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Status Updates posted by LPT

  1. I'm holding mass(church) in 30 minutes at Felsen. I hope you can attend, afterwards I'll be holding confession


  2. Sorry to everyone who showed up to mass with no avail. I had some internet issues. I'll be hosting the mass at 2:00 PM EST now. (7PM GMT) I hope with this large of a notice that many of you can show up so we can have a large, and fun mass! :)

  3. When you have to sell your AWP skin to buy EU IV. :(

  4. I will say Dwarven keeps have been made to withold a siege that's for sure. Looking at the map it's going to be one hell of a time trying to  siege that from almost any angle. One angle is a choke point between trees, the other is a steep hill at water...

  5. These restarts are pissing me off. I have awful internet, and it takes me 5 minutes to log in....

  6. When you need to cite your textbook, but they don't add a published date... : ' )

  7. "Life's a meme, Blaze it" -Abraham "Feel the bern" Washingston 1436

  8. Pops is my new favorite artist, like no over exaggeration. I've been listening to his band's songs and his songs for a few days non stop. 


  9. Can I include memes as an interest/hobby on my resume if I play on LoTC?

  10. I'd like to state that someone's donation status has no affect on why someone gets banned for hacking.

  11. I will say, thank you for makign this TS meeting, even if nothing comes from it it's a start

  12. "I dont care if people enjoy the server all I care about is money" -Aesopian 2016 This is the toxic stuff we don't need

  13. Congrats anyone who got accepted today! You

  14. Don't mind me I'm just gonna beg for some rep to validate my self worth ;)

  15. MASS IS STARTING AT 6:15 EST in Oren capital!

  16. I WOULD LIKE TO REPORT AN ABUSIVE MOD, BEAST : https://gyazo.com/fb11b899ba654ef1371a2706af88a128


  18. How to turn off snowflakes (Only works for one page at a time, have to do it manually, sorry folks):

    Press F12, look for <div class="snowfall-flakes" and spam the delete button untill you see no mroe snowflakes

  19. My belly button looks like Brazil...

  20. My Halfling family's lore is complete now, it's writtren exactly how you'd expect halfling lore to be.

  21. Anyone good at greying hair wanna help an old man out?

  22. Who would win: 8 years of server administration experience VS one laggy boi 

  23. I filled out the app for forum rank. Can I get my aether back, please?

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