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Posts posted by Shadeleaf

  1. This made me think way too much. Good god the nostalgia and bitter sweet memories that come along with this. I want to thank those who left something behind, it definitely brings where we currently are into perspective.


    Honestly though a lot of this made me near teary eyed, all of those friends gone with the wind.

  2. A very old, very decidly tired dark elf sets something next to the fliers for any who may see them.




    This is not Salvus. Salvus, is not Salvus. Salvus ended only with James Hightower, and again with Arron Bedevere... anything further is not much more than a desperate grab for power under the guise of an political entity long dead and buried. The Hightower we see here is an imposer. as Kyral bore James no children which to this day are relevant, nay even live.


    If this does not sway your mindset simply remember, denizens of the land, what the Shields were to the Salvian city of KIngston. A joke designed with the best of intentions achieving the lowest rung of success one may ever hope to achieve. This is what will become of this organization, if even it deserves such a name. With no backing from kindgom nor true force, clinging only to a name fallen into irrelevance, these Shields will go the way of the Old Lance, into disparity and inactive squalor.


    It was the wish of the great James that Salvus not be allowed to fall into the filth that we see today, and if it was not Arron to rule than it should be none at all. Follow not this bastard taking the name of 'Hightower', that ship has sailed and sailed again. Let the once great name of Slavus rest peacefully, remembered for Dawn's Bakery, and the lively town center among its accomplishments. Let it die.


    -Ex-Kings Guard and Elysian Okeas under James Hightower.



    It ded. It been ded. It gunna be ded.

  3. Far off in a not so distant ruin which by this point almost everyone knows about due to previous conflict...




    A very peculiar coven sits about a stone table atop a mountain plateau, shining blue eyes complimenting smiling teeth, sharp as daggers. Their guest was unusual, but surely could not be ignored, and with much pleasure they spoke for some time with him. It was only upon his bid farewell did the coven begin to feel the churning excitement of such a prospect of Salvian defeat...



                                   "Time has come again for them to feel our wrath once again."


    "And this time! This time it'll be the last!"                                 


                "Well girls, best get to work... They'll not go down as easily as last time. Get your coats on."



    With full minds and empty stomachs, the coven went about their plotting and merriment. The coming days would not be calm, nothing more than death would sate the frozen beings of the north... and there was plenty of that to be had in the soon to be bloodied city of Salvus.

  4. If you build this event location based upon that concept image. I have to ask what a kharajyr temple has to d with this event as thats what it is.

    Not accepting or denying but you have to understand the Kha style of building is highly mesoamerican. What you see here is just another form of architecture influenced by the same time. Its such a simple form of building that any ancient with half a brain could easily have thought to create a step pyramid. Its like the humans getting pissed that someone built a church in a slightly Victorian style.

  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lb0HImG_MU


    Arzota sat on Dak's seat, taking the time whilst the Arbiter was away to enjoy the view of the scores of bodies adorning the grand hall of the Ancillary. Besides bearing the obvious joy of sitting upon the throne, he would scribe in fluent motions as the stench of iron would rise from the bloodied corpses set at his feet.


    "The land is ripe with corruption, it has and shall be. It would be unwise for the Mali'ker to forget the events which transpired this day, yet much more so to act rashly in the shadow of conflict. The Mali'ker are strong-willed creatures of sturdy make, much like all other Mali'; we as a race must not succumb to the blood-lust of the Uruks in the wake of these events. Only the thoughtful efforts of the Ancillary and her alliances might Mali learn peace within their delegated spheres. It is my hope that such things are within sight on these fateful islands, and such things as what will now be remembered as the Warhhawk Betrayal are not again to occur for some time. -Des'Nox"

