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Thaydn Wyndtalker

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Everything posted by Thaydn Wyndtalker

  1. *After checking for any messages left by pigeon and once again seeing nothing, Thaydn begins to wonder if he should look to join a more active organization.
  2. Application For The Rangers: Out of Character information [MCname]: joshbee [Age]: 34 [Time-Zone]: Central [How much time you can be online per day]: As much or as little as I want normally (several hours daily) [How long have you been playing on the server?]: I have only recently been implemented. [Why do you, as a player, want to be a Ranger?]: Elves and Rangers have been a RP constant throughout most games I have played, I see no reason to change now. [Do you have TS?]: No, I have Vent but I can download and install easily. I do have a gaming headset with mic. [How did you hear of us OOCly]?: Reading the forums In Character Information Name: Thadyn Wyndtalker Ranger Name / Alias [Your "other" name. Think Peter Parker / Spiderman.]: Silent (I am an elf of few words so those closest to me haven often referred to me by this name.) Have you read, and understood, the Creed?: Yes Race: Wood Elf Age: 152 Experience: I've lived in the woods all my life. I have a bit of skill with a bow as well as a sword. I can also use an axe for more than just chopping down trees, if you know what I mean. Skill levels [All of your skills that have at least one point in them]: Lumberjack 17 Swordsmanship 16 Mining 8 Cooking 7 Farming 2 Archer 15 Unarmed 2 Axe 10 Stealth 15 Why do you wish to join?: I wish to be part of something bigger. I desire to help others beyond myself. Also, if I'm being completely honest...money and lodging doesn't hurt either! Describe your personality: An elf of few words, many consider me aloof. Underneath that though is a heart that yearns to have meaning. Don't mistake my silence for coldness, I am just more...observant than most. Describe your personal attributes: Fiercely intelligent, a quick study both of technique as well people. Courageous. Honest and honorable. Will you be one hundred percent loyal to Renatus and to the rangers? Do you consider yourself a loyal person?: Yes Who or what have you been loyal to in the past, are you still loyal to them now? Explain why/why not?: My family and no...they are dead now. I am all that remains. How did you hear of us [[RPly]]? The recruiter at the Cloud Temple?: I came across a small home owned by one of the name, Count Hawk. Outside this home was a man who told me I look the right sort and should I require or desire adventure and a grander meaning in life I should join your ranks. Do you understand you, as a ranger, will be fighting for Renatus? Yes Some Additional Out of Character Questions [show me you know how to talk in OOC:] ((Um, ok, here ya go!)) [Will you, both ICly and OOCly, commit yourself to being a ranger?]: Yes [Link to VA for applying character if you have a VA:] [Link to Server Application:] https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/68288-second-application/ [When applying, grammar and capitalization matter!]
  3. Anxiously awaiting implementation!!!

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