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Posts posted by whiteoak123

  1. For the humans, they're giving simple ores, with the addition of a new 1.8 stone variant, and clay. Clay is often sought by every brewer on the server, can be used for decoration, and can expand RP for humans by enforcing a trade policy, this increase in RP due to the uniqueness of each nations mine makes mining fun, worthwhile, and trade between every nation. For sake of normal players getting the minerals they need if they really want to mine without going to their main nation mines, there can be generic mines which only offer stone, coal, iron, gravel and gold in reduced percentages, which give players still a way to gather the resources they need (at a cost which will hopefully encourage them to go to the main mines) while not having players deface the natural beauty of the open world.

    P.S.S. Telanir, this isn't to shorten the amount of resources found, the numbers can be toyed with, and the resources can be toyed with, it's simply the idea that has to live on.

    If nations charge to get into mines, which will happen with this system, what about the new players who have nothing? The prices will raise to get into the mines as 4.0 continues onward, eventually costing quite a bit, which new players do not have. With the Nexus Craft plugin, creating items already takes quite a long time, limiting what can be made, why also limit the raw material itself? Lastly, nations do not need more money, look at /money top, 4/5 of those players are very high up one of the 4 major nations. They do not need any more source of income, them make plenty as it is. 

  2. From what I remember, mining on LoA wasn't too bad until iron was made less durable than stone.


    But, yeah, this seems a good system, and I'm certain fairly simple things could be written up for kha and halflings.


    Edit: Actually, I thought about it. The abundance of basic plate, or just straight iron armor has made things annoying. Everyone from peasant to King has full plate, and it's really sorta annoying. In the future I'd like to see iron become less of an abundance and force nations to use chain and leather to supply their levies, and maintain the importance skilled knights and soldiers by distinguishing them on the battlefield with full plate.


    This was tried a little bit ago along with nexus, but eventually it sort of wavered away for whatever reason.


    PVP default is why Iron Armor needs to be available to everyone. If a bandit manages to get Iron Armor, and a sword, he can run around on the roads, and rob people, call PVP default, and kill them easily, because only a few get Iron Armor, rather than everyone.


    Take that into account that if the server refreshes the mines every 2 months, the maximum we'll see is around 600 diamonds a year and no more, IF the mines are picked to the bone. I alone can't make this decision, and that's something the Admins will obviously have to discuss.


    The problem with this, is after 2 weeks, at most, the mines are going to be empty, completely picked to bone, and the entire nations supply of ores are going to be gone, with the ores being horded by players, because they know they cannot get any more. New players will not be able to get any ores, because they are all gone by the time they join, causing them to quit. With the current system in the fringe, everyone is able to mine, whenever they want, where they want, and for how long they want, because they know that the ores will still be there whenever they want/need to mine. When the mines are reset after a certain period of time, everyone will flock to the mines, to gather ore to store until the next reset time, and those unable to mine that day, will find the mines barren, with small amount of ores. 




    Jistuma you could just have a check-in point where there's a door that is locked to everyone but those who have a mining permit for that region, like a door that is locked to all but those given permission to enter, and beyond that door lies the TP to the mining world. That way the nation itself controls who enters and who doesn't, along with the encouragement to seek out someone who can give you permission, and the continued monthly payment to use the mines, best of both worlds.



    What about those who chose to play evil characters, such as the Necromancers, Dread Knights, Pirates, or other various bandit clans. Nations will refuse to let them into the mines, and they will have zero source of ore, with the only way to get it is to call PVP default on other players coming from the mines, who haven't had a chance to create armor yet. The maximum these players will be able to get directly is leather armor, with stone swords. The same goes for those who are the enemies of the nation. There will also be less evil from third parties, because they risk a way to gather ores and get items, the basis of minecraft.

  4. Overall, it was ok. The way you were infected wasn't the best or creative, and just led to trolling by randomly punching people. The masks only protecting you 45% of the time was a good idea, however because you can endlessly be punched led to them being useless. Next time there is a plague, if those two things were changed, it would make the experience much more enjoyable. 

  5. MC Name: whiteoak123

    Character Name: Karin Ker

    I want my character to be turned into a Dread Knight (Y/N): Yes

    I want to become apart of your group because: I wish to become join the dread knights because I wish to expand my roleplay and experience different types of it. The Dread Knights sounds very unique and extremely fun to roleplay. I RPed with a Dread Knight quite a while ago, but it was extremely fun, Dread Knights being evil is a bonus, as evil Roleplay can be more fun to everyone involved, if it is done right. 

