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Major Dom

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Posts posted by Major Dom

  1. have 2 agree w/ paradingbull trans and gay people make me sick its a personal thing and its not the people themselves its the actions they take just dont sit right in my tummy! and im not "homophobic" or "transphobic" because im not afraid of them at all im just disgusted by their actions


    also by definition homosexuality and transexuality are mental disorders 

  2. if 2 consenting adults wanna stick their parts in each other in the privacy of their own home i dont care if theyre man or woman tbh gay sex makes me wanna vomit but im not gonna try to tell them they cant when it comes to trans and otherkin **** tho thats just revolting like all three of those things being gay included are mental disorders but at least gay people dont mutilate themselves

  3. Gerald stands and speaks to the synod: "My brothers in faith, I stand before you to announce my intentions as the possible future Pontiff of our most holy church. I believe that I have the experience to lead our beloved church to a new period of devotion and peace. I have prayed for some time and have come to a series of goals that I hope to lead the church, namely an increase in visibility and public sermons as well as more vocations and teaching power of our priests. I know God will do what his best for us all and I pray that he inspires you to do the same." He then writes a vote down on a slip of parchment and hands it to the nearby monk before sitting down.

  4. Here you go:

    • Arcane Evocation: Arcane Evocation is the field/subtype of magic in which the user channels raw magical energy from the void into the physical realm, as opposed to other Evocations such as Fire or Water where the user channels a specified element. When the magical energy enters the world, it takes on the color of the user's aura, which all living things possess and varies from person to person. The energy originally takes the form of "whisps", which can be shaped into virtually any shape the user so desires. However, these constructs of magical energy are very unstable, even in their most focused form. As a result, it cannot be used to make things such as keys or stairs. When the arcane construct is struck by something or strikes something, it explodes into "whisps" of energy and disappear back into the void. Because of the unstable nature of the magic, it can only deal blunt damage in combat, and will shatter and disperse upon contact in nearly all cases. The more focused, solid, or detailed the construct, the more mana it saps from the magic user.
    • Arcane Shielding: Arcane Shielding is similar to Arcane Evocation in terms of the arcane energy and how it is drawn from the void, but it differs in that Arcane Shielding can be used to form barriers and shields as the name suggests (and only barriers and shields). These shields are primarily defensive, and they can only defend against physical attacks such as real weapons or physical magic. They cannot defend against things such as mental magic. However, in a pinch, arcane shields can be used as a very rudimentary bashing weapon, although it will be highly ineffective. Shields follow the same energy-sapping characteristics of Arcane Evocation, in that the larger and more complex the shield (complex as in thickness, if it melds to physical objects, or if it forms a bubble), the more mana is required. When a shield is destroyed, it shatters in a similar fashion to glass.

    Name: Aifric Driscoll

    Age: 27

    Birthplace: Small, destroyed village northwest of Petrus

    Criminal Record: none

    [Mc Name]: Stagger1

    [skype (can send privately)]: none at the moment





    Colombo di Benedetti





    Criminal Record


    [Mc Name]


    [skype (can send privately)]





    As Julian paces through the clean streets of Ambrosa, he notices a small scroll pinned to a door.

    Upon further inspection of the scroll he'd start to mutter to himself.

    "Mhm, the church might need a man like me. I belive Ambrosa is still in need of a priest,.." he smirks for a moment. "Maybe they even require a holy knight." he takes the scroll as he walks off to the local church.

    Name: Ser Julian Matteo Visconti II

    Age: 22

    Birthplace: Ambrosa

    Criminal Record: None

    [Mc Name]: sirchlord

    [skype (can send privately)]: (I have Cracker and Phoenix on Skype already, will send private if required.)