  6. kdLwxpy.png


         This is a notice to citizens of the Ancillary of Ker’nor and beyond as to the actions of the Warhawk Elder Cole Cuthalion, and the charges brought against him.
         The aforementioned citizen of the Ancillary of Ker’nor is, until proper punishment, in violation of section 2, subsection 3 of The Onyx Law of the Ancillary of Ker’nor through means of both slandering and defaming the name of Arbiter Dak’ir Des’Nox. The citizen is to further be punished for the threatening of Lielle Des’Nox’s life within Ancillary lands.
         For the crime of Defamation of name, Slander, and conspiring to circumvent procedures of High Profile Conflict, the Elder Cuthalion is to be relieved of his slanderous tongue and treacherous arm by a qualifying member of the Archonic Force of the Ancillary of Ker’nor upon order of Arzota Des’Nox. If the individual in question wishes to dispute any claims, or charges placed against him, he will be allotted an audiance in two elven days(31st of July) to appear before the Council of the Ancillary to plead his case.
         To address Elder Cuthalion’s Warhawk brethren, the Ancillary urges you to see that justice be carried out for the betterment of the Mali’ker as a whole. 
    Let your elder serve as an example to future generations of ‘ker.
         If the Elder Cuthalion is not to appear in two elven days of this notice’s posting, he is to be considered an enemy of the state with all honor stripped of his name, no better than mori nor mutant.
    -Lord of Law, Arzota Des’Nox
  7. Ive been throwing this around in my head for quite some time: Evocation.

    But first a cake metaphor. Cheesecake is a very simple cake, creme-cheese, eggs, sugar, etc. Though it takes time to learn how to make the base by heart, after everything is said and done you can start to experiment. With the same base, you can add cherry, lime, chocolate, hell even coconut if you're feeling weird. Often times it'll turn out the same way, and if it doesn't, only minor adjustments to baking time and proportions are ended.


    Evocation is cheesecake.


    This clicked somewhere between year 1 and 1.5 of studying Fire Evocation on Arzota. The connection to the void for an evocationist is a simple one if the mage in question has already mastered an element (here we have the base). Lets take fire for an example in our case, each aspect of the flame is a different ingredient the mage must learn to play with, heat, light, smoke and so on. In studying to master an element an evocationist also learns a great deal of spacial awareness (finesse in making a cake), which can be used to summon their chosen element anywhere from the palm of their hand, to a solid 15-30 ft away if they're experienced.

    At such a point, the mage has already mastered the coercion of the void, generating elements and forcing them into reality, and for most this is fine. Yet now lets think if a mage were to wish to spread out in sub-types. Say a fire evocation had began doing experiments with flame's effect on air currents and wished to replicate such things, The mage would but need to learn the nuances of the element, or even a simple effect of evocation they already know how to bring into the world (heat and smoke for example).

    With logic in hand, this would ensure the mage needs but study for at most a few years (IG)  before becoming proficient in what could be another subset of an element... By this point you see where this is going, with a basic understanding of the mechanics of evocation, a master mage wouldn't be limited to one element and have to undergo the same process entirely over again for the study of another subtype, thus I propose this:

    Instead of having players allow their characters learn at the paces of:

    • Fire Evocation (6months)
    • Water Evocation (6months)
    • Air Evocation (6months)

    Turn the process instead to something akin to:

    • Fire Evocation(12months) 
    • Water Evocation (3months)
    • Air Evocation(3months)
    • (ETC with decreasing power exponential to type learned)

    This would make the learning process and time for the initial evocation much more involved and rp intensive, where each following period of study would add that element to a mage's repitoir at a proficent level. Of course magic rules would still apply, the more elements a mage dabbles in, the more they'll be burdened in terms of power, but that's enough of my rant.

    Tl;dr: Increase learning time for first evocation magic, greatly reduce time for each following evocation, evocation is cheesecake.

  8. Amendments to Ancillary Edicts and Laws


    (10.1.1) Daevion'lyr vs The Ancillary of Ker'nor

    Upon basis provided by the trial of Daevion'lyr vs The Ancillary of Ker'nor, an amendment to the Edict of Fortification Standardization(10.1) is hereby made:
    4). The Ancillary of Ker'nor does not recognize unions of Mali' kind where one participant is under the age of 40(forty), and the other is more than 30(thirty) years older. Once over the age of 40(forty), Mali'ker have free right (within aforementioned guidelines) as to who they choose as a mate.
    Punishments in violation of Amendment 1.1 to the Edict of Fortification Standardization:
    4). Punishments for this crime take two forms, either immediate execution of both parties involved, or the forced union and work of both parties involved for no less than 30(thirty) years. Any violation of union or infraction of law by either party for this time will result in the immediate execution of the violator, and the exile of the surviving partner along with any family that may have been accumulated.

