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Status Updates posted by Shady

  1. Shady

    Just saying here.. " Hello, Lym.. " :3

  2. Shady

    " Ya know, I wonder how long you have been thinking for that joke.. "


  3. Shady

    - has just ended playing LoL -

    " Back " ^-^

  4. Shady

    - A wave of comments floods over his inbox, all saying the mysterious and magical words -




    " H - I "

  5. Shady

    Kincaid, speak the thruth..

    I don't like you, either! Lym!

    - hugs -

  6. That's a really nice headset.



  7. I will, just have to go get it. ^-^

  8. - pats back " It's fine.. " -

  9. Shady

    I miss you too. :

    Why did you have to go.

    You broke Evelyn's heart!

  10. Shady

    - slaps her gently in the face " Get a hold of yourself! " then hugs -

    On another note: Bedtime ~

    Sleepwell ^_^

  11. Shady

    Yes, she did.

    She was super cruel to do so.

    - shifty eyes -

  12. Shady

    I just log in..

    And I go to the monks.

    And then I find.. like nothing.


  13. What did interest you at the whole post ?

    Not many people these days care about one that speaks the truth about everyone, including staff. ^__^

  14. Your skype, please.

  15. Exactly but when it includes injustified facts. What is to be not handled and what is to be handled ?

    I have a ton of facts that I could throw up here.. but I just don't wish for a rage storm of any kind like the dusk-incident.

  16. When will I ever get the chance to speak to you ? As my countless posts don't seem to have any effect.. 17 posts.

  17. Shady

    - slaps & hugs -

    Happy new year, dear

  18. Shady

    You could.. add my current skype account.

    But I think that would make you.. dislike me.

    Gravely. :

  19. Shady

    I guess.. I'll just hop on to my old skype account.. Just to be safe..

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