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Major Dom

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Posts posted by Major Dom

  1. MC Name:




    Real LIFE Age:


    Real life GENDER:


    Character Name(s), Race(s), and age(s):


    iosif, human, 26

    meldur, human, 110
    Why in the world you want to be my son/daughter/grotesque hybrid (explain which character you'd like to play, and why you feel you'd be the best for it):


    bc ud be a swell pop + i feel like being royalty
    Will you be active "af" on this character:


    What video james do you play:


    mount + blade

    the witcher

    dungeon realms

  2. Character Name: Meldur the Blue
    Race: Human
    Run-down of their personality: Kind hearted, old, powerful Wizard!
    Physical appearance: Blue robes with gold trim, small eyes, white hair, white beard, gnarled wooden staff

  3. 1 Why you deserve a model. (Can be silly) This is a must.

    for shits and giggles but not giggles because im a ******* man

    2. Character size. (Height, if they're fatter, etc) Use -ish statements. (Halfling-ish, Orc-ish)

     medium size pmuch

    3. Character pose. (What they're doin' with their booooty body)

    sort of hunched but not a ridiculous amount cuz hes old and ****, uhh like holding a wooden staff in one hand and waving with the other, friendly smile too

    4. Character skin. (The flat PNG file, not a screenshot)




    1. Remove your current leader and replace him with someone who has the skill and capacity to lead you guys OOCly and ICly.
    2. Stop pretending you're some important power in the world. No offense, but the Snow Elves have a small playerbase and an even smaller military force, so talking a big game and bragging about victories just makes large nations angry and annoyed.
    3. Stop fighting people and focus on internal improvements, then make some friends.
  4. i think we should accuse the dwarves of using deadly HACKS most notably the infamous highlighted nameplate hack the secret weapon of some of this worlds most fearsome pvpers it has been known to slay entire armies 

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