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Genni Isralker

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About Genni Isralker

  • Birthday 11/18/1995

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  1. My face... 'Tis red with nervousness.

  2. My face... 'Tis red with nervousness.

  3. My face... 'Tis red with nervousness.

  4. Oi, the app team... They're toying with my emotions!

  5. Oi, the app team... They're toying with my emotions!

    1. Slic3man


      It is Halloween.

    2. Genni Isralker

      Genni Isralker

      Uh... i know that... I'm just excited to see how my first app goes. Flippin nervous...

    3. Genni Isralker

      Genni Isralker

      Uh... i know that... I'm just excited to see how my first app goes. Flippin nervous...

  6. I hope I did the application right... the spacing with the colour codes confused me a bit, to be honest.

  7. I hope I did the application right... the spacing with the colour codes confused me a bit, to be honest.

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