  9. Edicts of the Ancillary


    (10.1) Edict of Fornication Standardization

    The Ancillary of Ker'nor currently reserves three stipulations to the relations of what which Mali'ker may hold whilst under the Ancillary's protection of law and corporal being.
    1). The Ancillary of Ker'nor and associated entities herein define (for the citizens of Ker'nor of Mali'ker descent), baring exceptions1 made by the state, that no Mali'ker is to copulate, or form a union with a member of the Mali'aheralrace, or any non-elf.
    2). As per recent events, the Ancillary of Ker'nor officially prohibits excessive public displays of affectionin public areasof Ancillary lands. Such aforementioned displays of affection are more than welcome in a private setting5.
    3). The Ancillary of Ker'nor reserves the right to deny any Mali'ker marriage or acknowledged civil union to another party of varying race until the aforementioned Mali'ker has provided 2(two) children or additional citizens to the state6. At such a point, the Mali'ker in question is free to do as they please7 within reason.
    Exceptions to the law are to be ordained only by either the Lord of Law, or Arbiter of the Archonic Force. Even then, stipulations may be held to preserve Mali'aheral purity standards.
    2 A Mali'aheral in the eyes of the Ancillary of Ker'nor is a full blooded Mali' whose parents are confirmed to be full blooded Mali'aheral. Half-breed Mali'aheral are to be treated as a different race for the sake of this law.
    3 Excessive displays of affection are defined by the Ancillary of Ker'nor to include but are not limited to:
    • Full body snuggling
    • Excessive physical contact below the waist
    • 'Kisses' where one or more participants must 'come up for air'
    • Any sexual act
    • Any form of biting, nibbling, licking, etc
    A member of the Archonic Force of rank Adherent or above may determine if a display of affection is 'Excessive' in nature.
    4 Public areas are defined by the Ancillary of Ker'nor as areas not blocked off in any fashion within Ancillary lands where one or more passersby may accidentally walk through.
    5 Private areas are defined by the Ancillary of Ker'nor as areas blocked off from public eyes either by door, stone, iron bars, or other means of denying entry.
    6 An alliterative to providing children to the Ancillary of Ker'nor is to coerce or convince two or more Mali'ker of at least half-breed origin to live within Ancillary lands and acknowledge themselves as citizens.
    7 If any half-breed children are generated from a union between a full-blooded Mali'ker and a member of another race, they are to be treated as a half-breed in terms of race, yet a citizen of the Ancillary with full Mali'ker rights for the sake of persecution and benefits.
    Punishments for violation of the Edict of Fornication Standardization:
    Punishments are determined on a case by case basis. Violations of this edict are considered extremely heinous in nature, and are to be treated with the utmost scrutiny.
    Commentary from the Lord of Law
    "Please stop f*****g on the grass, I had to write section two because of two people and two people alone. For the sake of my sanity, the innocence of the children, and the health of the grass, just stop."


  10. Laws of the Ancillary




    (1.1) Pertaining to Social Deviance:

