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Status Updates posted by Ashaelia

  1. Achievement get - Dedicant of the Order

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Song Druid

      Song Druid

      Kalenz, you got Arik's help, not the Druid's :p

    3. Supremacy


      Close enough :P

    4. Dargene


      Nice one :D, Probably see you around the tree then xD

  2. I will be on my way to Elandriel as soon as I can find a guide to show me the way. *Ashaelia holds handmade sign in the middle of cloud temple*

    "In need of guide to Elandriel"

  3. Oh my goodness! Thank you ever so much for the compliment and the warm welcome. I'm fairly happy it turned out like it did. To be quite honest I ended up spending quite a few hours on it, much more than I had anticipated. What with research and revising and general brain-blocks, lol. Thank you very much your words are very encouraging to me that I shouldn't give up on writing.

  4. Ashaelia is currently working on her Asulon Application. Wish this Elven Druid some luck.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gobb'Mar


      I read your application. Pwah, you're amazing!

    3. Ashaelia


      ^.^ Oh! I'm so happy my writing style got accepted. To tell you the truth I was actually a little bit nervous that it might have been lacking in a few points and might get denied for small technicalities, But then I realized that I was doing that "I'm my own worst critic" sort of thing and loosened up a bit. Yay! I can't wait to start >.> So Excited! And Thank You Thank you everyone for the input and warm welcomes!

    4. Dargene


      :3 No problem Glad to see someone who takes the time and effort to work on their application, Not just a quick 10 or so minutes.

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