    What can I bring to this group?: I can bring fun RP to the group of dread knights, and fun RP to other people involved, and keep the high RP quality the dread knights have. I can also bring neat event ideas, participate in events, giving the Dread Knights more of a presence, and do anything needed, both IC and OOC.

    Can you play nice, and be willing to sit down with someone and explain something politely and cooperatively if something goes wrong, or someone is confused? : Yes

    Time zone: PST (Southern California)

  6. OOC


    MC Name: whiteoak123


    Timezone: PST




    Name: Ahern Ayla


    Race (And clan, if Dwarven): Elf


    Do you swear never to betray the guild and its secrets? If so, do you recognize the punishment for this offence is severe?: I do


    Do you swear to abide the laws of our host Kingdom of Urguan and follow its laws, and not to do anything with malicious intent to it and its members?: I do

    Reason for joining (Make this a paragraph):

    I wish to unlock the secrets of alchemy. For years, alchemy has interested me, but finding a teacher proved, difficult. I wish to use the secrets to better myself and the lives of others with various potions created with alchemy. Alchemy to me, is mystery, and I wish to unravel the mystery of it. I wish to study alchemy to help those that need it, by providing potions that benefit them, or cure ailments. 

  7. ((MC Name)): whiteoak123


    Name: Ceru'Fiyem


    Race: High Elf


    If you're married, your spouse's name: Not Married


    Where you are living: A house outside of Malin


    Age: 53


    Any notable health concerns: I have a redstone eye.


    Military position, if any: None


    Occupation: I am a miner currently.


    Dependents: I live alone


    Any other notes: None

  8. Name ((and MCname)): Ceru'Fiyem (whiteoak123)


    Age and race: 53, High Elf


    Motives for Joining: Ceru'Fiyem is attracted to power, he also wants revenge on those who follow the other gods, for what he endured in his past. He is impressed with Setherien's power, along with the Harbinger, and has been convinced that it would be in his best interest to follow the god. 


    Do you wish to get blessed? ((If yes, you are agreeing to the above OOC statements of blessing.)): Yes

    ((If you betray the Scourge and are caught, do you agree with a PK’ing clause? You don’t have to answer yes.)): Yes


    Copy this as well please:


    (I do not play a character that is actively fighting against the scourge. If my character intentionally betrays the Scourge and is caught, or is expelled due to IC actions, I agree with a loss of IC information clause. This meaning that my character will forget all information about the Scourge, and that all books and documents that my character had written for himself about them will be destroyed or did not exist.): 

  9. MC Username: whiteoak123

    Rp Username (be sure to include the correct prefix, look up on info thread): So'Rajah

    Character Skillset: Basic archery, swordsmanship and stealth, and a sharp mind.

    Appearance (age, SUBRACE, gender): So'Rajah is a 46 year old male Kah'Pantera with a sharp mind and try's to convince people to do what he wants,

    Personality: So'Rajah is a hard working, sharp minded warrior, who wants to keep himself out of trouble. He is loyal to his friends and will turn in his friends if they commit a major crime and deserve punishment. He works to build his body and make his mind sharp as he searches for his calling in life.

    Please include a short bio of your character's life: So'Rajah was born in the empire like most of his kind, and he was just a normal kharajyr, born in the city, raised in a normal house full of worker bee's in a big city, however by the age 15, his parents had seemed to stop caring, they got into trouble with the law, They were stealing, and eventually had committed murder, and they were sentenced to exile, So'Rajah was sent to a group home, as it was decided his parents were unfit to raise him successfully. He tried to live a normal life, studying and working for money. He worked hard, taking jobs to ventured into the wild and gathered supplies. One day while he was on his way to take up a job offer, he noticed a sign saying "Weapons and stealth training, only 100 Midas per class." Once he returned from the job, he used the money to take 3 classes, Stealth, bow and swordsmanship. He would spend his money on that, for the next 6 months until he was decent at it, enough to practice and teach himself more. After that he kept working and saved his money for a rainy day. On his way to another job, he saw a sign with a bounty of $10,000 for the head of an elf, What So'Rajah didn't read was the part that the wind had blown up, it read "WARNING: Highly dangerous Mage, Do not hunt alone" He decided to look while on his job. Unfortunately, he wasn't the only one interested in the bounty, While he was gathering supplies for his job, he heard a scream, then silence. When he went to investigate, he saw the body of a kharajyr bounty hunter, then a mysterious elf commented "Well Well Well another bounty hunter is it? You shouldn't have come after me" So'Rajah had drawn his sword, and was about to charge the elf, but before he could get a swing, the elf shot a spell at him, hitting him square in the chest, wounding him horribly. The elf then left, leaving So'Rajah for dead. So'Rajah had only enough energy to crawl to the outskirts of the city, then he blacked out. He awoke 2 days later in the infirmary, The only thing he remembered was the elf, and the magic he had casted to wound him so badly. He wanted revenge, and he would do anything to achieve it. So'Rajah started looking for a magic teacher, in his spare time, but had no luck. He eventually went back to work, doing what he knew best, then practicing his combat skills in his free time.