              The Ancillary of Ker'nor defines social defiance threefold.
    1). Social deviance may be demonstrated through (the dying of) one's hair. This encompasses not only the style one's hair might be worn in, yet further the pigment and tone presented. Unacceptable pigments of hair encompass a wide spectrum, any citizen may question an Ordinator or above who will provide examples of such things. As a rule of thumb, any color which cannot (by nature) by presented in the hair of a Mali'ker will be considered unnatural. Exceptions are to be made on a case by case basis by the Arbiter.
    2). Social deviance may be demonstrated through (any) unnecessary display of skin 1. Necessity is to be determined by those of Archonic force, rank Ordinator or above. As a rule of thumb, if the section of body being displayed would incur unnecessary attention drawn to it, or makes one (male or female) overly sexualized in appearance, the skin being shown is unlawful.
    3). Social deviance may be demonstrated through (any) association with guilds, organizations, or gatherings of people(s) of what ever race with dark intentions 2. One who suspects another of such affiliation is to report to an Adherent or above with this information, before legal action be enacted upon the party accused.
    Skin which displays scars or tattoos containing significance to (or) pertaining to tribal or clan affiliation are allowed under Ancillary Law and are encouraged to be displayed.
    Dark intentions are defined by the Ancillary of Ker'nor as the wishing or en-action of harm upon another, (Non-State-Sponsored) planned or enacted disruption of any organized group, and further any action which may disrupt the belief system or continued peaceful existence of the Ancillary of Ker'nor.
    Punishments for varying degrees of social deviance (in ascending order of severity)
    1). Warning, Shaving of One's Head, Enforcement of a 'helm of shame', Public lashing
    2). Warning, Enforcement of State Provided Robes, Public lashing
    3). Death by Execution. 

    (2.1) Concerning High-Profile Conflict1

              Under supervision of the Archonic Force 2 conflicting parties are to be tested against one another in a battle of honor to first blood 3. The winner of such a conflict is declared by the Ancillary of Ker'nor to be in the right, in terms of the contested situation 4. Those who violate this both cultural and lawful guideline are to be tested at the hand of the law, with punishment resulting in no less than a number of lashes proportional to the severity (of the dishonor) committed by one or more individuals, or parties.
    High-Profile Conflict is defined by the Ancillary of Ker'nor as conflict, (Physical, Logical, or Political) between two parties as either individuals or groups. NB. If groups are in a state of High-Profile Conflict, 1 (one) representative may be elected by the groups presented to participate in conflict resolution activities.
    In this circumstance, Archons of the rank of Ordinator and above need be present.
    Battle will be carried out with wooden implements sharpened to code by a member of the Archonic Force of rank Adherent or above. Battle will be carried out to first blood, and is to be called to an end immediately thereafter. Failure to do so will result in punishment, and an automatic forfeit of an honorable victory.
    The contested situation may be overturned in favor of the opposing party with a 3/4 vote of a council consisting of Arbiter, Lord of Law, Mistress of Jubilation, and Master of Commerce. If any one member is involved in the conflict, the rest will hold a vote without the implicated party. If 2 parties of the voting council are involved in High-Profile Conflict, there will be no way to overturn such a decision determined by conflict resolution.
    5The contested situation may at any time be overruled by the standing Lord of Law.
    Punishments for Violation of protocol in pertinence to High-Profile Conflict:
    1). Punishments range on a case by case basis. The least punishment given may be the detaining of a belligerent for a set number of hours decided on jointly by a member of the Archonic force and Lord of Law.

    (2.2) Concerning Affairs of the Archonic Force

    A list of members of The Archonic Force of the Ancillary of Ker'nor (defined from rank(s) Initiate to Arbiter), may be obtained through direct questioning (be it through formal written notice or otherwise) of an individual of rank Ordinator or above, or viewing of public records. The members of this force: by citizens, mercenaries, and non-citizens alike, are to be treated as an absolute authority in pertinence to cases of:
    • Civil Dispute
    • Marital Conflict
    • Handling of Criminal Activities/Behaviors
    • Nationalization of Property
    • Acquisition of Resources from Surrounding Lands
    Extenuating circumstances may allow for this absolute authority to be overridden. These cases are exclusively reliant upon the word of the Arbiter, who may grant permits to a group, or individual, which allow the temporary authority of Archonic Force.
    Punishment for Interference of Archonic Affairs:
    1). Punishments range on a case by case basis. The least punishment given takes the form of a verbal warning, where the most severe is to be limited to exile of an individual.

