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- Aether VIP -
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Status Updates posted by LPT

  1. Any good at making skins? Send me a PM, and we can negotiate a price I can pay (It's a Dread Knight Skin)

  2. I'm so tired, I'm fallign asleep in my chari but I need to do this project for green industries...

  3. grr so bored, grr. grr

  4. *Insert prayer to Jesus*

  5. Oren is similar to Medieval Europe.

  6. My status about improper transparency was silently removed... A bit Ironic if you ask me.

  7. Victory for Dread Knightika

  8. The week should fear the month

  9. The week should fear the month

  10. Rest in peace sweet halflings... It was fun rping as, and with you guys. ; ' (

  11. 1.9 shields... So hype

  12. If you've ever dealt with me in RP or OOC and have something to say about me you can leave it in my GM app. :D https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/132742-jaden568s-gm-application/#entry1267130 This will be the only time I plug this app I promise

  13. Anyone here heard of that Angry birds game?

  14. I'm still not sure if I like the new forum or not...

  15. Has this status thing just become facebook? Like if u agree or u will b poor 5 evr.

  16. Someone made an LoTC mod pack again, haven't seen one since like 2.5. Where is the link, I lost it.

  17. Late night mass is begining soon in Felson come join if you want some fun RP

  18. Burk if you're here I'm sorry my dad got on Netflix and internet is now rip

  19. Got some Superlux HD 681 headphones and they are pretty dank. Loving the soundstage

  20. I must say that ban report was very lack luster.... 2/7

  21. How do I update my signature on new forums?


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