    Character's ambitions: His goals are to become proficient in magic, and rise in the kharajyr military, eventually becoming a Royal Guard of the emperor.

    _---Situational Rp Questions---_


    As you travel through the Karakatuan jungle, you spot a human trespassing on your nation's lands. He approaches you, obviously distressed, and asks for any food, water, or shelter that you can provide, then tells you that he has been lost in the area for days without any proper supplies. How do you react?:

    So'Rajah will sneak up behind the ape and pull out So'Rajah's bow. So'Rajah will Attack with his bow, aiming above the Apes head, scaring him away, So'Rajah would then run and tackle the fleeing Ape, taking his valuables, in turn, dropping a piece of bread on the man, then telling him to leave, or that arrow wont miss.


    As you romp through the lands of the "apes", you come across a tavern. Inside this tavern, a Dwarf notices you and starts gawking at you, then begins to speak.

    "Oi! I gots a bowl of cream for you, Kitty! Ha! I'd bet you would make a nice throw rug, wouldn't ya, ya mangy furball?!"

    He continues act generally as racist as possible. What do you do?:

    So'Rajah will pull his blade, and taunt the ape into charging him. So'Rajah then dodges the apes attack, and tripping then pushing the ape onto the ground, with his sword on the apes throat, and then comment "You should not taunt a kitty with a bowl of cream Ape." Remarks So'Rajah in a sarcastic tone. So'Rajah then will stab the ape in the leg, and leave.


    One of your fellow Kharajyr and a close friend of yours comes to your dwelling in the middle of the night and begins to pound on your door. After you let him in, he confesses to killing another Kharajyr over a slice of cake. What do you do in response?

    So'Rajah would tell his friend he has dishonored himself, and his family. So'Rajah would stike his friend with his claws across his face, making it look like the dead man put up a fight, then escorting his friend to the palace, and the guards, not looking his friend in the eye.

    Do you swear to follow the Tlatlanni and uphold his law, and do you swear to hold Metztli and all of her actions as sacred? So'Rajah do

    Please include a screenshot or 3D render of your character's skin

    NOTE: This is a temporary skin until someone can make me a proper skin, as I cannot make a skin for my life


  10. Out-Of-Character Details

    Minecraft Account Name: whiteoak123

    How old are you?: 15

    Time-Zone/Country of Residence: USA, California

    Do you have a good grip on English grammar and the English language?: Yes

    Have you had any previous experience in roleplaying?: Once on a tiny Roman RP server in 1.7.3.

    Have you read and understood and agree to the rules?: Yes

    How did you hear about the Lord of the Craft?: Minecraft forums

    Link any previous applications you have made to the Lord of the Craft: NA

    Have you posted this application on Minecraft Forum? If not, post it here: Yes http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/832121-the-lord-of-the-craft-enter-the-world-of-asulon-o-f-f-i-c-i-a-l-l-y-t-h-e-n-o-1-r-p-s-e-r-v-e-r-100-unique-gameplay/! :


    In your own words, define what the act of roleplaying is: Roleplaying is playing a person in a game where you control it and essentially create it from scratch, giving your self attributes, both good and bad.

    In your own words, define what the act of meta-gaming is: Meta Gaming is using information gained out of character and your character would not know normally, in character to gain an unfair advantage over someone else,

    In your own words, define what the act of power-emoting is: when you do something in RP without giving the victim a chance to respond, rendering yourself in control of the events or what the outcome is. EX: John walks up to Joan. John kills Joan. John loots Joan.

