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  1. I, Bjorn Callister, swear upon my honor that I will uphold the peace and security of my royalty, James, Kyral and Lancel Hightower, and keep them safe. All indulgences of the world will not disrupt my task in protecting them to the best of my ability. So do I swear, Bjorn Callister. ((OOC Section)) MC Name - Anactofgod Do you have a VA? If so, give a link. - N/A Skill Levels (Stats, do not show if it is 0) - 25 Archery 25 Smithing 25 Sneak (Answer as if you were placed into this situation.) - A man is walking down a street in fine silks and exotic velvet, running up to him you see two goblins and a orc about to corner him in a dark alley by the tavern. You hear a yelp and rush in to find him dead, the three running down the alley. With cunning and keen eye I run down the alley, listening for the lound of foot steps before me I rush forward. Coming up to a corner in the alley I spot the three laughing and talking amongst themselves boasting of their roles in the murder. I look around and spot 2 nearby guards and make my way to them making sure to keep an eye on the three. "Hail brothers, I am in need of assistance." I say to them. "A man was just killed down the alley leading back this way by two goblins and an orc." I explain pointing down the pathway I just came from. "Where are they now?" asked the guard to my left. "Just down here aways I can lead you to them." I say beckoning them to follow me. We turn together and head back down towards where the goblins and orc were last. Still standing in their last location they are now counting the money from the purse they cut free from the man as they slain him. "Stop where you stand!" calls out one of the guards. The orc in a frenzy turns and charges the guard nearest to him. The guard easily steps to the side giving his companion the opening to attack. Switftly the second night smashes him with the hilt of his sword and knocks him unconsious. Leaving just the two goblins to deal with. I turn quickly to get a bearing on the goblins, just as I turn I see a goblin about to plunge a dagger through the back of one of the guards. Without thinking I instinctively reach for my quiver drawing a arrow back in my bow. Letting the arrow loose it flies true dispatching the goblin piercing right into his heart from the side. The second goblin lets out a shriek and falls to his knees surrendering. "Thanks for the help brothers is there anything else I can do to help." I imply. "Show us the location of the body they looted this purse from and, that will be all." he says to me. "Certainly" I reply leading the way to the scene of the crime. IC Section What is your name? - Bjorn Callister Why do you wish to join the Hightowers? - I am looking for friends and loyal companions to side with in the heat of any battles that might break out. I am also smith looking to hone my skills and provide armaments for my comrades. What skills do you offer to aid Solace? - Bowman skills useful for slaying monsters and humanoid foes alike if the need arises. Smithing as well to dress every warrior in the land with armor and weapons. If anyone had convinced you to join, whom was it? - The person who asked me was person by the name of Aceeri Have you ever lived in Solace before this time? - No, I have not. Signed Bjorn Callister
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