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Creative Wizard
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Posts posted by Aengoth

  1.   My biggest issue with magic is it has always seemed to be used for the OOC purpose of being "stronger" then your peers which is consistently changing due to nonstop lore rewrites/additions to increase groups power. Further I think that there is often an air of entitlement to having access to as many magics as possible where you will see people have multiple characters banking magics from groups that they have minimal contact with (shamanism throughout the years has been a prime example).

      Idk for me magic is a miss from my experiences with it both as a non-magic user and a magic user (albeit mostly just dwarven ****). I just generally don't agree with how it is handled.


    tl;dr its a saturated mess that seems often to be used as a OOC power level and/or a means of forcing players into being your underlings by handing them candy without actually gauging competency or interest in being involved.

  2. MC Name: Aengoth


    IC Name: Golem of Khorok'Kavir ((Taking over the character w/ permission from the previous applicant [josh3738] due to the character not being used))


    Original Race [n/a if not applicable]: N/A


    Transformed Form: Thanic Golem


    Creator [mc name and ic name, n/a if not applicable]: Aengoth ((Aengoth))


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:

    Golems are constructions most commonly made with stone through the work of a golemancer. For a golem to work they require a power source capable of moving their large forms. The current method of powering a golem is a core, either in the form of soulbound or thanic. Soulbound essentially the superior form of the two boosts a few advantages however the cost of creating this requires the death of another individual to power the core through the siphoning of their soul and converting it into a capable power source. Thanic cores are an inferior product more commonly used for construction of a golem due to the cheapness of the material, thanium, needed and the lack of sacrifice involved.


    Golems are entities of near nonexistant free will created for the sole purpose of handling tasks handed out by "Impera's". Often clumsy and prone to misinterpretation they can be a menace to their owners if given instructions either far too complicated or delicate.


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