    Name: Fiddle Cottoncabbage

    Age: 33

    Birthplace: Gimblewood

    Criminal Record: None

    [Mc Name]: Toastersaurus

    [skype (can send privately)]: adam.dickbutt




    "Accepted, report to the Bishop of Petrus for further instruction"


    ((Forum PM me to get started))


    Can the original writers of these tomes vouch for you? Or any other accepted teacher for these subtypes?



    this was over a year ago and i can't remember for the life of me who wrote the books (didnt really look at the time??). ive been playing this wizard for over a year and his magic is obviously a staple of his rp, and i have many people (not teachers just people who rpd w/) who can vouch for it.

  7. What is your Minecraft Account Name?: snowshovel


    How long have you played on LotC?: 2.5 years


    How many hours per day/week are you available?: 3-4 hours per day


    Have you read and do you thoroughly understand Magic Lore?: Yes


    What Magic Lore do you hold the most experience with?: Probably Druid first and foremost (actively played a druid for nearly a year), then Arcane (have been actively playing a wizard for over a year), then Golemancy (played a golem for nearly a year as well).


    Give a Summary of any Staff/Lead positions you’ve held on any Minecraft Server in the past: Been a member of the Tech Team for quite a long time, I also spent a few months on the App Team, almost a year on the Event Team, and a few months on the first generation of the Mentors.


    Do you have a Skype account? You may post it here, or choose to keep it private until you are asked for it.  Note; Skype is required to communicate with the team and unless you have an account and the program it you will be incapable of joining the team: Yes, kalameet has it.


    Have you ever receive a Magical Blacklist, if so, please link it: No.

  8. 8th of Amber's Cold, the Year of His Falling 1503

    First Priest: Bishop Gerald of Rosemoor

    Sermon: Sermon on Revelation and Instruction

    Location: Petrus

    Other Clergy in Attendance: N/A


    Summary: Congregation of approximately 3, reading from the Scroll of Gospel on how the descendants of Horen could no longer work the miracle of revelation, and so relied on teaching and instruction, followed by a Sermon on the importance of a proper knowledge of God's Word and the scrolls, and the importance of acting on this instruction.

  9. Jesus guys. Can we stop with the shitposting? We all get you are unhappy. I am not happy with certain things either but just post something constructive about what is going on. We had enough rioting last night and Readicti being asked to take up PR is not her fault. 


    I do think the team needs a different PR person but that is only because I would rather not make Readicti deal with it. I guess this will be a test to see if she gots the chops to stick it out. I assume dealing with PR can be pretty demanding if you are doing your job right and I guess I see someone like Aeto or Raptor or Tau being passionate about it.


    tbf our great lord menarra doesnt seem 2 care about our actual opinions

  10. MC name: Snowshovel

    Character's name and age: Meldur the Blue, 104


    Character’s Race: Human

    What magic/s did you learn?: Arcane Evocation and Arcane Shielding


    Who/how did you learn magic/s?: Magic Tomes over a year ago.


    Offer an explanation of said magic/s you learned: I found Magic Tomes in the middle of Anthos and began to read from them. I learned how to connect to the void from the great wizard Babalouche and learned to hone my skills from the tomes, and then eventually self meditation and practice. After over one elven year I had become particularly skilled and efficient in the magic.

  11. 10th of Snow's Maiden, the Year of His Falling 1503

    First Priest: Bishop Gerald of Rosemoor

    Sermon: Sermon on the Caliphate

    Location: Petrus

    Other Clergy in Attendance: N/A


    Summary: Congregation of approximately 10, reading from the Scroll of Spirit on the admonition to the sons of Harren, followed by a Sermon on the descendants of Harren (Caliphate) and how we are to live peacefully by them for the time being as they pose no real threat.

  12. 4th of Sun's Smile, the Year of His Falling 1502

    First Priest: Father Gerald of Rosemoor

    Sermon: Sermon on Justice, Glory, and Reward

    Location: Petrus

    Other Clergy in Attendance: N/A


    Summary:Congregation of approximately 6, reading from the Scroll of Auspice on the deceivers of Justice, Glory, and Reward. Sermon on the reading and how to avoid such temptation.

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