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- Aether VIP -
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Status Updates posted by LPT

  1. Random Photo for your viewing pleasure!

  2. Oh gawd. When will Movember end!!!

  3. Congrats everyone.

  4. Feed my fat habbits. I need skittles and could win them if you watch this video. http://getskittlesrich.com/watch/me3Wlzn2-_8

  5. Had to do a Wisdom collage for Religion class so I added LoTR Star Wars and Winnie-The-Pooh... http://gyazo.com/e7a6156dc9da489e536bdebe52fb2a11

  6. Magic leak from Telanir himself. Throw sticks and fireworks everywhere.

  7. *hears a slight noise* My computer!.... It was not my computer. :/

  8. After watching 'The Empty Child' episode on Dr. Who I will never be the same... *Shudders*

  9. It's almost 12:00 am and my download speed is sub 1mb.... The company I am with thanks that ISP stands for internet **** provider

  10. Don't forget to check out LoTC's offical Tumblr. thelordofthecraft.tumblr.com

  11. Damnit server unstableness

  12. A status with so many comments bugs me so this is my status to make remove of it.

  13. I'm about to rip the head off of a bunny rabbit... I just wanna play LoTC!

  14. Bow down to the all mighty... Me!

  15. http://www.redbubble.com/people/jexdane Vegitable assassins.. What more do you want?
  16. Wow. One post made so much stir. Still never fail to amaze me Chivay... GG

  17. Wow, this Teamspeak is so fun. (Cyber king did not force me to say this)

  18. Help a LoTCer out. Upvote this to help me become a real life Knight. http://imgur.com/gallery/2zhEXcd

  19. Help a LoTCer out. Upvote this to help me become a real life Knight. http://imgur.com/gallery/2zhEXcd

  20. Litterally every Greymane to ever exist rolls in their grave today. :3

  21. Anti spam is too difficult... Whats a castle?

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