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Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by Dromui

  1. With all my love, Moot. With all my love.

  2. If there are any active shamans, I'd appreciate it if one of you would PM me. That be great, thanks.

  3. Raids are getting cucked for New Year, YIKES

  4. This isn't me being cheeky. Anyone know when links in character cards are gonna be fixed up? I'm not following that threat and I'm semi lazy.

  5. Free my homie iMattyz, bruh. This **** is ridiculous. 

  6. Staff applications have been fixed, lliran.

  7. Where do I sign up to bandit the Dominion?



  10. Should've played around it, really.

  11. I was reminded of you tonight, brother. It's hard to say I've come to peace with you passing, but someone told me something pretty wise tonight. I look fondly on our time spent together and I know I'm lucky to of met you and I know my life is better because of it. Rest in peace, man. I hope wherever you are, we can sit down together someday and share a drink.

  12. Fireheart is holding the AT hostage. Please apply for the GM team, I miss my puppers.

  13. It's time for the monthly AT hostage scenario. Fireheart offs one of us every day a GM isn't accepted onto the team. Please apply.

  14. **** man, it’s been over a year since I found out we lost you and it’s not really gotten any better. I’ve left LotC, beat cancer, and I’m moving on in life. Between you and me, these seats should be swapped. I’d rather be looking down watching you change the world than stumbling through the day trying to find my way back. I can’t say I’m happy to be pushing on, but I do it because I know in those final moments you were still pushing. You never would of given up had there been say in the matter. I’m holding out to the day you and I get to catch up. Knowing you, it’ll be one hell of tale. Rest in peace, brother. Keep on keeping on, wherever you are now. It’s a better place, I know it. You earned it.

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