe burden of society - Vhe may not be the most literate, niet the most clever, but vhe are the strongest, the hardiest und the most resilent. Vith me at the helm of szuch fine Raevir-folk, I am almost niet needed! But, zhen vhat vould be zhe point of running for Maer, niet?"


    Jakob Akton: (youlovesocks)

    Eja friends of Raev! It is I, proud Maer of the former port town of Flotsam in the lands of Anthos. You should all vote for me as I have extensive experience working with the proud Raev, and will give my life to protect its culture, and ensure its city's success! Please give me your vote as I am a born and raised Raevish man and will not let you down!

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