    (2.3) Concerning Freedom of Speech

    The Ancillary of Ker'nor as a whole welcomes separate viewpoints to current events along with constructive criticism towards individuals (in leadership position), along with their actions. No citizen is to be denied their freedom to express a socially appropriate 2 opinion, fact, or question in public areas.
    The Ancillary of Ker'nor defines the criticism of individuals to be (appropriate) when the name of aforementioned individual is not being slandered, defamed, or their actions condemned  without proper trial carried out under the watch of the Lord of Law. The arbiter may override this stipulation at will for himself, or any citizen of the Ancillary.
    2 The Ancillary of Ker'nor defines 'appropriate' in the field of: opinions, facts, questions, statements, and so on as (any) one of the aforementioned list which does not threaten the stability of the Ancillary of Ker'nor, nor any other sovereign state supported by the Ancillary. Any questions on such a statement may be passed through a member of the Archonic Force of rank Ordinator or above. Confirmation will be provided within the elven day as to whether the aforementioned statement(s) are harmful to Ancillary interests.

    -With all punishments, trails shall be held per offence with the Lord of Law presiding, and having ultimate say over the punishment delivered.
  11. kdLwxpy.png



    Nothing is perfect. 
    This, is something that all elves have, and must understand before reaching their full potential. As it was said in history, 'If you ever find yourself on the majority side, stop, and reflect', and thus all Mali' must, when things are going too smoothly. That, is the basis on which these amendments, edicts, and new laws come to fruition.

    - Excerpt of The Journal of Arzota Shadeleaf

  12. the_dark_mountain____by_ash_3xpired-d60a
    With a muffled ‘thud’, your boots are the first thing to hit the ground, the stark silence of the air around you a departure from the crashing waves of the bay. With every breath you begin to realize the absolute hostility of the land, humid overtones masking an air thick with soot and permeated with heat. This land was one of ash, where monotones and faded color dominate a landscape paying homage to the great mountain king, presiding far in the distance as an omnipresent monolith.
    This land was not one for any sane man... however elves are a different story.
    The Land of Flame
              Of all races of elves the Mali’ker, or dark elves, have been the most constant in their choice of habitat, underground grottos and citiscapes dotting history with unyielding regularity. This is all well and good yet, as with all things, time is bound to make her changes. The most recent change for the Mali’ker comes as an exodus from the caves into the light of day, something that sits uneasily with many.
              Nevertheless, Vailor presented a challenge for the Mali’ker, their land set beneath a volcano in a somewhat arid climate. Instead of running to the plains, or making a home in the forests, leadership instead has embraced this flaws to form the city of Igne’nor, the Land of Flame. The city init of itself is nothing remarkable, following the formula many nations follow in terms of organization, though what are remarkable, are the natural features and tests pushed on the city.
              The dark elven isles are cursed with a towering mountain of a volcano, it’s effect seen both in the ash-blanketed landscape and felt in oppressive air which haunts the isle. Looking around, one might see the trees and plantlife particularly reflect this sentiment, leaves bleached of color and piles of ash taking the place of where birds nests would usually be seen. The land underfoot doesn't fare any better, ivy and spotty grass struggling to tear through a carpet of ash to catch a glimpse of filtered sunlight. With all of this said, farmers find a haven in the land, volcanic soil and proper grooming allowing great harvests of wheat and carrots.
              Upon entering through the great gates of the city, onlookers are greeted with a people accustomed to the ash. Unlike times past, Mali’ker of this city are clothed head to toe, both male and female often times only showing the face (if that) to prevent any ash from coming into contact with the skin. A common feature of the people of Igen’nor are scarves and masks, particularly useful in the case of ash storms (touched on later), to prevent smoke/ash inhalation and the consequences stemming from it.
    Environment and Threats
              All of the above of course are due to one singular reason, the volcano. The mount itself is far removed from where Igne’nor lay, though close enough so that it’s moodiness is felt throughout the land. Subject to many small eruptions, the volcano often time will send tremors through the land, creating large waves to lap the shore along with it’s iconic ash plumes.
              Due to the density of the ash plumes along with the weight of the debris, nearly all becomes airborne and results in the living conditions of Igne’nor. It is also to be (Side) noted that the inhabitants of Igne’nor have found other uses for this volcano, including but not limited to:
    >Expedient cooking of food
    >Disposal of harmful materials
    >Ritual Executions.
    (Tl;Dr: Volcano is an rp point on darkie isle, very ashy climate, rp accordingly)
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