    In-Character Details

    Character Name: Taral Mortah

    Character Race: Dark Elf

    Character biography - Make this at least 2 paragraphs long, which must explain your character’s history, appearance, personality, age and any other details you deem necessary: Taral Mortah is a 70 year old Dark elf who prefers to follow his own directions, rather than instructions from his piers unless it is mandatory.

    What are your characters ambitions?: My characters ambitions are to become a master mage then join the military and become a respected leader.

    Please provide an in-game screenshot of your skin here:



    Is there anything else you would like to say about your character: Taral Mortah is closely fiercely loyal and kind to his family and any race, even if he does not know who the person is, He is 200 years old. He was born in the wilds as his parents did not know he was ready to be born. they spent 4 months, inching toward the nearest elven city, which unfortunate for Taral, happened to be a High-elf city. As he grew up, people rejected him, they forced him to do hard labor gathering stone and wood because in the high-elf's eyes, he was inferior. He was always blamed for everything in the schools, but he kept at it until he had a sharp mind and with all the labor, he had a decent body, he was doing the dirty, but necessary work needed to survive.. He learned to tolerate and control his anger after years and years of harsh treatment. One day, he met a kind High-elf that was looking to hire him. When he realized how he was being treated, he changed his views on the people, he had learned not to judge a person by their race, no matter what.

    While he was working on the job for the kind elf, he heard a large explosion and numerous screams. He immediately dropped his pickaxe and ran to see what it was, when he saw what it was, he couldn't believe what he saw, a group of 5 bandits had attacked a dark elf and he finish them without getting touched. Taral was about to ask the man where he learned to do that, but he looked a way for a second and the elf was gone. he finished the job and went back to the life he knew.

    Many years later, he left to find a dark elf city to live in, and he found one. Instead of working hard labor, he joined the guard for 5 years and learned basic survival and became proficient with a sword and bow. He preferred a sword, but he could shoot a bow. He eventually grew tired of guarding and the city itself, so he decided to go live in the wilds, alone, in solitude. He worked hard, only returning when he had to purchase the necessary goods to survive in the wild. He had nearly forgotten about that incident with the mage, but when a lone mage crossed his path one day, it became crystal clear in his mind, and he thought about attempting to become an apprentice mage, but before he could decide, the mages were gone.


    Each question here must be answered with a minimum of one full paragraph, and detail the scene you are given in the way it would happen in roleplay. These questions should be answered in first person. Be detailed, not short.

    Upon entering the Mighty Human City of Arethor, you come across a shop-keeper calling out to sell his wares to passers-by. The shopkeeper is not a Human, he is a poor dwarf looking to make a living in a new city. What is your response?

    As I saw him, I would walk up to him and ask to browse his wares. Regardless of what he has, I would ask how his business was. I would ask him if he would like to abandon the city and his shop to join me in the wilds, away from the judgmental people of the city. I would convince him by reminding him of his failing business and seeing that he is new to the city, the shopkeeper does not have any ties to the city keeping him in the city.

    You’re wandering the Oren Road late at night, when a large Orc begins to threaten a nearby dwarf. There is no help nearby, and the situation looks like it will escalate into violence soon, what does your character do?

    I would walk up to the orc and stand in front of the dwarf, protecting him from the Orc. Then I get in his face and antagonize him. After we exchange insults, I challenge him to a duel to the death. Using experience as a guard, I would swing for his stomach. If he gets on his knees and begs for his life, I would tell him to stand up and die with honor, not as a coward. Regardless of what he does, I would end his life with a blow to the neck. If he refuses to give up like a true Orc, I would avoid his swings until I see an opening and strike savagely until he is dead. Regardless of the outcome, I would then return to the dwarf, smile and be on my way.

    Whilst walking down the road to Malinor, you stumble upon an old man. His walking stick , looks weak and frail, and just as you are about to ask something, the stick breaks, and the man falls to the ground. As he falls down, a bag of Minas falls to the ground, and splits open. As you watch the multiple coins spill out, you peer down at the defenseless man. What does your character do?:

    I would help the man gather his belongings and ask where he is traveling. Regardless of where it is, I would accompany him to his destination as an armed escort for free, As we travel, I would constantly strike conversations, becoming friends with the man. When we arrive to the destination, I would ask where he currently lives so I can visit him later. Once he has replaced his stick and his bag is repaired, I would take my leave. The last thing I would say before leaving is "Remember, you owe me now" then I would leave.

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